Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Re: [Hindu around the World] INDIA'S REPUBLIC DAY & CONSTITUTION

Dear all including Christians and Muslims,

Think for human races.

Indian Constitution is predator, a pirate, and a terrorist. Its Article 29(1) motivates aids, abets and harbours its Muslim and Christian mercenaries to eradicate Vedic culture through murder and mayhem. If we wish to survive, we have no choice than understanding Democracy, Islam and Christianity. They have dogmas capable of corrupting men to such an extent that they believe plunder, murder, rape of women and conversion sure path to paradise. Human race must note that ignorance of this deception is not tolerance. Acceptance is not compassion. Appeasement will not lead to peace any more than accommodating the suicide bombers, who have ruined world harmony. Over 1.3 billion people are slaves of Islam and over two billion people are wisdom less (Bible, Genesis 2:17) sheep slaves (Bible, Luke 19:27) of Jesus. The word Islam means submission. Allah and his Koran and Jehovah and his Bible Command Muslims and Christians obey prophet, cleric, and king. While Muslims in Islamic nations live with no libertys of thought, speech, press, or religion, the status of Christians is of sheep without wisdom! Unemployment, poverty, and despair run rampant in Islamic countries. Every aspect of a Muslim's life is controlled by Islamic despots, Islamic law, Islamic scripture, Islamic education, and Islamic culture. Women are treated like animals. Allah's Koran gives Muslims the liberty to beat their wives and condones rape of any captive women (Koran 23:6). While every Muslim is indoctrinated with the same message of religious intolerance, racial hatred, and violence in Islam, Christianity is after establishing kingdom of bastard and ghost Jesus. Bible, Luke 19:27. They are being exploited by their dictators and politicians. They hear from media, from their teachers, and clerics and follow them at the cost of annihilation of human race. A collusion of influences, including lust for booty and sex has annihilated truth and shut out wisdom.

Muslims and Jews must thank Vedic culture for their survival. They are alive, because Vedic culture could not be eradicated. No sooner, Vedic culture would be eradicated; Jews and Muslims would be eradicated within short time. This is because of the fact that with all his might the so-called supreme Allah could not supersede Muslims over Christians' population. Even in Science, technology, arms and deception, Muslims are far behind than Christians. 27 Islamic countries could not defeat small Israel. How would they protect themselves from Christians? Now Muslims are scared for the US occupation upon Iraq and Afghanistan. How would they protect their Islamic countries on the face of the commands of Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27). Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing their near and dear. However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women and returned pregnant Muslims' women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights. Do non-Muslims have no human rights? The worst threat is to the women of Aryans and those dictator proletariats, who are neither Muslims nor Christians. It goes to reflect another important stupidity of Muslim (Koran 23:6) and Christian (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) women, who are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race. When would you protect citizens' women on the face of the command of Bible to ravish Muslim women before the eyes of Muslims? (Bible, Isaiah 13:16)

Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
Email: aryavrt39@gmail.com
Blog: http://aaryavrt.blogspot.com
Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
Read my eBook 'Wary of Sonia on Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 7:45 PM, <Rashtra1947@aol.com> wrote:

The British gave India back to their own stooges, the ideal duo to destroy
India "by Constitution" having conquered her by "Sword & Gun" earlier.
One was the "servant of islam" (Gandhi), the other a sworn ENEMY of Hindus
and at the same time a great admirer of foreigners (Nehru).
Barrister Nehru, in particular, knew that to destroy the Hindus he had to
reduce their TERRITORY and NUMBERS and destroy their UNITY and MORALE
(SPIRIT). He would show his contempt of everything Hindu. He would deny them
recognition in public and any mention in Constitution. He would avoid their
company in public, ridicule them, never smile at them, never consult them on
any State matter, never appreciate their genius and achievements but give
key posts to Muslims and Christians. He would take Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
and Edwina Mountbatten for his constant companions while his propaganda
machines described him as a patriot and a great freedom fighter.
In the event when the British left it was Nehru who cried the most,
begging of the Viceroy to stay on in office as Governor General. He gave a
ceremonial send off at Mumbai docks to the last British military unit leaving
India. At the same time he called the Jawans of Indian National Army (INA)
traitors and dismissed them all in disgrace! Any fool could see Nehru's love
of India and our Jawans.
Nehru's Constitution neglected none more than the brave armed forces of
the country who were seen as a symbol of aggression meant to be disbanded in
disgrace under Gandhi's ethos of "Ahimsa Parmo Dharma" after Nehru assumed
the role of moral master of the world. Unconditional surrender of Lahore
and withdrawal from East Bengal were their worst HUMILIATION and the lowest
point of their self esteem, pride and honour. The only victory worth
celebrating by them was turned into shame & disappointment when East Bengal was
returned to the ENEMY after its capture by our Jawans. The army is still
smarting under their previous humiliation through "cease fires" and
inconclusive wars.
Nehru's Constitution was meant to push the Hindus to back row, ensuring
only bad news for them. For this he gave the Muslims free hand to massacre
the Hindus, starting with Noakhali, later West Punjab and finally the
complete extermination of Hindus in North Kashmir. One never saw Nehru sad even
for a second over the rape and abduction of tens of thousands of Hindu
girls whom we regard "devis".
It was, in deed, the extension of the British colonial policy of
suppressing the Hindus in order to continuously demoralise them, Hindu temples,
being Nehru's special target, never got any protection as per Constitution.
Nehru's Constitution was utterly useless with regard to large scale
conversions of Hindus to foreign religions since Partition, that itself was his
deliberate State policy. Thus the Hindus have always been getting bad news
starting with the surrender of territory on historic scale.
Broken and bleeding India began with her DEFEAT at Partition after which
the country emerged in greatly reduced borders. Did anyone see Nehru show
remorse or regret? In fact the clever FOREIGN AGENT NEHRU turned the worst
ever historic defeat and surrender into India's "Independence"!
Operation "Blue Star" (attack on Harimandir Sahib) in Amritsar in June
1984 was the extension of Nehru's policy of weakening the Hindus by
destroying the Sikhs. Indira's propaganda machine described it as her patriotic act
but never mentioned her HIGH TREASON when she returned East Bengal to the
enemy after its capture or when she schemed against the Tamils (of INDIAN
origin) in Sri Lanka who desperately needed "Mother India" for help.
Diaspora in the eyes of Nehru was extension of Hindu India and, therefore,
to be IGNORED or treated with contempt. His Constitution does not
recognise them or extend protection to them in any way. Hindus are as vulnerable in
South Kashmir as in Malaysia.
The litmus test of this Constitution are two words, "KHANS" and "SONIA".
The former reign supreme in Bollywood and the latter reigns supreme in
For the Hindus, both men and women, it is the Constitution "of the enemy,
by the enemy and FOR THE ENEMY." It does not lay down strictly, "No
conversion of Hindus!" and "No conversion of Hindu girls at marriage!"
Indians still laugh & celebrate on January 26th and August 15th every year
but not weep & cry.
The Constitution of India has demoralised the nation to the extent that
the COMBINED "public opinion" of ONE BILLION can neither "show the door" to
the Italian-born symbol of European Reoccupation (Indian version of
Columbus) or try RAJIV, the BOFORS CHOR, in any court of Law.
Because of this treacherous Constitution the HINDUS today are in more
precarious situation in South Asia than before the Constitution was enacted
in January 1950.
Background knowledge of
-Hindu DISUNITY due to centuries of slavery,
-Devastatingly destructive role of Islam and Christianity in ENSLAVED
-Hindus' suicidal inability to provide strong, resolute and inspiring
LEADERSHIP in order to lead them to victory in fight for "Akhand Bharat", and
to ensure the honour and dignity of native womanhood (Italian born Sonia
Maino) and manhood (the Khans of Bollywood).
-The "I am all right, Jack" mentality of the Hindus. It means universal
apathy and detachment towards the suffering fellow Hindus. When West Punjab
and East Bengal were being ethnically cleansed in violence and bloodshed
not one Muslim was "touched" in U.P. and Maharashtra or thrown out of
Kerala and Tamil Nadu. On the contrary, we see Mujahideen from as far afield
as Bangladesh, Pakistan, Somalia and even Chechnya, fighting along side
the local terrorists in South Kashmir. British born Muslims have gone to
Afghanistan to kill the British soldiers. Hindus in Bharat did not teach the
Muslims a lesson when South Kashmir was ethnically cleansed in 1989.
-The nature of "HINDU BASHING" ruling political party,
-The perpetual rule of ONE anti national and corrupt Dynasty.
is an essential pre-requisite to understand this Comment.
The Indian RULING ESTABLISHMENT will "celebrate" Bharat's (Middle India'
s) REPUBLIC DAY on 26th. January. On this date in 1950 her new Constitution
was enacted. Let us expose the COWARDICE and TREACHERY of its writers.
What we call "India" or "Bharat" is in reality MIDDLE INDIA. The
Constitution ought to have stated Pakistan and Bangladesh as Western India and
Eastern India respectively. The Constitution of West Germany did not
accept the division of the country in order to acknowledge the existence of
East Germany.
The last civil war in India (1947) was FOUGHT between the Muslims
(aggressors) and "The Rest." (defenders). The next war too will be fought between
"The Rest" and the Muslims.
Last time the Muslims had full support of the Christians (the British).
The next time, too, the Muslims will have the full support of the Christians
(Italians). What guidance does one get from the Constitution of India with
this regard? Constitution is supposed to be the eyes and ears of a blind
The first tragic thing about the Constitution is that it "stinks" of anti
Hindu bias. And it further "stinks" of TREASON by not mentioning "Akhand
Bharat" to which the whole nation, not only Mr. MK Gandhi & Bandit JL
Nehru, were supposedly committed till the "last drop of blood in their bodies".
Therefore, as per Constitution the blood in India is water that can be
coloured green in Lahore but left pale yellow in Delhi.
The "Vidhan" does not mention the five provinces that were meant to be
integral part of AKHAND BHARAT. They had been surrendered unconditionally-
without referendum, reason, challenge or FIGHT to the indigenous Muslims two
and a half years earlier. The Muslims of India had the "royal" privilege
to move over to the newly created ISLAMIC countries, or stay put back in
India to enjoy full citizenship rights as per Constitution.
No Indian citizenship can buy any property in South Kashmir as per
Constitution. (Article 370).
Two million Indians were massacred and 15 million forcibly expelled from
their ancestral homes. Such an unprecedented large scale exodus had never
before taken place in India's entire history. But it finds no mention in
Constitution showing that the top leaders Gandhi and Nehru regarded the PEOPLE
OF INDIA as Hitler regarded the Jews.
There is no mention of a Memorial to the Holocaust of 1947. The
Constitution does not refer to the slavery of KARACHI and DHAKA while declaring
DELHI independent. The by-products of this Constitution are THREE flags
(Pakistan, Bharat and Bangladesh) flying in the capital of India where a yielding
conceding appeasing, gentle and uninspiring Shrimati occupies Rashtrapati
Bhawan as the Supreme Commander and President.
There had been countless Muslim invasions and continuous occupation of
DELHI since 1192 AD but never were vast areas (one third of India) evacuated
by the HINDUS as in 1947 due to historic collapse by barristers NEHRU &
The Constitution reflects the most humiliating defeat and surrender of
SECULARISM while the leaders claimed to be staunchly committed to secularism.
Obviously, the Constitution regards secularism mandatory only for the
Hindus and the Sikhs but NOT for the Muslims. The Sikh who shouts, "Secularism
to be acceptable in Amritsar has to be RAMMED DOWN THEIR THROATS in Lahore,"
runs the risk of being put behind bars for life.
Here are the main flaws in this Constitution-
1. No mention of the unconditional surrender of Secularism, Do countries
abandon their fundamental commitments so quickly like this?
2. Unconditional surrender of vast TERRITORIES. What is the meaning of
patriotism then?
3. Not defining the Muslims as traitors or separatists at the same moment
when Bandit NEHRU saw the "glow of his own freedom". At the outbreak of
World War 2 all the German and Japanese citizens in America and England
were interned and not released till the end of war. In India the Constitution
declared them to be as patriotic as the loyal Hindus. This was the ugliest
joke on all the people of Bharat.
4. While LAHORE is outside the ambit of this Constitution SRINAGAR is
not. The result? Total loss of tourism and Hindu life and property in extreme
5. Obvious bias against the majority community (the HINDUS) but at the
same time showing excessive concern for the well-being and advancement of the
MUSLIMS, e.g. Hajj subsidies and reservation of jobs.
6. The State of Jammu & Kashmir was conceded special and separate
identity vide Article 370. Nehru desperately needed the violence and unrest there
to take the nation's mind OFF his own treason at partition. That is why he
ordered our advancing troops to stop dead, and not move on, to recover
North Kashmir fully.
7. While India is the fountainhead of true RELIGIONS on earth, something
that was to be celebrated with great joy and pride, the Constitution does
not reflect this at all but treats native and FOREIGN religions at par. In
Ayodhya the Mohammed of Arabia is put above Sri Rama of BHARAT. A
Constitution that does not defend and lift the image of the country's OWN divine
genius is not worth the paper it is written on. For betraying India's own
divine beings, her constitution is a document of national shame. "Gaurav" will
remain a mere word, not a reality.
None of the native Avataras, Rishis and Gurus is mentioned even once in
this Constitution. It ought to have begun with a Shloka in Sanskrit from
Bhagwat Gita.
8. This Constitution gives no direction to ensure that the SUPREME
COMMANDER of MIDDLE INDIA must be a COMMITTED HINDU. A wrong person, a devious
Muslim or Christian can easily occupy this post and ensure the destruction
and defeat of the Indian Army. This Constitution plays with the very security
& survival of the Republic.
9. The Constitution adopted the same flag for the country that belonged
to All-India Congress Party with one change. Instead of "charkha (spinning
wheel) MIDDLE INDIA was to have ASHOKA CHAKRA on its flag. This was a
concession to Dr Ambedkar, a Buddhist, whose disdain of Hindu religion was
similar to that of JL Nehru.
10. Against popular demand for "VANDE MATRAM" as the national anthem the
Constituent Assembly chose "JANA GANA MANA" at the behest of Jenab JL
Nehru, half Muslim himself.
11. What direction, impulse or guideline does this Constitution provide
to the State to ensure the safety of the people of INDIAN origin living
MALAYSIA and AUSTRALIA? Its outlook on the EXPATRIATE Indians is that of a
flock of sheep who passively watch the wolf carrying off one of them for his
meal. In several countries DUAL NATIONALITY is granted automatically as per
Constitution in order to facilitate initiative and travel but NOT in
Having said all this, one can ask, "What should have been a proper
Constitution for MIDDLE INDIA?"
What was a genuinely patriotic HINDU Prime Minister of the newly
independent BHARAT expected to do?
1. Declare Middle India as HINDU RASHTRA if separatist breakaway
countries on EITHER SIDE had to be ISLAMIC. The world sees clear identity of
Pakistan as an Islamic State while India lives on under mongrel Ideology and
expected to remain an unstable country where everyone would fight for own
rights and privileges. Clearly, Secularism to be decent in DELHI had to be
rammed down their throats in LAHORE.
2. The Constitution had to designate the MUSLIMS as "persona non grata"
or "guest workers" like the TURKS in Germany.
3. The Constitution had to spell out clearly that only a COMMITTED &
PRACTISING HINDU could become the Supreme Commander and the Prime Minister, as
also the Governors of the States.
4. A new FLAG had to be designed with NO resemblance with the flag of any
political party.
5. "Vande Matram" had to be the national anthem of Bharat.
6. THE Truncated province of Punjab had to be given a new name to match
REALITY. The new name could be DOAB (Land of Two Rivers) or simply EAST
PUNJAB that rhymes with WEST BENGAL.
7. The Constitution had to stipulate the final date for the closure of
all the seditious MUSLIM universities like Aligarh and Deoband, and sanction
the establishment of HINDU universities, at least one per State.
8. The aspiration to unify the country had to be clearly stated. In the
Constitution of West Germany this was stated in Article 1. The patriotic
Germans did NOT accept two Germanys. Thus any East German escaping to the
West was automatically given the German citizenship and rehabilitated. Such
patriotism and genius was totally lacking in those "mental dwarfs / former
slaves" who framed the Constitution of Partitioned Indian Secular State.
9. The status of the MAJORITY community, the HINDUS, remained as low "as
per Constitution" as it was during the British Raj when the Christians used
to ally themselves with the MUSLIMS- both being foreigners, against the
NATIVE Hindus. Partition itself was the proof of that core "unity of purpose"
of the foreigners and their animosity towards the Hindus.
A Constitution is like the rudder of a ship, small yet powerful enough to
keep the ship on course. The ship called "BHARAT" has a hull that is
leaking on every side. It is sailing on an erroneous course. There is no
provision in Constitution for ejecting the corrupt captain and crew like body
waste. Scoundrels in top families, like Rajiv Gandhi, can get away with
importing brides from abroad, thus degrading native womanhood. There is also no
provision to try and punish goons like BOFORS CHOR and confiscate their
ill-gotten wealth.
The Constitution of India engenders NO loyalty to the country or its
TERRITORY. It proved useless when Indira Gandhi returned our own territory
(East Bengal) back to the ENEMY after its capture in 1972. There was NOTHING
in Constitution to stop her from doing so. She could not be tried for HIGH
TREASON and executed or hanged to death for that crime. In sharp contrast we
see the Constitutions of Pakistan and Bangladesh that prohibit the return
of territory to India under any circumstances.
This "Vidhan" of Bandit Jawaharlal NEHRU does not specify whether the
country's identity is HINDU or MONGREL. In contrast the United Kingdom is a
CHRISTIAN country with her own State religion (Church of England). The
Constitution does not commend ONE LAW FOR ALL. In some parts of Bharat the
Muslims have their own Sharia Law.
The Constitution does not defend the rights and dignity of girls being
seduced, married and CONVERTED. There is NO assurance to the nation that its
Secularism will be guaranteed if the Muslims OUTNUMBER the Hindus due to
disproportionate increase in their numbers. It has NO provision to ensure that
the foreigners do not convert the natives with incentives and rewards.
The Hindu "LION" was put in the cage called "VIDHAN" and continuously
starved. Weak and emaciated, and lacking self confidence and self esteem, it
says to one Abdul Kalam, "Sir, be our supreme commander and you do not have
to be a Hindu," and to one Sonia Maino, "Madam, become our prime minister
and we will also have your son rule us for ever. He may, if he so desires,
bring his bride from Venezuela, Malaysia or Columbia." Where on earth do
we see such despicable COLLAPSE of the whole nation?
The pathetic plight of the Hindus from Kashmir to Kerala is the proof
that the quality of the Constitution that was inflicted on MIDDLE INDIA was
(and still remains) pathetic.
The Constitution of the UNITED States of America has such vigorous and
dynamic impulses going out that the attack of Nine Eleven resulted in the
destruction of the Government of Taliban in Afghanistan. The Constitution of
Middle India lacks vitality to the extent that despite the claims the
Indian army has not been able to advance even one centimetre across the "cease
fire line".
The WORST thing about this Constitution is that it regards India's
existence from MIDNIGHT 14/15 August 1947 with full compliments to the cowards
who agreed to the surrender of India. Had Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose been
alive no one would have dared to cut, chop and fragment India in this
vulgar manner or invaded Kashmir. Regrettably, there is little mention of the
great Hindu Kings and the indigenous civilisation of the past.
Let the nation judge for itself and then scrap this Document of TREACHERY,
and write up a new one to recognise the GENIUS and POTENTIAL of Hindu
nation or even to match the vigour and dynamic of the Constitution of the
United States of America. The era of "Indian Coolie" is LONG PAST.
26 January 2010 ===========

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



Re: [aryayouthgroup] गणतंत्र दिवस

Freedom? What freedom?? Who got freedom???

Why one god?

1.    Rulers need dominance. Slaves have no civil rights. Christians and Muslims are darling to rulers; because of their self inspired lust for servilities of Jehovah, Jesus and Allah, in lieu of booty and sex. Where is the liberty promised by the Indian Constitution? For dominance, the so-called prophets, who were otherwise scoundrels, fabricated criminal gods and established themselves intermediaries to their gods. Those, who accepted their faiths-became prophets' slaves. Those, who did not, got slain by prophets. Thus, the planet came into the clutches of the prophet! The books named Bible and Koran of these gods, protected by the Indian Constitution and Indian Judiciary, have been compiled to justify the most ungodly behaviour the world has ever known. Qaba and Vatican are booty. Azaan is insult of the faiths and deities of non Muslims. Azaan incites communal hatred and strife based on religion. Azaan is offence and attracts action under section 153/295 of the Indian Penal Code. While 'Justice' is first casualty in judiciary, 'Liberty' is the first casualty of faith. There is no such thing as 'freedom of faith'. However, while Azaan is enjoying full immunity under section 196 of the Indian Penal Code, read with [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution], telling these facts is blasphemy and attracts death penalty in Islamic countries and action u/s 153/295 of the Indian Penal Code. Government must stop crime u/s 108-A of the Indian Penal Code. Financial racketeer and Lesbian President Pratibha and her Governors have been hired to protect Imaams for shouting Azaan u/s 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code and grant sanction of prosecution u/s 153/295 Indian Penal Code against whistle blowers. Since 1860 A.D. till to date, no Imaam was ever arrested for violation of Sections 153 and 295 of the Indian Penal Code. Nay! Imaams are getting salaries from exchequer in lieu of abusing Aryans through their Azaan, in violation of Article 27 of the Indian Constitution. (AIR 1993 SUPREME COURT 2086).  Take out booty and sex, Christianity and Islam would finish. Conversion is crime against humanity. Even Christianity and Islam command slaughter of renegades. (Koran 4:89) and (Bible, Deut. 13:6-11). Why the Governors are not applying the same dogmas to which Christianity and Islam apply on aliens? Why are they given right of conversion on the pretext of freedom of faith? Why are you not proscribing Koran and Bible?

2.    While humanity is fighting relentless war for liberty, public servants, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and most human races have no shame that they have voluntarily relinquished their liberty, wisdom and manhood in lieu of booty and sex. (Koran, 8:1, 69 and 41), (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) and (Bible, Genesis 2:17). They have no shame that they are becoming human bombs and fighting to retain their servilities of Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats. Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats have snatched the very instinct for liberty from their followers. Look! Still Jews, Christians and Muslims do not feel sorry that they are getting cheated, corrupted and humiliated by their so-called merciful Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, clerics and rulers. They are happily defending their servilities in lieu of booty and sex. Clerics/ rulers are rewarding both Muslims and Christians for relinquishing their liberty. Tell me, why are you not reviving liberty of citizens?

Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
Email: aryavrt39@gmail.com
Blog: http://aaryavrt.blogspot.com
Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
Read my eBook 'Wary of Sonia on Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?
2010/1/25 B.K. Chaudhry <chaudhrybk@yahoo.co.in>

                                   गणतंत्र दिवस तेरी जय हो

प्यारे देश वासियो गणतंत्र दिवस  फिर अब  आया  है,
आतंक  और  बढती  महंगाई  का ये युग भी  लाया  है,
आजाद  तो  हैं  पर  आज़ादी  का  फल  नहीं  पाया  है,
कैसे  मनाएं  इसे  हम सरपर  खतरों  की  तो छाया  है.

                                     कहाँ  गए  वह सब सपने  जिन्हें  हम  ने  संजोया  है,
                                     जिन  के  पूरा  होने  की  आशा  मैं  जीवन  बिताया  है,
                                      अभी आज़ादी  का  प्रसाद सबको नहीं  मिल  पाया  है,
                                      क्यों कुछ लोगों को ये आज़ादी का फल पहुँच पाया है,

शहीदों के  सपनो का सूरज  भी तो  नहीं  खिल  पाया  है,
देश  की जनता  ने भी आज तक बहुत सा ही कष्ट पाया है.
नेताओं कुछ तो करिए  जनता ने ही आपको नेता बनाया है.
जागिये श्रीमंत यह  दिवस  आपको ही तो जगाने  आया  है.

बी. के. चौधरी - अशांत भारती
प्रधान एवं सभी सदस्य गण
मुखर्जी नगर निवासी मंच
 ३३८, प्रथम तल, मुखर्जी नगर
दिल्ली - ११०००९
फ़ो. २७६०१७७६

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There are two different opinions regarding to the emergence of this world, some people think this world with all live and all events would be a tiny part of the logical causal chain which started with the big bang, the others are convinced of it, that it is finally the fault of Adam and Eve because they have not observed the one holy law of God: "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her . . ." According to this the big bang etc would be a willfully deception of God, because without the doubt in God it wouldn't be possible to test the faith and unbelief of mankind and the sense of this world would get lost. In contrast to the religious view, a causal chain out of cause and effect can not have a beginning respectively not emerge out of nothing, this contradicts to the laws of science, therewith there's not only no cause before or for the big bang, but also no energy which would have been necessary for the big bang, even not a tiny disbalance between anything. If two fingers are pressed together, is nothing between them or rather no matter, of course the universe, the human himself and the bright world which surrounds the human not emerged out of the completely harmless nothing between two fingers or without God, this are simply stories which were invented by some humans and which are believed by children, if they are told to them early enough, in the first states of the USA such stories were deleted already successfully from the curriculum, so that they weren't taught any more to the children in the schools. Depriving children of their believe and religion is a serious crime, it's in the hands of our generation to stop the systematic and unfair education of many million children to the unbelieve!
If the big bang could have happened without God, practically everything could have emerged out of this, but this universe was build exactly so, that the suppositions for live are given, for example without voltage no brainwaves could flow, without radiation this world would be dark and ice-cold, without atoms and the possibility to build molecules live would be impossible, the same would be without many other chemical properties and reactions or without elements like oxygen or carbon or hydrogen or . . ., also the lost of time or movement or space or matter or the three states of matter or physical energy or chemical energy or different agencies or continuity or . . . would make live finally impossible. Without intelligence something absolute senseless would have emerged out of the big bang or out of nothing, but of course no live. Yes, the frightening recognition is, that the universe was constructed deliberately exactly so, that the suppositions for live and higher live are given!
For the alleged chemical evolution of live, a first living and survivable unicellular organism would have been necessary, but a just 10 �m large cell, a very complex, perfectly compound, three-dimensional puzzle or a survivable machine out of at least 10 quadrillion pieces (16 g/mol), atoms of different kind and attribute, impossibly could be washed together in an unrealistic puddle out of cytoplasm, be bound together in the same second by many different chemical processes into a flexible unit and get enliven also in the same moment, to start to breathe, to eat, to grow . . . and to produce randomly complete and living self-copies, which will grow up some day to intelligent structured humans. If we are honest we must admit, that even not only one single dead DNA strand could be washed together in a liquid or the belonging to copysystems, already the DNA strands of the first survivable cell must randomly have conformed exactly to the cell construction, beside this DNA strands are written in a very high programming language, until today nobody can understand how or by which encoding systems this codes get transcribed into commands, movements and material constructions. Also for all the different cell organelles or sub-systems of the first survivable cell must have been directly there the belonging to copysystems or already the first cell division would have been impossible, but how high must be the technology of a material system which could copy itself, try to build a computer which could copy itself!
The functions of cells partially happen on the molecular and atomic level, if the dateless old atoms, out of which we and the cells are set together, would be as big as table tennis balls, an average human brain with 1250 to 1375 g would take in a little bit more space than the whole planet earth with its diameter of 12700 km (13,5 g/mol, the volume of a table tennis ball is 33,5 cm^3), it's a wonder that a grown thinking machine of such complexity ever could work without going defect. If the 10 quadrillion atoms of a 10 �m large unicellular organism would be as big as table tennis balls, this unicellular organism would take in the whole city Tokyo by a hight of more than 500 meters. If God would build a machine out of 10 quadrillion atoms of different kind and attribute, this machine wouldn't die any more after its commissioning, because it really would start to breathe, to eat, to grow, to move . . . to survive independently in its world and to divide itself many trillion times, to conquer the planet and to travel to the moon. If God would construct a machine with such properties, it would be so small, that we even couldn't see it with our multicellular eyes. We have got no idea about the intelligence of God, the creator out of nothing, but surly it's not grateful to use the by God constructed brain to say, that a dirty puddle was the inventor of live.
A just 10 �m large unicellular organism is a very complex, perfectly compound, three-dimensional puzzle out of at least 10 quadrillion pieces of different kind and attribute, but a chemical evolution even wouldn't be able to wash correctly together a DNA string or a two-dimensional computer program character string out of 1000 signs, which is written with only 10 different letters, because with every sign, which will be attached after the first sign, the probability that the program was written correctly sinks by the factor 10, so the probability that a computer program out of 1000 signs will be written correctly by random or will be washed together in a dirty puddle is 10^1000 (a 1 with one thousand 0). In contrast to this, today we know, that the whole universe contains less than 10^100 atoms totally and that it is less than 10^18 seconds old. If the universe would be 100 times smaller or younger, the chance that the chemical evolution really happened would be 100 times less, if the 1000 sign computer program would be 100 times shorter, the chance that the chemical evolution really happened would be 100 times bigger, so we can stroke out the zeros: 10^1000 - 10^100 - 10^18 = 10^882. We have reduced the whole universe to one atom and an age of one second through only 118 letters! So the iron proof for the absolute impossibility of a chemical evolution was written down!
Obviously a long time ago was created a world which seems to be produced and controlled by random and in which we can decide without the fear of God, so it would be good to decide just like Moses would have done! The Jews, the Christians and the Muslims they all believe in Adam and Eve and in the same God, but they are also self-righteous and brave enough just to believe and to die in the religion in which they were randomly born in, God has made the humans like this, at least God is justly, so God can' t judge the humans therefore. Can't? The 5th gospel of the Bible, the Barnabas gospel, was removed out of the Bible because a prophet called Ali was predicted by Jesus as the "Paraclete", which shall bring new laws of God. Ali was the second name of Mohammed, for over thousand years a secret was made out of this. According to the published gospels, the "Paraclete" is the Spirit of truth which goes out from God, therewith could also be meant the archangel Gabriel, which transmitted the Quran to Mohammed. In an other, still existing part of the Bible is Mohammed predicted through God himself (5.Moses 18:18,19): "I will raise up for them a prophet like you (Mose) from among their brothers (the brothers of the Jews respectively the Israelites are the Ismaelites: Abraham > Ismael > Mohammed), I will put my words in his mouth (the Quran is the only book of God himself), and he will tell them everything I command him." Statements of God himself never leave room for doubts. Abraham had two sons, Ismael and Isaac, Ismael became the grandfather of the Ismaelites (the Arabs) and his brother Isaac became the grandfather of the Israelites (the Jews). Ismael was born as son of Abraham and the Egyptian handmaid Hadschar, Hadschar has found the well Zamzam in Mecca when her son Ismael nearly died of thirst. Ismael's descendant Mohammed was a very friendly person and initially a sheepherder, the Quran was transmitted to Mohammed through the archangel Gabriel, Mohammed himself was an illiterate. Isaac, the second son of Abraham which he had with Sara, was the ancestor of many prophets up to Jesus. God has also given real proofs for the truthfulness of the Islam, so that misunderstandings can be avoided, for examples, it was impossible for Mohammed to know 1400 years ago, that the universe expands since the big bang and that it theoretically must collapse again in the same way or that the water of the Atlantic Ocean and the water of the Mediterranean Sea not get merged with each other as if an invisible barrier would be between them or that the mountains are anchored far below in the earth, so that the continental plates are hold by them in their position or in which phases a microscopically small embryo get developed during the pregnancy or that Christianity wars will really happen in future exactly like prophesied (here are some more examples). Most of the belonging to text parts in the Quran are marked additionally with the note, that this is a sign of God for the humans, so that it's sure, that this is definitely not a coincidence, but knowledge. Even the Buddhists and the Hindu people must admit, that this really is a wonder. Beside the Quran, were written down the sayings of Mohammed, this so-called hadith fill whole books. Like the other prophets, was also Mohammed authorized by God to cause wonders through which the mistrustful people became believers, it's also evident, that that what was prophesied really got fulfilled. Through a nightly ascension Mohammed was shown the Temple Mount of Israel and the Gardens of Paradise which shall be unimaginable beautiful, he told his followers, that even a space in Paradise, not bigger than a foot, is better than the whole world and whatever is in it. He also said, that one hour in the eternal Paradise will be greater than a whole life in this world ever could be and that the nice smell of Paradise can be perceived from a walking distance of forty years. Some people will even get access to Paradise for simply having an atoms weight of faith. The live in this world seems to be real and its existence is also only a wonder, so are we the causal chain out of nothing, a network in the dark which thinks about itself and starts to believe in God or are we made by an unimaginable high intelligence? Believe is the light in our head and we shall move into this light! Freedom is if we recognize and do what God want and that what we can reach for God in this world means richness for us in the eternal Paradise! Some humans will be happy for 100 years and some will be sad for 100 years, but when this life ends will the eternity begin, so why to life for a worthless dust particle when it comes about the entire universe. Happy New Year 2010!
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Monday, January 25, 2010

Re: [aryayouthgroup] Yuva Sammelan (26th Jan 2010) in Mumbai

My take:

"I agree with Daniel Webster who said, "There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. ... I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants... they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing."  Secularism is a tool of the democracy to eradicate human race. I am not prepared to sacrifice on the altar of secularism"

Do you know? By telling that every religion is path to reach heaven and that religion does not teach hatred, you depict your ignorance. By telling that you respect churches and mosques as well as Christianity and Islam, you are giving them licence to enslave you, loot you, rape your women before your own eyes, slay you and eradicate your Vedic Sanaatan Dharm else drive you out from your mother land. Even a population of less than 10 million Jews have their nation Israel, where is yours? For demanding our nation with our own culture, our Jagatguru is in Nashik jail. Our more than ten thousand soldiers are untraceable today. They are languishing in miserable conditions, because they opposed the mosques from where Imaams preach to slay you, deny your right to worship Ishwar, rape your women and snatch your Bharat Mata from you.

That the sorry state of affair is that you do not feel horrified that you have been reduced to sheep of such a blatant criminal cow and man eater Jesuit Sonia and Zimmi of Mujahid Hamid Ansari. Both have divine command {(Bible, Luke 19:27) (Azaan, Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98)} as well as unfettered fundamental right [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution] to slay you, steal your possessions {(Koran, 8:1, 69 and 41) and (Bible Deut. 20:14)} and rape any woman on the earth? (Koran 23:6) and (Bible, Isaiah 13:16). You have been compelled to accept Jehovah and Allah Gods, Bible and Koran religious books, mosques and churches worship places and Azaan call for prayer. (AIR 1985 CALCUTTA HIGH COURT104). For your sustenance, power and pelf, your rulers have no choice than upholding their (Muslims' and Christians') unfettered fundamental rights mentioned above. {Article 60 of the Indian Constitution, Article 159 of the Indian Constitution and Schedule III of the Indian Constitution.)  You are celebrating the doomsday viz. Jan. 26 since 1950, the day on which you lost your right to property, [Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution and omitted Article 31], right of your life, faith, culture and nation. Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution. Have you courage to protest the presence of such violent and murderous rulers in Bharat? Why are you stirring drama of Bharat Mata Poojan, while your enemies call your Bharat Mata Dar-ul-Herb? In lieu of abusing your faith and Ishwar, through Azaan, the apex court has issued writ to pay salaries amounting to Rs. 10,000 crores annually. (AIR 1993 SUPREME COURT 2086). 

Note! Aryavrt Government and Abhinav Bharat are fighting war against immoral usurper and lethal cultures. Our Bharat had several warriors, social reformers, saints and even kings. None of them fought against the root cause of human miseries viz. Christianity, Islam, Socialism, and Democracy. They had been fighting wars against the symptoms, not the sources. These cultures are invented to rob and enslave one and all. These cultures must go else human race won't survive. Since 300 B.C. we are the first to fight against real enemies. Help us, else get ready for doom.

Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
Email: aryavrt39@gmail.com
Blog: http://aaryavrt.blogspot.com
Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
Read my eBook 'Wary of Sonia on Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 10:09 PM, praful nikam <technocate@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
                       संघटित युवा                                Yuva Sammelan           समर्थ भारत

26th Jan 2010 on the occasion of republic day; RSS mumbai  IT Swayamsevak arranged a program of Bharat Mata Pujan and Akhanda Vande Matram Gayan for Yuva Shakti.
This program is a medium to take all yuva on one platform for nation building.

Date :-                                                                     26th Jan 2010
Program Timing :-                                        4 PM to 6 PM.
Program Schedule:- 
                                 4 PM to 4.15 PM               Introduction with all Swayam Sevaks.
                                 4.15 PM to 4.30 PM       Registration 
                                  4.30 PM to 5.30 PM    Bharat Mata Pujan & Vande Matram Gayan.
                                  5.30 PM to 6 PM            Alpophar and Causal discussion on future yuva work in Mumbai.

Venue :- Yashwant Bhawan, 5th Floor, Behind Deepak Cinema, Pandurang Bhudhkar Marg, Lower Parel , Mumbai ( Mumbai Dist. ) - 400013

You are Invited and requested to be present at this program.

For More Information Please Contact.

Praful Nikam:- 9870997810/9320485430 
Vikram Walawalkar:- 9869233649    
Mohit Agrawal :- 9819906764
Or You can mail on praful.nikam@gmail.com

Thanks & Regards,

!! तेरा वैभव अमर रहे माँ, हम दिन चार रहे ना रहें !! 

The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: Fw: Hindus have no nation which they can call their home.

My take:
You are right.

Scramble for Booty

There is scramble for booty and slaves around the whole world. Vedic Morals are stumbling-blocks. Moses, the founder of immorality on the pretext of religion, was the first person who moralized Booty, (Bible Deut. 20:14),  rape of women (Bible Isaiah 13:15-16) and subjugation of humanity through his religion Judaism and his domestic servant Jehovah on the pretext of ban on worshipping alien gods. (Bible Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5). Jesus, a pirate, improved the booty further. He moralized eating flesh of the son of man and drinking his blood (Bible, John 6:53) and slaughter of one who does not accept Jesus his ruler. (Bible, Luke, 19:27). Muhammad, an other pirate,  made Allah the owner of booty, (Koran 8:01, 41 and 69) killer of non-Muslims, (Koran 8:17) rapist of women (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30) and owner of the world. (Koran 2:255). Still Jesus and Muhammad provided limited right of booty to their followers. Property is power. Remaining in the hands of citizens, property prevents their subjugation and servitude. Therefore, Carl Marx invested property into the immoral, corrupt and usurper society. Democracy is blend of all above to eradicate Vedic culture and enslave one.

Christianity and Islam are cults. It is time to wake up and realize that these cults are threat to humankind and there can be no co-existence with Muslims and Christians. As long as Muslims and Christians believe in Muhammad and Jesus, they are a threat to others and even to themselves. Secularism and Multiculturalism is bankrupt against Judaism's, Christianity's & Islam's demand for every civilization to submit. {Azaan, (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39) and (Bible, Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5 and Luke 19:27)}. The culture of tolerance collapses in the face of the sacred intolerance of dualistic ethics. Intellectuals respond by ignoring the failure. Muslims and Christians must leave their Christianity and Islam, discard their cultures of hate and join the rest of humankind as fellow humans, or non-Muslims and non-Christians must separate themselves from them, ban Christianity and Islam, end the immigration of Muslims and Christians and slay those, who plot against humanity and refuse to integrate. Christianity and Islam are incompatible with humanity and morality. These are warring creeds {(Koran 2:216 and 8:65) and (Bible, Matt 10:34 and Luke 12:49)} that use democracy to destroy humanity and to establish itself as a worldwide dictatorship. The only way to avert the clash between this barbarity and civilization and a world disaster, is to expose the fallacies of Christianity and Islam and demystify them. Muslims and Christians must be weaned from Christianity and Islam for humanity to live in peace. Aryavrt Government is here to do it. Support us.

Note! Aryavrt and Abhinav Bharat are fighting war against immoral usurper and lethal cultures. Our Bharat had several warriors, social reformers, saints and even kings. None of them fought against the root cause of human miseries viz. Christianity, Islam, Socialism, and Democracy. They had been fighting wars against the symptoms, not the sources. These cultures are invented to rob and enslave one and all. These cultures must go else human race won't survive.

Note again!  "I agree with Daniel Webster who said, "There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. ... I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants... they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing."  Secularism is a tool of the democracy to eradicate human race. I am not prepared to sacrifice on the altar of secularism"

Do you know? By telling that every religion is path to reach heaven and that religion does not teach hatred, you depict your ignorance. By telling that you respect churches and mosques as well as Christianity and Islam, you are giving them licence to enslave you, loot you, rape your women before your own eyes, slay you and eradicate your Vedic Sanaatan Dharm else drive you out from your mother land. Even a population of less than 10 million Jews have their nation Israel, where is yours? For demanding our nation with our own culture, our Jagatguru is in Nashik jail. Our more than ten thousands are untraceable today.

I have got demolished Babri structure. Nay! I had submitted affidavit in the hand of thief Manmohan Singh Librhan on Jan 15, 2001. The affidavit was stolen by M.S. Librhan and is not on record. I filed writ petitions for ban of Koran in apex court, got replaced statue of Gandhi with revered Pandit Nathuram Godse on 30-01-1997. I have been discharged in criminal case against Azaan on 26-02-2005. I am accused in Malegaon mosque blast conspiracy. For details you can read my following blogs,







Now I am seriously ill after poisoning by Tihar Jail doctors. If you wish to survive, may help Aryavrt Government.,

Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
Email: aryavrt39@gmail.com
Blog: http://aaryavrt.blogspot.com
Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
Read my eBook 'Wary of Sonia on Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 12:03 PM, bhagavaandaas tyaagi <bhagavaandaas@yahoo.ca> wrote:

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Mohan Gupta <mgupta@rogers.com>
To: manmohan@sansad.nic.in
Sent: Mon, January 25, 2010 1:06:30 AM
Subject: Hindus have no nation which they can call their home.

Hindus have no nation which they can call their home.

---  satbir singh <ssbedi1945@yahoo.com> wrote:
There are four major religions of the world viz., Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.  Of all these religions, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism have so many countries which they can call their own but Hindus have no nation which they can call their home.  Hindustan which means the land of Hindus has been declared as a Secular country and Nepal which used to be a Hindu country, has also been proclaimed as a Secular country so that there is no country which belongs to Hindus.

The above situation had arisen because of the appeasement of Muslims policy being pursued by the Congress party which had remained in power for most of the time during the post Independent era.  Even now, it is in power and its Prime Minister says that Muslims have first claim over country's resources.  In fact, all the parties with the exception of BJP and Shiv Sena are for appeasement of Muslims and for division of Hindus on caste basis by pursuing caste based reservations in Parliament and Govt. jobs etc.  Even BJP became power hungry and unnecessarily sought allies which banked on Muslim votes for forming a Govt.  Hence even BJP could not make India a Home for Hindus.

The appeasement of Muslims was started by Mahatma Gandhi of Congress party in the early nineties when he joined the Khilafat movement started by Indian Muslims which had nothing to do with the independence of India but wanted reinstatement of the Khalifa who has been replaced by a secular person, Kamal Ata Turk Pasha.  Gandhi wanted to appease the Muslims as he felt that without the help of such a dominating minority, Indian independence could not become a reality.  He was perhaps right at that time but when Jinnah asked for a separate State for Muslims which was endorsed by a large majority of Muslims, he should have changed his policy of appeasing the Muslims.  He, on the other hand, wanted Jinnah to become Prime Minister of undivided India on the condition that he gave up his demand for separate state for Muslims.  This naturally was not acceptable to Nehru, Patel and other Hindus and the country was partitioned.  A new State for Muslims was created in the form of Pakistan but the partition was not complete as India was declared a secular State instead of a Hindu State in deference to the wishes of Mahatma Gandhi who had become obsessed with the idea of appeasement of the Muslims.  Gandhi wanted to grant money to Pakistan and also succeeded in his attempt at appeasing Pakistan which was an anti national act and he was, therefore, shot dead by a nationalist  Nathuram Godse.

Patel died soon in December, 1950 and Nehru and the Congress party discovered that they can rule India by the policy of "Divide and Rule" of the British rulers by dividing the Hindu society on caste basis by the continuance of caste based reservations and getting the votes of Muslims by appeasing the latter.  This is being continued even now.

Now, Hindus say that they have certain demands which are being voiced by BJP and Shiv Sena.  First and foremost is that India should be declared a Hindu Rashtra.  Surely, Hindus can have their nation (Rashtra) only in Hindustan.  Hindu Rashtra cannot be created in Iran or elsewhere.

Hindus also want the building of a Ram Mandir at Ram Janambhoomi, Ayodhya.  They argue that Ram Mandir can be built only at Ram Janambhoomi, Ayodhya.  It cannot be built in London or Washington.  They seem to be right but Muslims do not think so and the Congress party is with the Muslims for getting their votes.

Hindus also demand that there should be Uniform Civil Code for all Indian citizens so that there is no discrimination against anybody but this is not being agreed to by the ruling parties as they feel that Muslims who want to be guided by Shariat, would not vote for them if they agree for the formulation of such a Code.

Hindus want that the Article 370 of the Constitution should be abolished so that no special treatment is given to the State of J&K.  While this demand of Hindus should not be inimical
to the Muslims, the ruling parties feel that Muslims would not vote for them if they agree to this demand. I personally fail to understand that when 20 crore other Indian Muslims can live in peace in the other parts of India, why a few lakh Kashmiri Muslims could not live at peace in J&K?

Hindus also want deportation of all illegal migrants from Bangladesh and Pakistan but the ruling parties feel that this would lead to Muslims not voting for them if they agree to such demand.  Here also, I fail to understand why Muslims should oppose the deportation of illegal foreign citizens.

In the end, I would request the Govt. of India to see the writing on the wall and declare India to be a Hindu State and agree to the other genuine demands of Hindus.

Satbir Singh Bedi, BH(Poorvi) 682, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-110088
Rameshwar Singh <rsingh631@yahoo.com>
 Hindus have no nation which they can call their home.
Dear Friends,
I like this article by Shri Satbir Bedi. Please read it and judge for yourself. Thank you.
R. Singh 

The new Internet Explorer® 8 - Faster, safer, easier. Optimized for Yahoo! Get it Now for Free!

Re: [aryayouthgroup] Fw: Republic Day.

My take:
Stop this non sense. Do not celebrate abrogation of your rights on the doomsday of Jan.26.

The salient features of the whole Democracy are very perplexing. The eradication of Vedic culture, elimination of Bharat from World map and rape of women has purposely been linked with the sustenance, power, pelf and financial status of a public servant. Those responsible for protecting and informing the subjects have given priority to their financial well being over protecting their people, their own culture, their own infants, their own lives and chastity of their own women. Even media is scared and clueless. We were promised Ram Rajya and ended with Rome Rajya. We fought for independence and ended with the servility of rulers.

I agree with Daniel Webster who said, "There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. ... I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants... they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing."

One, who worships other gods that one must be slain, that one's lands, properties must be looted and that one's women must be raped. (Koran 8:69 and 23:6). These are divine commands as well as secularism. One, who opposes secularism, Azaan and Koran goes to jail u/s 153 or 295 of the Indian Penal Code with the sanction of either President, or Governor or District Collector u/s 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code. I had been in lockups and jail for 42 times since 1993 for opposing Azaan, Koran and Bible. The conservation of Koran and Bible culture has to be defended by the President of India as well as all the State Governors by oath. [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution] and [(Articles 60 and 159 of the Indian Constitution) as well as to be upheld by the judges. (The Indian Constitution as per Schedule III forms IV and VIII)

I have got demolished Babri structure. Nay! I had submitted affidavit in the hand of thief Manmohan Singh Librhan on Jan 15, 2001. The affidavit is not on record. I filed writ petitions for ban of Koran in apex court, got replaced statue of Gandhi with revered Pandit Nathuram Godse on 30-01-1997. I have been discharged in criminal case against Azaan on 26-02-2005. I am accused in Malegaon mosque blast conspiracy. For details you can read my following blogs,







Now I am seriously ill after poisoning by Tihar Jail doctors. If you wish to survive, may help Aryavrt Government by just publish the following facts,

Christianity and Islam are cults. It is time to wake up and realize that these cults are threat to humankind and there can be no co-existence with Muslims and Christians. As long as Muslims and Christians believe in Muhammad and Jesus, they are a threat to others and even to themselves. Secularism and Multiculturalism is bankrupt against Judaism's, Christianity's & Islam's demand for every civilization to submit. {Azaan, (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39) and (Bible, Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5 and Luke 19:27)}. The culture of tolerance collapses in the face of the sacred intolerance of dualistic ethics. Intellectuals respond by ignoring the failure. Muslims and Christians must leave their Christianity and Islam, discard their cultures of hate and join the rest of humankind as fellow humans, or non-Muslims and non-Christians must separate themselves from them, ban Christianity and Islam, end the immigration of Muslims and Christians and slay those, who plot against humanity and refuse to integrate. Christianity and Islam are incompatible with humanity and morality. These are warring creeds {(Koran 2:216 and 8:65) and (Bible, Matt 10:34 and Luke 12:49)} that use democracy to destroy humanity and to establish itself as a worldwide dictatorship. The only way to avert the clash between this barbarity and civilization and a world disaster, is to expose the fallacies of Christianity and Islam and demystify them. Muslims and Christians must be weaned from Christianity and Islam for humanity to live in peace. Aryavrt Government is here to do it. Support us.


Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
Email: aryavrt39@gmail.com
Blog: http://aaryavrt.blogspot.com
Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
Read my eBook 'Wary of Sonia on Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 10:08 PM, ranjeet singh <live_by_dharma@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

Netajee dvaaraa uch-chaarit aaha-vaan ke vaastavik shabd nimnokta the:


Tum mujhe khoon do; main tumhen aazaadee doonga!


Dr. Ranjeet Singh.

--- On Sat, 23/1/10, ahluwalia4025@rogers.com <ahluwalia4025@rogers.com> wrote:

From: ahluwalia4025@rogers.com <ahluwalia4025@rogers.com>
Subject: [aryayouthgroup] Fw: Republic Day. [1 Attachment]
To: Undisclosed-Recipient@yahoo.com
Date: Saturday, 23 January, 2010, 3:04




And one of those persons was none other then

Subash Chander Bose

 affectionally known as Neta Ji. January 23rd is his birth anniversary .



Give Me Blood! I Promise You Freedom!! 







Subhas Chandra Bose












 Subhas Chandra Bose.


Born: January 23, 1897
Died: August 18, 1945


Subhas Chandra Bose, affectionately called as Netaji, was one of the most prominent leaders of Indian freedom struggle. Though Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru have garnered much of the credit for successful culmination of Indian freedom struggle, the contribution of Subash Chandra Bose is no less. He has been denied his rightful place in the annals of Indian history. He founded Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj) to overthrow British Empire from India and came to acquire legendary status among Indian masses.

Subhas Chandra Bose was born on January 23, 1897 in Cuttack , Orissa. His father Janaki Nath Bose was a famous lawyer and his mother Prabhavati Devi was a pious and religious lady. Subhas Chandra Bose was a brilliant student right from the childhood. He topped the matriculation examination of Calcutta province and graduated with a First Class in Philosophy from the Scottish Churches College in Calcutta . He was strongly influenced by Swami Vivekananda' s teachings and was known for his patriotic zeal as a student. To fulfill his parents wishes he went to England in 1919 to compete for Indian Civil Services. In England he appeared for the Indian Civil Service competitive examination in 1920, and came out fourth in order of merit. However, Subhas Chandra Bose was deeply disturbed by the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, and left his Civil Services apprenticeship midway to return to India in 1921.

After returning to India Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose came under the influence of Mahatma Gandhi and joined the Indian National Congress. On Gandhiji's instructions, he started working under Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, whom he later acknowledged his political guru. Soon he showed his leadership mettle and gained his way up in the Congress' hierarchy. In 1928 the Motilal Nehru Committee appointed by the Congress declared in favour of Domination Status, but Subhas Chandra Bose along with Jawaharlal Nehru opposed it, and both asserted that they would be satisfied with nothing short of complete independence for India . Subhas also announced the formation of the Independence League. Subhas Chandra Bose was jailed during Civil Disobedience movement in 1930. He was released in 1931 after Gandhi-Irwin pact was signed. He protested against the Gandhi-Irwin pact and opposed the suspension of Civil Disobedience movement especially when Bhagat Singh and his associates were hanged.

Subash Chandra Bose was soon arrested again under the infamous Bengal Regulation. After a year he was released on medical grounds and was banished from India to Europe . He took steps to establish centers in different European capitals with a view to promoting politico-cultural contacts between India and Europe . Defying the ban on his entry to India , Subash Chandra Bose returned to India and was again arrested and jailed for a year. After the General Elections of 1937, Congress came to power in seven states and Subash Chandra Bose was released. Shortly afterwards he was elected President of the Congress in 1938. During his term as Congress President, he talked of planning in concrete terms, and set up a National planning Committee in October that year. Subhas Chandra Bose was re-elected, defeating Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya who had been backed by Mahatma Gandhi and the Congress Working Committee. Clouds of World War II were on the horizon and he brought a resolution to give the British six months to hand India over to the Indians, failing which there would be a revolt. There was much opposition to his rigid stand, and he resigned from the post of president and formed a progressive group known as the Forward Block.

Subhas Chandra Bose now started a mass movement against utilizing Indian resources and men for the Great War. There was a tremendous response to his call and he was put under house arrest in Calcutta . In January 1941, Subhas Chandra Bose disappeared from his home in Calcutta and reached Germany via Afghanistan . In January 1942, he began his regular broadcasts from Radio Berlin , which aroused tremendous enthusiasm in India . . In July 1943, he arrived in Singapore from Germany and organized the Azad Hind Fauj (Indian National Army) comprising mainly of Indian prisoners of war. Azad Hind Fauj crossed the Burma Border, and stood on Indian soil on March 18, 1944.


Some of excerpt from his famous speeches.


Netaji's Speech to the Indian National Army , Singapore , July 5th, 1943.

'There are people who thought at one time that the Empire on which the sun did not set was an everlasting empire. No such thought ever troubled me. History had taught me that every empire has its inevitable decline and collapse. Moreover I had seen with my own eyes, cities and fortresses that were once the bulwarks but which became the graveyards of by-gone empires. Standing today on the graveyard of the British Empire, even a child is convinced that the almighty British Empire is already a thing of the past.  For the present, I can offer you nothing except hunger, thirst, privation, forced marches and death. But if you follow me in life and in death..... I shall lead you to victory and freedom'...


"It is our duty to pay for our liberty with our own blood. The freedom that we shall win through our sacrifice and exertions, we shall be able to preserve with our own strength.... ..' "

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose to the Indian National Army in Malaya/Singapore.


"We should have but one desire today- the desire to die so that India may live - the desire to face a martyr's death, so that the path to freedom may be paved with the martyr's blood. Friend's! My comrades in the War of Liberation! Today I demand of you one thing, above all. I demand of you blood. It is blood alone that can avenge the blood that the enemy has spilt. It is blood alone that can pay the price of freedom. Give me blood and I promise you freedom.' Give Me Blood! I Promise You Freedom!! 

In Burma , July 4, 1944

Mystery still surrounds of Netaji's death


Subhas Chandra Bose was reportedly killed in an air crash over Taipeh , Taiwan ( Formosa ) on August 18, 1945. Though it is widely believed that he was still alive after the air crash not much information could be found about him.

Even after the departure of Britishers from India , the truth about Netaji remains a mystery. It is said that the government has no evidence to prove that Netaji died in the so-called air-crash. "After Independence Netaji came to India but he was not allowed to come out. The then government feared if Netaji comes out, Pt. Nehru would lose his political career. There are evidences that Gumnami Baba of Ayodhya was Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, but this fact is being suppressed even today. If Netaji had not died in an air-crash in 1945 the country would not have been partitioned in 1947.

"It is still a mystery why the government is not ready to accept the fact that Netaji did not die in the air-crash when it has no evidence to prove it. Despite being provided so many evidences that Netaji did not die in that air-crash.  Maulana Azad had refused to include the name of Netaji in the list of died persons to be paid tribute at Congress convention held on September 21, 1945,  because he was not satisfied with the death theory. Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel too did not agree to the theory. Sardar Patel, while answering a question in Parliament in October 1946, had clearly said that the government could not make any authoritative statement about the death of Netaji. Lord Mountbatten also said in 1978 that he did not have any evidence about the death of Netaji. Even the Intelligence Bureau of the country and the forensic lab refused to prove the death of Netaji.  Various Commissions and Committee also failed to unveil and convince the people about Netaji's death." Even the Taiwan government does not have any evidence about the so-called air-crash in which Netaji is said to have died.


Compiled and forwarded by Kewal Ahluwalia.