Aryavrt and Abhinav Bharat are fighting war against immoral usurper and lethal cultures. Our Bharat had several warriors, social reformers, saints and even kings. None of them fought against the root cause of human miseries viz. Christianity, Islam, Socialism, and Democracy. They had been fighting wars against the symptoms, not the sources. These cultures are invented to rob and enslave one and all. These cultures must go else human race won't survive.
Therefore, I salute Ali Sina for his services to mankind.
Creator of universe named Jehovah and Allah, who could have created people with pre-programmed brains of good behaviour and stopped creation of minds dissenting with gods' own commands. Creating people of discerning minds and their after killing his own creatures (Koran 8:17) questions capability of their being almighty. Belief in such creationism is childish and shows lower stage of evolution of brain. It proves that Prophets were high class scoundrels of their times and their deeds and dogmas are quite questionable. That is the tragedy of faith.
Human race is on the verge of extinction like dinosaurs
Muslims and Jews must thank Vedic culture for their survival. With all his might, the so-called supreme Allah could not supersede Muslims over Christians' population. Even in Science, technology, arms and deception, Muslims are far behind than Christians. 27 Islamic countries could not defeat small Israel. How would they protect themselves from Christians? Now Muslims are scared for the US occupation upon Iraq and Afghanistan. How would they protect their Islamic countries on the face of the commands of Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king? Bible, Luke 19:27. When Serbs usurped Muslim women, made them pregnant, they were crying and cursing Christians. How would they protect their women on the face of the command of Bible to ravish Muslim women before the eyes of Muslims? (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) The worst threat is to the women of Aryans and those dictator proletariat, who are neither Muslims nor Christians. It goes to reflect another important stupidity of Muslim and Christian women, who are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race.
--Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
Read my eBook 'Wary of Sonia on Web-site:
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?
From: Satya D
To: hitaya
Sent: Sun, Jan 17, 2010 6:29 pm
Subject: A criminal complaint against and excellent response
Published on Faith Freedom International ( > A Formal Complaint Against FFI
A Formal Complaint Against FFI
01/17/2010 - 07:17The following is a complaint made against faithfreedom International by Mr. Zameer Ahmed Jumlana, Secretary of All India Committee, Indian National League, to the Commissioner of Delhi Police, India.***************************************************************************************
To the desk of Y. S. Dadwal, Commissioner of Delhi Police, INDIA.CC. faithreedom International
My attention is being drawn about Anti-Islamic provocative website [1] . I personally check the website which contains the Alleged Pictures of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) which are forbidden according to teachings of Islam. The Life History of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) is also described at the said website in a much distorted manner. What is more objectionable is that Anti-Islamic propaganda is done by imposing them as ardent Muslim.
I am optimistic that a swift legal action will be taken against the above identified website.
Zameer Ahmed Jumlana
(Secretary All India Committee, Indian National League)
Mobile: 9811531096
Response by Mr. Ali Sina
Dear Mr. Zameer Ahmed Jumlana,
Showing the pictures of Muhammad is forbidden by the teachings of Islam. However, we are not Muslims and we do not abide by the teachings of Islam. Isn't it absurd that you expect everyone to live by your dictums?
Muslims are in violation of the laws that are the hallmark of the civilized people, such as the Golden Rule, the Human Rights, the equality of genders, the freedom of speech, the freedom of belief, etc. These are the laws that matter to us. They don't matter to you, because they are not part of your laws.
Just as you file a complaint against us for violating your laws, we are taking you to court for violating our laws.
Which court? The court of the public opinion! It is in this court that we are exposing the deception, the violence, and the hate that is so intrinsic in the religion that you espouse. We are fighting the lies of Islam with truth and winning the minds and hearts of thousands of people, both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Can you defend Islam? Can you prove that what we allege against your faith and its monstrous prophet are untrue? No you cannot. When it comes to logic you are helpless. You cannot defend your evil belief with logic. There is nothing you can do, but to bring legal charges to stop us from revealing the truth about your cherished faith.
You can't. There is no law that can stop us from telling the truth about any faith, at least not where I live. Here we practice freedom of speech and criticizing religions, including Islam is our birth right.
This is the freedom that you Muslims have always enjoyed, but have denied to others. You think it is okay to destroy churches, synagogues, temples and the houses of worships of other faiths, trash their religions and criticize them. You think it is okay for your prophet to call the Jews, maghdhoob (hated by God), the Christians, gone astray and the Hindus, polytheists and najes (filthy), but you cry like a baby when someone criticizes your faith.
Seven innocent Baha'is [2] in Iran are being prosecuted, as I write these notes. They may face execution, because they are accused of "waging war against God and spreading corruption on Earth." The punishment for these offences in Islam is death. You are not offended by this gross violation of human rights, but you are offended if we show the pictures of Muhammad?
Have you ever thought why Muhammad disallowed his followers to depict him? In his later years, Muhammad suffered from the degenerative disease of achromegaly. Thanks to this disease his bones and cartilages grew disproportionately. His facial features were deformed. He looked like a monster. But Muhammad was also a narcissist and he was very concerned about his image. Consequently, he forbade his followers to depict him. He did not want the posterity to see how ugly he looked. If you want to really know how Muhammad looked, please read my book, Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allah's Prophet. I have unearthed his description, narrated by his nearest and dearest.
You went on to accuse us of "imposing" anti-Islamic propaganda on ardent Muslims.
Really? Have we ever called for jihad against ardent Muslims? Have we said anywhere that Muslims should recant their faith, pay jizyah, or they should be killed? Where is this imposition you are talking about? You fail to see that Muhammad imposed his diabolic faith on others thorugh his numerour ghazwas (raids), that your ancestors and mine were massacred, raped and forced into conversion, but you see an Internet site as an imposition? If a Muslim does not want to read our site, all he has to do is click out of it. Can a Muslim who does not want to remain a Muslim click out of his faith? What will happen to him if he does? Can non-Muslims living in Islamic countries prctice their faith freely? Have you read about the recent violence against the Copts in Egypet? Have you heard of innocent Muslims in Pakistan accused of blasphemy ane lynched by Muslim goons?
Your ancestors, like mine, were buchered and raped by marauding Muslims, and now you are defending the barbaric faith of their abusers? You and I don't owe any alligiance to the demnic faith of the murderers of our ancestors. Wake up Mr. Jumlana. Don't betray your own people, your own ancestors, your own culture. Have you become the defender of a cult that destroyed them? Instead of defending the filthy cult of a monster you should defend your own cultuer. You are a Hindu, Be proud of your heritage that has contributed to humanity so much.
It is amazing how Muslims can be so genuinely hypocritical. You accuse us of something that befits Islam. FFI does not have means of torture to impose anything. Any time a Muslim can't handle us, relief is a click away. But they are coming. They are reading what we write and they are leaving Islam. We do not impose our views, but the truth is compelling.
Well, Mr. Zameer Ahmed Jumlana. Unlike Muslims I am a fair person and would like to give you the opportunity to defend your faith. Show us that Islam is a religion from God and not an idiotic faith concocted by a mentally and physically sick individual. Prove us wrong and I will not only publish your rebuttal, but also announce publicly that I was wrong and even will give you $50,000 dollars as reward.
That is not all. I am going to do something that is inconceivable for Muslims and may even shock the non-Muslims. We have a blog section in this site. I am going to let Muslims to run their blogs. Yes that is right! From today, I announce that the blog section of FFI is open to all those who want to prove us wrong. We are working on a new application for this site that will be easier to use. It will be launched in about a week. I am going to create a new chapter in the blogs section for Muslims to respond to all the charges made against Muhammad and Islam.
How about that for freedom of speech? Of course Muslims have been always free to post anything in the forum and in the comments section of, but now they can also write blogs refuting FFI right on FFI. Show me one Islamic site that allows opposing comments, let alone giving their critics blogs to refute them.
So, Dear Mr. Jumlana, instead of crying like a baby and complaining to authorities, please act maturely and start refuting what you believe are "distortions" in our site.This offer is open to all Muslims. Muslims can now have their own blogs to refute us on FFI. I have a hunch that their blogs will be very popular, provided they write scholarly articles. But be also prepared to be debunked and refuted. You are free to write anything and you readers are free to comment and show your errors.
There are some conditions.1- You must not use copy pasted articles from other writers. What you publish on FFI must be your own writing.
2- Your articles must be in response to the charges made against Muhammad. The intent is to prove FFI is wrong and Islam is indeed a true religion.
Are you up to the challenge? If we are distorting the facts, as you accuse us, it should be easy for you to prove us wrong. The antidote to lies is truth. Show us the truth and debunk everything we say, in konta men al sadeqeen.
By searching your name in Google, I see you are a professional complainer to authorities and an avid lawsuit maker. But I did not find any scholarly article penned by you about Islam. I hope you will be able to defend your faith logically now that you have exposed yourself to all and sundry. Don't try to bully the critics of Islam to silence, it won't work anymore. Instead try to refute them wrong, if you can.
Wish you the bestAli Sina
__._,_.___One strong Hindu can change the thought-current of the whole world...
Hindus should have fearlessness,the first prerequisite of a spiritual life.
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