While Aryans' communal Vedic Culture provided shelter to every faith, secular Christianity and Islam have annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation might take centuries, but once Christianity and Islam are ascendant they never fail. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. They are after the last partially survived Vedic culture. Generosity of Aryans has become their vice! Salvage Vedic culture. The Indian Constitution has been compiled by the Britons' Congress Party in retaliation and to settle vendetta for opposing British rule.
Our 11 officers are in Jail in Malegaon and other mosque bomb blasts. From their mosques Muslims abuse non-Muslims faiths and deities. These are crimes u/ss 153 and 295 IPC. Sonia is defending our killers. Christianity has annihilated Red Indians of USA. Sonia is here to annihilate you Black Indians.
HJS can't fight this war. If she wishes to survive, help me in freeing our 11 officers to arrest Sonia and save nation.
Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
Email: aryavrt39@gmail.com
Blog: http://aaryavrt.blogspot.com
Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
Read my eBook 'Wary of Sonia on Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com/wary-of-sonia
Christianity and Islam are criminal religions. They are not minorities. Instead we Vedic Panthies are minority among minorities. Protect us to salvage human races.
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture and even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy and get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith and life with dignity?
From: HJS Admin <hjs.pravakta@gmail.com>
Sent: Mon, October 25, 2010 6:32:40 PM
Subject: [hindurevolution] Appeal for All Hindus Unite and subscribe to HJS Youtube Video Channel (Day 20-Update)
Appeal for All Hindus to Unite and subscribe to HJS Youtube Video Channel
Dear Hindu's Namaskaar,
Dhanyavaad to ALL the Hindus who subscribed! Please also add deshbhakta as your friend on youtube.
We're currently at 949 subscribers (as on 22nd October 2010 at 20:00 PM) and need to unite 6,000 subscribers. Please spread the word.
In our continuous effort towards Dharmaseva and Dharmajagruti we are uploading new videos regularly on on our you tube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/deshbhakta?feature=mhum which is the Official channel of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti.We need to have a strong minimun base so that our videos get coverage and visibility. The minimum requirement is also going to ensure that we keep ourselves at bay from threats by extremists and antinationals.
All we need to do is visit our channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/deshbhakta?feature=mhum and have to Subscribe the channel (on top in the centre there is a tab where its written Subscribe). This can be done only when you have logged in your youtube account. If you have a you tube account please login and "Subscribe" to the channel.
Once subscribed please select on "like" of any of the videos (which is called as "rating" the video). There are 198 videos. Each person needs to "like" atleast 10 videos a day.
If you do not have a youtube account then please create one immediately to avoid any delay.
Forward this mail to your friends, share our videos so that we can continue this seva of Dharma and Rashtra.
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