Why one God?
Comments Apt:
Hindus have constitutional right of freedom of faith. Concept of one God is conspiracy to enslave one and all as detailed below:-
First question?
Where is "… LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;" enshrined in the preamble of the Indian Constitution?
Note! Vedic Sanaatan Dharm alone provides universal freedom of worship irrespective of caste and creed.
Says Gita,
"Yo Yo Yam Yam tanu bhaktah shrdhyarchitumichchhasi. Tasya tasyaachlam shraddham tameh vidhmamyaham." Gita 7.21, meaning Whatever celestial form a devotee (craving for some worldly object) chooses to worship with reverence, I stabilize the faith of that particular devotee in that very form.
I quote Lord Buddha.
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your reason and your own common sense."
In contrast,
The radical weakness of Judaism, Christianity & Islam as moral philosophies lie in their eradication of the individual conscience of humanity in favor of unthinking submission to the mere letter of revealed law. The long cherished moral, liberty of faith, right to property, chastity and dignity of women are snatched in lieu of booty and sex. The Bible, Koran and Sunnah (example of Mohammed) stand above reason, conscience, or nature. A thing is right - including acts and laws abhorrent to "superseded" or "irrelevant" natural morality - simply because Jehovah, Jesus and Allah say so, or because the prophets have thus said or done. The lack of any pretense to a moral basis for Bible or Sharia (Islamic law) is open and explicit: there is no "spirit of the law" in Christianity and Islam, no rationality behind it for human reason to discover by exercising man's God- given intellect. There is no discernment of the consequences of deeds, and revelation and traditions must not be questioned. Nor may any other standard of good and evil - least of all any notion of "natural" justice such as that assumed by the founding documents of our Veds or Manusmriti - be invoked.
Torah, Bible and Sharia cannot be penetrated by reason (its apparent inconsistencies notwithstanding) and the very attempt is forbidden heresy. It's blasphemy and attracts death penalty in Islamic and Christian countries and punishment u/s 153 and 295 of the Indian Penal Code. Every Jew, Christian or Moslem, who is qualified to give a sound opinion on matters of Torah, Bible or Sharia, is entitled to interpret the application of Torah, Sharia or Bible when such interpretation becomes necessary, but where an explicit command of Jehovah, Jesus and Allah or Prophets already exists, no rabbi, Pope, Father, Gideon, Cleric or Mufti, Aalim, Moslem leader or legislature can form an independent judgment. Since Muhammad is the final prophet, there can be no further development in any judicial matters where the Bible, Koran and Sunnah provide guidance. This deeply undermines the possibility of rational civic debate in Moslem Christian nations and accounts for the distinctly inhuman flavor of their legal systems.
The notorious frauds, named prophets, have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their fabricated gods unapproachable. Those who accept the faith of prophets, become the slaves of prophets as the prophets have become brokers of Jehovah and Allah! Prophets alone can meet their gods. Thus the followers of the prophets are slaves of their prophets. In lieu of providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who do not accept their faiths. Thus the whole world comes under the control of the prophets. However these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs.
This is because if raping women of alien faith is free from blame (Koran 23:6) for Muslims, then how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded to ravish the women of non-Christians before the eyes of the men of the victim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16)? If those worshipping other Gods save Allah be killed is justified, (Koran 2:191) how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27). If snatching the belongings of other person is offence, why the democrats and P.O.s of judiciary, who snatched citizens' fundamental right to property, (Article 31 - now stands omitted since 20-06-1979) are not dacoits? If property belongs to society, why such society is not usurper? Where is the moral in that society that is owner of the belongings of the haves? Why should we tolerate that Indian Constitution that grants unfettered fundamental right to minorities to slay and rob the people of alien faiths and rape their women? [Article 29(1)]. Governments are duty bound to protect the properties of their citizens. Where is the moral in Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution that snatches properties of the citizens?
Do Christians not feel ashamed that they worship a criminal god, who has snatched their liberty, wisdom and manhood (Christians believe that they are sheep)?
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
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Email: aryavrt39@gmail.com
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Read my eBook 'Wary of Sonia on Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهAl Quran
English Translation of Al-Qur'an
[4]. Surah An-Nisa [The Women]
Ayat 144. O you who believe! Take not for Auliya' (protectors or helpers or friends) disbelievers instead of believers. Do you wish to offer Allah a manifest proof against yourselves?
Ayat 145. Verily, the hyprocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the Fire; no helper will you find for them.
English Translation of Hadith
Hazrat Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'as (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah
[SAWW](PBUH) said, "Four are the qualities which, when found in a person, make him a sheer hypocrite, and one who possesses one of them, possesses one characteristic of hypocrisy until he abandons it. These are: When he is entrusted with something, he betrays trust; when he speaks, he lies; when he promises, he acts treacherously; and when he argues, he behaves in a very imprudent, insulting manner.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Lesson : as mentioned above in Surah An-Nisa Ayat 145. Verily, the hyprocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the Fire; Theologically speaking, a disagreement between heart and tongue - or word and deed - about the declaration of faith in Islam is defined as hypocrisy. In the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH) there existed a group of hypocrites whose traits of characters have been outlined in Ahadith. Humanly it is not possible to perceive malice hidden in one's heart. Even Messenger of Allah (PBUH) hardly knew what lay in the hearts of people because, despite having the exalted status of Prophethood, he was fundamentally a human. Allah, however, had revealed hearts to him. But today, we have no error-free source to pick hypocrites from the ranks of believers. Quite naturally, we fall back on the Hadith which provides us definite symptoms of the character and manners of hypocrites so as to distinguish them from sincere Muslims.
`Ulama' say that there are two aspects of hypocrisy, relating to faith and practice. In the first case, a hypocrite conceals his disbelief in his heart but verbally professes Islam. Anyone who belongs to this category of hypocrites will be, as stated in the Qur'an: "In the lowest depths of the Fire.'' (4:145). In the second case, a man does have faith in his heart but in practice he portrays the characteristics of a hypocrite, unfortunately a majority of today's Muslims practically behave like hypocrites and possess their propensities. It is this hypocritical attitude and moral deficiencies of Muslims that have degraded them and made Islam unappealing. May Allah put Muslims on the right path!