Sunday, November 9, 2008

Re: [IndianVoice] _/\_ *Hindu Religion* The Nexus of Christism, Islamism, and Maoism in India

Respected Shri Babususeelan Ji,
Wish you happiness and prosperity.
Let me tell you that Allah alone can be worshipped shouted in Azaan is in no way secularism. Nor it can bring peace, brotherhood or multiculturism. You are writing about Nexus of Christism, Islamism, and Maoism in India and sweeping under carpet that it is the fraud named the Indian Constitution which is enemy of human race.

While Aryans' kingdoms provided shelter to every faiths, Christianity and Islam have annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation might take centuries, but once Christianity and Islam are ascendant they never fail. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. They are after the last partially survived Vedic culture. Let Aryavrt Government salvage Vedic culture.

May brouse my blog,

It may horrify you, but note,

Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible have been compiled to justify the most ungodly and immoral behaviour the world has ever known. Conversion is crime against humanity. While 'Justice' is first casualty in judiciary, 'Liberty' is the first casualty of faith. There is no such thing as 'freedom of faith'.

Public servants are hired criminals in Democracy. The Indian Constitution  converts them that way. The rulers of the world need dominance and booty. For the very purpose, the so called prophets, who were otherwise scoundrels, fabricated criminal gods and established themselves intermediaries to their gods. These gods and their books named Bible and Koran have been compiled to justify the most ungodly and immoral behaviour the world has ever known. Take out booty and sex, Islam would finish.


Qaba and Vetican are booty. Azaan is insult of the faiths and deities of non Muslims. Azaan incites communal hatred and strife on the basis of religion. Azaan is offence and attracts action under section 153/295 of the Indian Penal Code. However, to tell this fact is blasphemy and attracts death penalty in Islamic countries. In India Azaan is protected under section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code read with [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution]. Lesbian President Pratibha and her Governors have been hired to protect Imaams, who shout Azaan and grant sanction against whistle blowers.

If you wish to survive, help Aryavrt Government by all means.

Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Babu Suseelan <> wrote:

Date: Nov 2, 2008 4:00 AM

The Nexus of Isms:

The Nexus of Christism, Islamism, and Maoism in India


Dr. Babu Suseelan

Proselytizing Christism, Marxism, and Jihadi Islamism are totalitarian and rigid empire building political systems for invasion, expansionism, plunder, oppression, exploitation, and destruction of "non-believers" and their traditional cultures and dogmas. These "closed" systems compete and oppose one another in many parts of the world. However, in India they seemed to have become strange bedfellows and have made an unholy alliance against Hindu systems of philosophy and pluralistic spiritual traditions.

Their use of a veneer of noble values, political philosophy, falsely presented secularism and beliefs about equality in human existence, and dualistic perspectives conceal their tenacious and inflexible dogmas that are often taken for granted as benign and even pious when it comes to religions. There is a widespread blind spot for their historical track record of unjust and oppressive as well as violent tactics full of genocides and widespread deceits and destruction of their host societies and their cultures, religions, and even their languages over the centuries. We Indians generally are unaware of their hidden agendas and ulterior motives. Our Indian politicians lump them as benign "religions" to be given all concessions in a secular country or respect them as political systems, communities, or parties needing special representation in a democracy to win the vote banks for the UPA (Indian National Congress) and inadvertently or many a times knowingly accord the m special status and opportunities for expansion.

Hindus and the so-called "secularists" forget the Christists', Islamists', and Communists' past history, their track record of deception and violence, their current designs, and future plans for wiping out Hindu and eventually the entire secularist pluralistic majority. The word "Hindu" is abhorred and vilified in their own country and Hindus are hated by their own brothers who pride themselves as "secularists" and not "Hindus" though going to the same Hindu temples and offering same prayers as the other Hindus, but feeling ashamed to say they are Hindus in their own country. Such schizophrenic existence of the Hindus is now ubiquitous. The "secular" media have created a terrible inferiority complex among the Hindus by focusing microscopically on and magnifying the shortcomings and evils of Hindu society as if other societies do not have their own defects and social evils although they are in fact of gigantic proportions, a nd historically, viciously and virulently destructive towards other groups of peace loving people. By promoting such anti-propaganda against Hindus the secular English media in India and the UPA Government have facilitated the creation of a criminal nexus against Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Jains in India but this axis is also operating around the world.

The goal of this organized axis or nexus is to eliminate Hindus and Buddhists from political power from Fiji, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka, and eventually from India. Their unholy alliances hire psychological warfare experts to subvert, and sabotage Hindu and Buddhist nationalism and to create social crisis and political turmoil within their societies using their broadmindedness and liberal political philosophy itself as a weapon against them and weaken their strongholds in a systematic and sustained manner for decades. They conduct in depth sociological, cultural anthropological, demographic, geographic, and socio-economic study of various communities for decades in their targeted countries before planning their strategies for planting Churches, for example, or for building Mosques in strategic locations, for example, near Railway stations, near important crossroads or even police stations, or the holy places of the other groups, etc. f rom where they could exercise power or control when the time requires it or to sabotage the pilgrimages or gatherings of the other groups to be eventually dominated by them by design.

They develop nation wide or region wide organized intervention policies and programs, designed to create tensions and violence for the promotion and maintenance of so called Western Christian values, Islamists' values, or Communism. The crisis we witness in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Burma is the creation of this criminal gang whether they work together or singly in any domain. Their goal is to create fear, helplessness, and hopelessness among the native people, make them powerless or at least feel powerless and to estrange them from their own indigenous spiritual tradition and to enslave them with the rigid, closed Christian dogma, Islamic dogma, Sharia Law, or make them adopt communism as a political philosophy. In effect the populations influenced by these elements become loyal to foreign masters, whether they are white Christians, Saudi Muslims, or Chinese or Russian Maoists or Marxists.

White Missionaries and their stooges finance, direct, and manage some of the Maoists-anarchists (as their hired Gundas or mafia) as their subversive agents to create crisis and to replace traditional ways with Christian values. The Christian-Marxist-Anarchist alliance has significant implications for Hindus and Buddhists. The strangest alliance is that of the Christists and the Islamists to come together as minorities with common enemy which they view as the Hindu majority in India. The Christists have never shown the courage to subvert any Islamists' strongholds, such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and even Iraq but they are using lame "democratic" arguments to expand their empire in India appealing the secular-minded to respect their "freedom of religion" rights and view it as the same as "freedom to engage in conversions of masses," telling some of the uninformed Hindus that they were not or never were part of the Hindu society. They will never get away with such tactics in any Muslim majority country and they know it quite well not matter how much noise they make against the Muslims in the Western world and empathize and side with Muslims against the Hindus in the Western world using the slogans of Human Rights movement which is exactly 180 degrees opposite of the true facts if any injustice and violation of human rights is closely examined from historical perspective and dimensions.

They abuse the caste, creed, and tribal politics to divide and rule. This state of affairs constantly promoting subversions needs to be seen as a reality and not just a paranoid view of these elements. The nexus has its own sociopathic and violent well funded ways that are mainly subtle but vast and only the tip of the iceberg is visible when violence emerges against the majority populations of these countries or when the political upheavals take place as in Nepal. It would be easy to dismiss and say the Maoists will not be colluding with the Christists. It would be easy to say that the Christians will not choose to be communists who detest all religions. In reality these axis operate on the basis of transient alliances against the common "enemy," that is the majority which is not yet wising up to their tactics and resisting their empire building efforts and grabbing of large real estates within India to be controlled by foreign elements using foreign infusion o f funds. An obvious example is the state of Kerala which was originally the Hindu dominated state of Travancore in the 1940's and now boasting majority Muslim and Christian domination as regards wealth and political power but electing a Communist Government ruled by Christian leaders. Even the most popular news agency of Manorama in Kerala is owned and controlled by the Christists with strong communist leanings.

This is a new form of neo-colonialism that can be defined as spreading the influence or control over large sections of the world populations from the "Western White Christian alliance of denominations" under the guidance of the evangelists. Islamists control operating from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan (ISI), and Maoists mostly from China. The sooner the Hindu majority recognizes this plot and has effective proactive strategy to prevent erosion of its majority by these elements, stronger will emerge the Indian nation. The erosion, if allowed to fragment and weaken India and its majority Hindu Society economically as well militarily through such subversion, India stands to lose its opportunity to emerge as a future super-power. That is exactly what these elements do not want. They do not want India to emerge as a super-power.

Instead of viewing the pluralistic and open systems of Hindu majority of India which by its very nature has always been "secular" for millennia they view the new secular majority as their own new invention and influence over the educated Hindus who have a secular attitude and way of life. They view the wised up Hindus as a major threat to their expansionist schemes. They approach the uneducated and uninformed poor sections of the Hindu society to pitch them against the educated to create unnecessary antagonism between the two groups which given time, education, and economic progress would naturally become equal eventually. The Christists and Islamists do not want China to be the waking giant but they cannot use the same tactics they use in India in China, as China is not as soft a target as India any more. China restricts the political subversive movements within its own territory by nipping them in the bud. China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the other elements wo uld like to keep India fragmented and weak with its resources spent in dealing with the internal strife, skirmishes, and even wars than to see it emerge as a strong power. That is what perhaps explains the rationale for the emergence of this nexus. The recognition of this nexus and strategic proactive efforts to resist and defeat its eroding design for destruction of the Indian society is crucial for the survival and economic progress of India.

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    Saturday, November 8, 2008

    Fwd: Col. Shri Kant Purohit, the protector of human race.


    I have been discharged in Azaan case. Brouse my blog given below,

    Hindus are not buying that this is an evil world and that they are all sinners. Hindus are also not buying that as they are not baptized, they will go into Hell and burn forever. Also, Hindus are not buying that if you are baptized you are given a promise that you will go to Heaven and live with the Lord forever, regardless of what you do. They are not buying that because you are baptized all your sins will be forgiven. Hindus believe in logic and Christians believe in faith. Christians have to come up with some better philosophy of life than what they are preaching now. Of course they can convert by giving money or lying but that doesn't work well in the long run.

    Therefore, Sonia has been planted by bastard Jesus to slay us.

    Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi is Catholic Christian. Even her son, daughter and son in law are Catholic Christians. Those people of India, who have voted both Antonia Maino and Rahul to send them into Parliament, are enemies of humanity. They have put their own lives, their own culture, their own mother land, their own infants, their own women and their own properties in jeopardy. Of course Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi and Rahul would thank their voters for making them MPs by raping their women in front of their own eyes on the divine command of Jehovah the father of ghost and bastard Jesus. (Bible, Isaiah 13:16). Antonia Maino and Rahul have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king. (Bible, Luke 19:27). Antonia Maino is residing in Bharat to baptize, bring fire and division among the families of the entire globe. (Bible-Luke/ Chapter 12 / Verse 49-53).


    Jesuit Sonia has promised as under,
    I (Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi) furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.

    Who are Good Muslims and Christians?

    Leaders, reformers, saints, Media, Islamic and Missionary politicos and clerics are purposely deceiving humanity. The truth is not hidden, nor is it hard to find. Media is scared, clueless, and willfully ignorant at the cost of human eradication. Good Muslims and Christians would continue to wage Jihad and Mission until we stop them by eliminating their means and motivation. Means is petro dollars and Missionary funds and motivation is Koran and Bible. (Koran 8:39) and (Bible, Luke 19:27). If we do not retaliate, they would keep on killing Human races.

    Secular Allah boasts for being a terrorist (Koran 8:12) permits incest (Koran 33:37-38). Secular Allah boasts that he deceives humanity, (Koran 9:3) assassinates humanity, (Koran 9:5) slays humanity, (Koran 8:17) dupes humanity, ambushes humanity, (Koran 9:3) robs humanity, (Koran 8:1) condones rape of women, (Koran 23:6) enslaves women, Children, and even his own worshippers, commits murder, (Koran 8:17) genocide, (Koran 8:39) sadistic tortures, terrorism, warmongering, (Koran 2:216; 8:65 and 67) etc. on the pretext that one does not worship Allah alone. Still Muslims claim that they are Seculars! Similarly, Secular Jesus is a ghost adopted by Christian rulers to rule upon the world. In Bible, Secular Jesus himself commands his sheep, "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me." Bible, Luke 19:27. Secular Jesus further says in Bible, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Bible, Matt 10:34). and that Jesus has come on the earth to bring fire. (Bible, Luke 12:49). If one must be slain for worshipping false gods, why should one not be slain for worshipping butcher, incest monger, robber gods, who instigate and support murder, plunder, incest and rape of alien women? Aryavrt Government seeks answer.

    While Pakistani radical Muslim theorist Syed Abul Ala Maududi declared that "Islam requires the earth - not just a portion, but the whole planet - not because the sovereignty over the earth should be wrested from one Nation or several Nations and vested in one particular Nation, but because the entire mankind should benefit ... from 'Islam' which is the programme of well-being for all humanity, Jesus commands his sheep to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their ruler. Is it liberty?

    Maududi insisted that non-Muslims, although free to practice their "false, man-made way," have "absolutely no right to seize the reins of power in any part of God's earth nor to direct the collective affairs of human beings according to their own misconceived doctrines." If they do, "the believers would be under an obligation to do their utmost to dislodge them from political power and to make them live in subservience to the Islamic way of life."

    Those who are paid to keep us informed have put their popularity and financial well being ahead of saving lives. How can you suppose Islam could be any different than the religion concocted by its sole prophet, Muhammad? How could the Christianity & Islam differ from the doctrines espoused by their deities named Jehovah and Allah? If their prophets, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad got Christianity & Islam wrong, who can set Christianity & Islam right? I am quoting the verses of Koran and Bible. If the same horrify Christians and Muslims, they have to blame their Bible, Koran, Moses, Muhammad, Jehovah, Allah and their clerics. I simply want to expose Christianity and Islam. I am a reporter. I am doing the job that media should have done centuries back. I want to save women from Christianity & Islam, Muslims from Islam and Christians and Jews from Jehovah. Thereby I want to save women, Christians and Muslims men from the scourges of fabricated Jehovah and Allah.

    Today's Jihadies and Missionaries are simply following their religions fabricated by Moses and Muhammad. Even after confronted with the evidences, one simply commits intellectual suicide to avoid seeing Christianity & Islam as complicit in Jihad and Mission.

    The truth is crystal clear. The Jihadies and Missionaries have not corrupted their religions. Christianity & Islam have corrupted them. The murderers are following their prophet's example. And while most Christians and Muslims are not Mujahids and Missionaries, all the really good Christians and Muslims are. They haven't corrupted Christianity & Islam any more than the Germans corrupted Nazism or the Kamikazes corrupted the culture of Imperial Japan. Human races have been fighting wars against the symptoms, not the sources.

    While the Christianity and Islam have stipulated the condition for existence of humanity of being slave of either Jesus or Allah by deceit, Aryans' Vedic culture forbids slavery, loot, rape and conversion. Its scriptures do not allow ambush and terrorism. Aryans did propagate their Buddhism around the world, but nowhere had they ruled upon aliens' territories. They did not demolish worship places and idols of aliens. They did not kill male persons and infants and did not rape women of alien faith. Their scriptures did not permit such crimes. Look! What Jews, Christians and Muslims did around the world! Jesus is fraud and enemy of Christians as well as Allah is fraud and enemy of Muslims.

    While Aryans' kingdoms provided shelter to every faiths, Christianity and Islam have annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation might take centuries, but once Christianity and Islam are ascendant they never fail. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. They are after the last partially survived Vedic culture. Let Aryavrt Government salvage Vedic culture.

    Human races, including Christians and Muslims, are moving corpses and living in paradise of fools. I feel guilty when I see that the sacrifices of Ram Prasad Bismil, Bhagat Singh, Subhash, Chandra Shekhar Azad could not materialize. When the financial racketeer Pratibha and cow and man-eater thief of Aamer Fort treasury Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi had to rule upon us, what was bad with Victoria or Elizabeth? What for our ancestors shed their bloods since 1857? Liberty, guaranteed in US and Indian Constitution, is being denied openly. Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi would slay every citizen of India, who is guilty of oppossing rule of Jesus in India. (Bible, Luke 19:27). That exposes the relevance of democracy.


    Dear reader,

    The fraud of the Indian Constitution starts with the preamble quoted below,


    This is fraud. The people, who compiled the Constitution, were not elected by the people of Bharat after transfer of power by Jesus. No referendum or plebiscite was arranged to obtain consent of the people about body of the Indian Constitution. Then how the people of Bharat enacted, adopted and given to themselves this guide of usurpers, murderers, rapists and secessionists?

    Subjugation of non Islamic (Koran 8:39) and non Christian (Bible, Luke 19:27), people, slaughter (Koran 8:17) and rape of women of alien faiths are the cultures of Muslims and Christians. (Koran 23:06 and Bible Isaiah 13:15-16). Even Muslims and Christians are not safe so far criminals Allah and Jehovah are worshipped and honoured on the earth. The Article 29(1) of the very Indian Constitution is aiding, abetting and harbouring the very vulture Muslims and Christians and giving these vulture Muslims and Christians unfettered fundamental right to conserve the very cultures of murder, plunder, incest, incest, rape of women and conversion of Bharat and non Muslim and non Christian people into Islamic and Christian fold! Thus, the Indian Constitution is human killer. It must be scrapped

    Vedic civilization is on the verge of extinction due to cultural war from Christianity and Islam since their inception. Aryans have been made unarmed against those Christians and Muslims enemies, who seek Aryans demise. Sadly, however, Aryans fail to understand that the survival of their way of life and even their very Vedic culture, their lives, their liberties and honour and dignity of their women are at stake. This is not merely an "election" between two political parties with a common interest in the peace and prosperity of the world. This is an existential conflict in which Christianity and Islam say, "convert or die." However, it is intriguing that both Bible (Bible, Deut. 13:6-11) and Koran 4:89 stipulates slaughter of proselytes.

    Rise to the occasion. Burn each copies of the Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible. Demand scrapping of the Indian Constitution, abolition of Azaan, return of Qaba after installation of 359 idols.

    Col Purohit has taken a daring step. We should support him as much as possible to save humanity. I, on behalf of our king emperor, appoint Col. Purohit Commander in chief of Aryavrt Government. However, Shri Purohit has liberty to accept the post.

    Yours faithfully,
    Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
    Aryavrt Government
    77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
    Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
    If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?

    Tuesday, October 28, 2008

    Sadhvi Poorna Chetanaanand's narco test. Whatfor?

    To whom it may concern:
    Whatever Sadhvi has done, she has done in private defence u/s 102 and 105 of the IPC.

    Christianity and Islam have annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation might take centuries, but once Christianity and Islam are ascendant they never fail. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. They are after the last partially survived Vedic culture. Let Aryavrt Government salvage Vedic culture. The Indian Constitution has been compiled by the Britons' Congress Party in retaliation and to settle vendetta for opposing British rule amongst other reasons.

    Muslims' Allah and his Islam has divided humanity between Momins and Kafirs and territories between Dar-Ul-Herb and Dar-Ul-Islam. Slay or convert Kafirs into Momins and convert Dar-Ul-Herb into Dar-Ul-Islam is Jihad. (Koran 8:39). Jihad is divine command and sure path to heavenly brothel. Similarly, Christians' Jesus commands his sheep Christians' to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king. (Bible, Luke 19:27). If the Govt wants narco test, she may arrest Sonia and put her on narco test. She is thief of Aamer Fort treasury and a Jesuit, who has taken the following oath,

    Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi is Catholic Christian. Even her son, daughter and son in law are Catholic Christians. Those people of India, who have voted both Antonia Maino and Rahul to send them into Parliament, are enemies of humanity. They have put their own lives, their own culture, their own mother land, their own infants, their own women and their own properties in jeopardy. Of course Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi and Rahul would thank their voters for making them MPs by raping their women in front of their own eyes on the divine command of Jehovah the father of ghost and bastard Jesus. (Bible, Isaiah 13:16). Antonia Maino and Rahul have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king. (Bible, Luke 19:27). Antonia Maino is residing in Bharat to baptize, bring fire and division among the families of the entire globe. (Bible-Luke/ Chapter 12 / Verse 49-53).



    Jesuit Sonia has promised as under,

    I (Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi) furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.

    Who are Good Muslims and Christians?

    Leaders, reformers, saints, Media, Islamic and Missionary politicos and clerics are purposely deceiving humanity. The truth is not hidden, nor is it hard to find. Media is scared, clueless, and willfully ignorant at the cost of human eradication. Good Muslims and Christians would continue to wage Jihad and Mission until we stop them by eliminating their means and motivation. Means is petro dollars and Missionary funds and motivation is Koran and Bible. (Koran 8:39) and (Bible, Luke 19:27). If we do not retaliate, they would keep on killing Human races.

    The dreaded democracy of Bharat could not produce a single President/PM for this country and nation is constrained to import cow and man-eater super PM Antonia Maino, her refugee PM puppet Manmohan and Financial racketeer Pratibha! Both Pratibha and Antonia Maino have been commanded by Allah and Jesus to slay us. Why should Aryans tolerate such Democracy?

    Has humanity no shame for being ruled by dreaded criminals supported by the Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible? Media has no right to conceal the true face of Antonia Maino and Pratibha and their dreaded guides Koran and Bible aided and abetted by the dreaded Indian Constitution and shielded by Section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code..

    Jews, Christians and Muslims are the first victims of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They loose their 'liberty', no sooner they depose faith in Jehovah, Jesus and Allah. They become hardcore corrupts and killers on the pretext of divine command. They commit crime for their Prophets, Pope, fathers, Imams, leaders and missionaries without having any inkling as to what are they doing! They invade other countries. They kidnap women, rape them and, kill innocent civilians. Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing victims' their near and dear. (Koran 23:6). However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) and returned pregnant Muslims women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights.

    To earn bread farmers tame poultry and sheep that need investment for their maintenance. The criminal usurper Socialists have invented the cruelest dogmas to make man source of exploitation without investment of single paisa. Man has become worse animal of exploitation than these sheep, bullocks and cows.

    In notorious usurper democracy, man has reduced to the most hapless of source of exploitation in lust of its own greed for share in booty. Man has lost his acumen. He is unable to understand the game of social engineering and is on the verge of extinction.

    Buying man as slave has become obsolete with the help of these criminal dogmas.

    Nay! No one is innocent in the eyes of Islam and Christianity. If these religions survive, the survival of human race is impossible. These criminal religions have been detained by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in Bharat to eradicate Bharat and Vedic culture, but in the view of the black 11 September 2001, these sectarians would kill each other like Yadavas of Dwaper era. The reason is quite simple. There is perpetual war of supremacy between Allah and Jehovah. Both Christians and Muslims have to establish their culture and kingdom. War alone can decide the supremacy between them! Therefore, for the existence of human race the eradication of these criminal religions is must. Join Aryavrt to eradicate these cultures from the globe.

    So long as Indian Constitution, manifesto of Carl Marx, Koran, Bible, Democracy, Socialism, Islam and Christianity, survive in the globe, neither life nor property of a Muslim is safe nor of a Christian is safe. The chastity, honour and dignity of no woman is safe. Socialism of Carl Marx has already gone to hell. Now is the turn of Christianity and Islam.

    To add insult to injury they call these criminal guides religious books and to tell contrary is crime amounting to blasphemy with sanction of death penalty! If Bible and Koran are religious books and to usurp alien lands, plunder aliens, rape aliens' women are religion one wonders what crime is. So the time is ripe to wipe out criminal religions Christianity and Islam.

    Thus the basic cause, i.e. protection of lands, lives, ladies, liberties, and labours of the subjects, for whom the governments were invented and implemented, gets defeated. The snatching of one's belongings, which is a crime, turns into the religious duty of every follower of these criminal religions and first part of the duties of democratic and socialist governments. The followers of these religions, socialists, and democrats find no immorality in snatching one's property, one's women, and killing an innocent.

    Gods of Prophets are criminal of a class. Although one has three forums against even dreaded criminal like Doud Ibrahim viz. Society, police and judiciary, one has no forum to complain against gods!

    Rape of woman is religious incentive of Muslims (Koran 23:6) and Christians (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) both. The acts are reinforced with unfettered fundamental rights vides Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution under the armour of section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Both have been detained in Bharat. Both are armed with their unfettered fundamental right to conserve the very culture of murder of humanity vide Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution. They are protected by Governments u/s 196 of the CrPC.

    Islamic and Missionary politicos and clerics are purposely deceiving humanity. The truth isn't hidden, nor it is hard to find. Media is scared, clueless, and willfully ignorant at the cost of human eradication. Good Muslims and Christians would continue to wage Jihad and Mission until we stop them by eliminating their means and motivation. Means is petro dollars and Missionary funds and motivation is Koran and Bible. (Koran 8:39) and (Bible, Luke 19:27). If we don't retaliate, they would keep on killing Human races.

    Sadhvi has legal right of private defence u/s 102 of the IPC. No one has right to loot her honour, dignity and chastity. Sadhvi is fighting for chastity, dignity and honour of the women of the world. As per section 96 of the IPC, any act performed in private defence, in no crime.

    Yours faithfully,
    Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
    Aryavrt Government
    77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
    Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
    If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?

    Do all religions support oneness of humankind and freedom?


    There is noting like oneness of humankind.

    There is scramble for booty and slaves around the whole world. Vedic Morals are stumbling-blocks. Moses, the founder of immorality on the pretext of religion, was the first person who moralized Booty, (Bible Deut. 20:14),  rape of women (Bible Isaiah 13:15-16) and subjugation of humanity through his religion Judaism and his domestic servant Jehovah on the pretext of ban on worshipping alien gods. (Bible Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5). Jesus, a pirate, improved the booty further. He moralized eating flesh of the son of man and drinking his blood (Bible John 6:53) and slaughter of one who does not accept Jesus his ruler. (Bible, Luke, 19:27). Muhammad, an other pirate,  made Allah the owner of booty, (Koran 8:01, 41 and 69) killer of non-Muslims, (Koran 8:17) rapist of women (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30) and owner of the world. (Koran 2:255). Still Jesus and Muhammad provided limited right of booty to their followers. Property is power. Remaining in the hands of citizens, property prevents their subjugation and servitude. Therefore, Carl Marx invested property into the immoral, corrupt and usurper society. Democracy is blend of all above to eradicate Vedic culture and enslave one.

    Creator of universe named Jehovah and Allah must have created people with pre-programmed brains of good behaviour and stopped creation of Kafirs and Satans. Therefore, first creating Kafirs and Satans and thereafter creating killers of his own creatures cast doubt on the integrity and might of either Jehovah or Allah.

    Yours faithfully,
    Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
    Aryavrt Government
    77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
    Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
    If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?

    Re: Happy Diwali

    Bare facts:
    Shri N.Agasti,
    Wish you happy Deepavali.

    Qaba and Vetican are booty. Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible have been compiled to justify the most ungodly and immoral behaviour the world has ever known. Conversion is crime against humanity. While 'Justice' is first casualty in judiciary, 'Liberty' is the first casualty of faith. There is no such thing as 'freedom of faith'.

    We are striving in the direction of deception, darkness and death.

     Peace is taboo in Islam and Christianity.

    The Indian Constitution has abolished prosperity vide Article 39(c) and omission of Art. 31.

    Happiness is in bondage of Christianity (Bible 19:27) and Islam. (Koran 8:39).

    Divinity has been sacrificed on the altars of secularism.

    Yours faithfully,
    Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
    Aryavrt Government
    77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
    Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
    If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?

    On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 1:18 AM, Youth For Equality <> wrote:






    On the auspicious occasion of DEEPAVALI, I wish you a new Year full of peace, prosperity and happiness.


    May the divine light sparkles, each moment of your life full of joy and victory.


    With best wishes  & regards




    Saturday, October 25, 2008

    Press Release on arrest of Sadhvi Pragya Singh


    For publication

    Arrest of Sadhvi Pragya Singh

    Delhi, Oct. 25. Let Malegaon Masjid episode repeat in the world. Aryavrt Govt congratulates Sadhvi Pragya Singh for her daring step. Aryavrt Govt wishes her success in future programme for eradication of Islam. The Qaba of Muslims itself is booty. 359 idols in its vicinity had been demolished by Ali. (Koran, Bani Israel, 17:81). Azaan, shouted from the pulpits of Masjids, is insult of faiths and deities of non-Muslims as such cognizable offence u/s 153 and 295 IPC. Koran is manual of Zihad. Islam is enemy of moral and human races. It must be eliminated from the world.

    Christianity and Islam have annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation might take centuries, but once Christianity and Islam are ascendant they never fail. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. They are after the last partially survived Vedic culture. Let Aryavrt Government salvage Vedic culture.

    The Indian Constitution has been compiled by the Britons' Congress Party in retaliation and to settle vendetta for opposing British rule amongst other reasons. Leaders, reformers, saints, Media, Islamic and Missionary politicos and clerics are purposely deceiving humanity. The truth is not hidden, nor is it hard to find. Media is scared, clueless, and willfully ignorant at the cost of human eradication. Good Muslims and Christians would continue to wage Jihad and Mission until we stop them by eliminating their means and motivation. Means is petro dollars and Missionary funds and motivation is Koran and Bible. (Koran 8:39) and (Bible, Luke 19:27). If we do not retaliate, they would keep on killing Human races.

    The Governments are harbouring, aiding, motivating, abetting and defending Christianity and Islam because they have accepted servility. One has right of private defence. I am reproducing the relevant sections as hereunder,


    "96. Nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of the right of private defense."
    "99. ... There is no right of private defence in cases in which there is time to have recourse to the protection of the public authorities."

    "102. Commencement and continuance of the right of private defence of the body.—The right of private defence of the body commences as soon as a reasonable apprehension of danger to the body arises from an attempt or threat to commit the offence though the offence may not have been committed; and it continues as long as long as Democracy, Christianity & Islam survive, humanity cannot survive. such apprehension of danger to the body continues."

     "105. Commencement and continuance of the right of private defence of property.—The right of private defence of property commences when a reasonable apprehension of danger to property commences. ..."

    The apex court had taken cases of Zahira Sheikh and Bilkis Yakoob suo motu. ( The Apex court's chief Justice V.N. Khare had warned the Gujarat Govt., "We cannot remain a silent spectator to its in action in Best Bakery case." Khare had also said to Modi, "you have to protect people and punish the quit if you can't prosecute the guilty."

    The apex court failed to take the cases of Christianity & Islam suo motu, to prove her moral.

    Whatever may be the advantages of Democracy, the fate of Aryans has been sealed. They must be slain. Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Democracy have enslaved humanity. There is no liberty. Humanity cannot survive. The chastity and honour of no woman is safe.

    Christianity, Islam, Socialism and Democracy eliminate instinct of crime from the minds of their followers. No sooner one converts to Christianity, Islam, Socialism and Democracy, one finds nothing immoral or crime in plunder, murder, rape of women, eating flesh of the son of man and cow, instead these crimes turn into source of sustenance, title of Ghazi and heaven after death. To add insult to injury they call these criminal guide books named Koran and Bible religious books.

    Democracy is for name sake in India. There is complete autocracy of Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi in India. Governors are being chosen today by Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi. They cannot speak a single word of their own.

    Whoever takes oath of the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution, literally accepts that Aryans, nick named as Hindus by Muslims, meaning as  the resident of Hindustan, thief, robber, slave, black and by Christians as barbaric invaders, who came from middle Asia, cannot have any nation. Aryans' civilisation is savage. Vedic culture must be replaced either with Islamic or Christian culture. Aryans' Vedic culture is caste based barbaric culture that exploits poor and low caste persons on the ground of caste. Krishna among Aryans Gods are killers, thieves, sexy,  assassins and cheats. However, Jesus, who snatches manhood from his followers to reduce sheep, whose father Jehovah commands Christians to dash infants to pieces, rape women of non Christians before the eyes of the men of victim women, (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) commands Christians to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king, (Bible, Luke 19:27), who came on the earth to bring fire (Bible, Luke 12:49) and sword (Bible, Matt 10:34) and who came on the earth to divide every Christian family (Bible, Matt 10:35)  and (Bible, Luke 12:51-53), is kind and peace loving God. Similarly, Allah, who slays (Koran 8:17), supports incest (Koran 33:37-38), owns and distributes booty (Koran, 8:1, 69 and 41) and condones rape of women (Koran 23:6) is mercyful god.

    If media wishes to salvage human races, she has no choice than supporting Sadhvi Pragya Singh.
    Yours faithfully,
    Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
    Aryavrt Government
    77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
    Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
    If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?


    Re: Malaysia blocks Nobel Laureate

    Thank you Mr. Lahiri for your feed back.
    Both Christians and Muslims are living in paradise of fools.

    Again, I feel pity for the Both Muslims and Christians, who  are victims of their prophets, who are dead and have left their legacy behind to rulers. These rulers have to establish their kingdom in the globe. Some are telling that this war is for oil. Some are telling that USA is policing the world. But I say, this war is to eradicate Islam and establish kingdom of Jesus for his second coming to rule upon earth. I feel pity for the Muslims who are the slaves of Muhammad and again feel pity for Christians who are sheep of SATAN and GHOST JESUS as per Bible. Nay! Christians have no right of wisdom. (Bible, Genesis 2:17). These economic and religious slave Muslims are going to hell in graves since the advent of Islam. They would remain there till the Day of Judgment. Do they know who their tormentors are? The sheep and the religious and economic slaves of Jesus, who incidentally are their own cousins, are their tormentors. Do they know why? Because of their lust for booty and sex! So long as they believe in criminal Allah, they cannot survive. The reasons for their defeats are manifold. Muslims are less in population and inferior in war technology. Moreover people of their own faith are assisting their enemies. They must switch their faith into Vedic Panth. They have no choice.

    Torah, Bible and Sharia cannot be penetrated by reason (its apparent inconsistencies notwithstanding) and the very attempt is forbidden heresy. It's blasphemy and attracts death penalty in Islamic and Christian countries and punishment u/s 153 and 295 of the Indian Penal Code. Every Jew, Christian or Moslem, who is qualified to give a sound opinion on matters of Torah, Bible or Sharia, is entitled to interpret the application of Torah, Sharia or Bible when such interpretation becomes necessary, but where an explicit command of Jehovah, Jesus and Allah or Prophets already exists, no rabbi, Pope, Father, Gideon, Cleric or Mufti, Aalim, Moslem leader or legislature can form an independent judgment. Since Muhammad is the final prophet, there can be no further development in any judicial matters where the Bible, Koran and Sunnah provide guidance. This deeply undermines the possibility of rational civic debate in Moslem Christian nations and accounts for the distinctly inhuman flavor of their legal systems.

    The notorious frauds, named prophets, have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their fabricated gods unapproachable. Those who accept the faith of prophets, become the slaves of prophets as the prophets have become brokers of Jehovah and Allah! Prophets alone can meet their gods. Thus the followers of the prophets are slaves of their prophets. In lieu of providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who do not accept their faiths. Thus the whole world comes under the control of the prophets. However these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs.

    This is because if raping women of alien faith is free from blame (Koran 23:6) for Muslims, then how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded to ravish the women of non-Christians before the eyes of the men of the victim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16)? If those worshipping other Gods save Allah be killed is justified, (Koran 2:191) how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27) If snatching the belongings of other person is offence, why the democrats and P.O.s of judiciary, who snatched citizens' fundamental right to property, (Article 31 - now stands omitted since 20-06-1979) are not dacoits? If property belongs to society, why such society is not usurper? Where is the moral in that society that is owner of the belongings of the haves? Why should we tolerate that Indian Constitution that grants unfettered fundamental right to minorities to slay and rob the people of alien faiths and rape their women? [Article 29(1)]. Governments are duty bound to protect the properties of their citizens. Where is the moral in Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution that snatches properties of the citizens?

    I have a schedule caste friend named Pradeep Gautam. Gautam is his Gotra. My maternal family, I mean my Nanihal, belongs to Gautam Mishra of Saryupari clan of Brahmins. How Brahmins allowed Pradeep remain Gautam? Earlier than 2008 AD, there was no Christian and earlier than 1429 AD there was no Muslim. They were converted under persecution in spite of the commands of their scripture to slay the proselyte Christians and Muslims. (Bible, Deut. 13:6-11) and (Koran 4:89). Do these Christians and Muslims know their ancestors or their native culture? Would these Jews, Christians and Muslims, whose ancestors were persecuted by criminal faiths not take revenge from Judaism, Christianity and Islam? Are these Christians and Muslims not abusing their ancestors? How those, who cannot respect their own ancestors, would respect humanity? Can they bring fraternity?

    I suggest Christians and Muslims to not to fall prey to Christianity and Islam. Revive your liberty and moral values. Join Vedic Panth.

    Yours faithfully,
    Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
    Aryavrt Government
    77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
    Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
    If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?

    On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 5:33 PM, rathindra prasad lahiri <> wrote:
    Malaysia blocks Iran Nobel winner
    Shirin Ebadi (file pic)
    Shirin Ebadi is one of Iran's first female judges

    A Malaysian university has cancelled a scheduled speech by the Iranian
    Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi.

    Ms Ebadi, an outspoken human rights lawyer, had been due to speak at
    the University of Malaya early in November.

    Foreign ministry officials admitted that they had advised the
    university to withdraw Ms Ebadi's invitation.

    Ms Ebadi, who won the peace prize in 2003, has often found herself at
    odds with the Iranian government over her human rights work.

    'Big implications'

    Ms Ebadi had been due to deliver the speech entitled Islam and
    Cultural Diversity on 3 November.

    But an official told the Associated Press news agency that the foreign
    ministry had sent a letter "strongly advising" the organisers not to
    go ahead with the speech.

    "We were told there would be big implications for bilateral
    relations," the unnamed official said, adding that Iranian diplomats
    were "pushing for Malaysia to call it off".

    The university's vice-chancellor, Rafiah Salim, told the French news
    agency AFP that the decision was made "out of respect for our Iranian
    students, who were not very happy".

    The speech was supposed to begin a series of talks in Malaysia and
    Thailand over the next few months.

    Other speakers include fellow Nobel laureate President Jose-Ramos
    Horta of East Timor and American activist Jesse Jackson.

    In her capacity as a lawyer, Ms Ebadi has defended many people accused
    of political and security crimes in Iran, and campaigned for greater
    rights for women and children.

    She has faced numerous death threats and hostility in the Iranian
    media, and the government banned her Centre for Protecting Human
    Rights in 2006.

    Wary of the Indian Constitution

    Wary of the Indian Constitution.

    Whosoever takes oath or affirmation either of faith and allegiance or to defend or to uphold the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution and law is enemy of humanity as well as enemy of one's own. Such deponent literally accepts that Aryans, nick named as Hindus by Muslims, meaning as the resident of Hindustan, thief, robber, slave, black and by Christians as barbaric invaders, who came from middle Asia, cannot have any nation. Such deponent accepts that Aryans' civilization is savage. Such deponent accepts that Vedic culture must be replaced either with Islamic or Christian culture. Such deponent accepts that Aryans' Vedic culture is caste based barbaric culture that exploits poor and low caste persons on the ground of caste. Such deponent accepts that Krishna among Aryans Gods is killer, thief, sexy, assassin and cheat. However, Jesus, who snatches manhood from his followers to reduce his followers into sheep, whose father Jehovah commands Christians to dash infants to pieces, rape women of non Christians before the eyes of the men of victim women, (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) commands Christians to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king, (Bible, Luke 19:27), who (Jesus) came on the earth to bring fire (Bible, Luke 12:49) and sword (Bible, Matt 10:34) and who (Jesus) came on the earth to divide every Christian family (Bible, Matt 10:35)  and (Bible, Luke 12:51-53), is kind and peace loving God. Similarly, Allah, who slays (Koran 8:17), supports incest (Koran 33:37-38), owns and distributes booty (Koran, 8:1, 69 and 41) and condones rape of women (Koran 23:6) is merciful god.

    Christianity and Islam is self-proclaimed enemy of non Christian nations and unbelievers. Christianity and Islam have annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation might take centuries, but once Christianity and Islam are ascendant they never fail. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. Why would they spare any one?

    Either one does not worship Allah alone (Namaz & Koran 21:98) or does not accept Jesus one's ruler (Bible, Luke 19:27), as such Christians and Muslims are religiously and constitutionally right in murdering each other, because either one does not want Jesus to be one's king or does not worship Allah alone. Nay! Christians and Muslims have been provided fundamental right to conserve their very criminal cultures vide Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution.

    How the people of India adopted the Indian Constitution?

    The people, who compiled the Indian Constitution, were not elected by the people of Bharat after transfer of power by Jesus. No referendum or plebiscite was ever arranged to obtain the consent of the people about the body of the Indian Constitution. Then how the people of Bharat enacted, adopted and given to themselves this manual of usurpers, murderers, rapists and secessionists?

    While the Christianity and Islam have stipulated the condition for existence of humanity of being slave of either Jesus or Allah by deceit, which are in no way liberty of faith as per preamble, Aryans' Vedic culture forbids slavery, loot, rape and conversion. Its scriptures do not allow ambush and terrorism. Aryans did propagate their Buddhism around the world, but nowhere had they ruled upon aliens' territories. They did not demolish worship places and idols of aliens. They did not kill male persons and infants and did not rape women of alien faith. Their scriptures do not permit such crimes. Look! What Jews, Christians and Muslims did around the world! Jesus is fraud and enemy of Christians as well as Allah is fraud and enemy of Muslims.

    The Indian Constitution has been compiled to eradicate Vedic culture, enslave one economically and religiously & get women raped either by a Muslim or by a Christian. While 'liberty' is first casualty of faith, 'Justice' is the first casualty of judiciary. Indian Constitution is predator, a pirate, and a manual of tyranny. Its Article 29(1) motivates aids, abets and harbours its Muslim and Christian mercenaries to eradicate Vedic culture through murder and mayhem. If we wish to survive, we have no choice than understanding Democracy, Islam and Christianity. They have dogmas capable of corrupting men to such an extent that their followers believe plunder, murder, rape of women and conversion sure path to paradise. Human race must note that ignorance of this deception is not tolerance. Acceptance is not compassion. Appeasement will not lead to peace any more than accommodating the suicide bombers, who have ruined world harmony. Over 1.3 billion people are slaves of Islam and over two billion people are wisdom less (Bible, Genesis 2:17) sheep slaves (Bible, Luke 19:27) of Jesus. The word Islam means submission. Allah and his Koran and Jehovah and his Bible Command Muslims and Christians obey prophet, cleric, and king. While Muslims in Islamic nations live with no liberty of thought, speech, press, or religion, the status of Christians is of sheep without wisdom! Unemployment, poverty, and despair run rampant in Islamic countries. Every aspect of a Muslim's life is controlled by Islamic despots, Islamic laws, Islamic scriptures, Islamic education, and Islamic culture. Women are treated like animals. Allah's Koran gives Muslims the liberty to incest (Koran 33:37-38), beat their wives and condones rape of any captive women (Koran 23:6). While every Muslim is indoctrinated with the same message of religious intolerance, racial hatred, and violence in Islam, Christianity is after establishing kingdom of bastard and ghost Jesus. Bible, Luke 19:27. They are being exploited by their dictators and politicians. They hear from media, from their teachers, and clerics and follow them at the cost of annihilation of human race. A collusion of influences, including lust for booty and sex has annihilated truth and shut out wisdom.

    With the compilation of the dreaded predator Indian Constitution, by the Britons' Congress party, citizens of India, including Muslims and Christians, have lost their right of life and liberty of faith vides Article 29(1) and right upon their properties vides Article 39(c) since November 26, 1949. No worship place and culture can survive. [ (Bible Deut. 12:1-3) and (Koran, Bani Israel, 17:81)]. The property right, provided to the citizens vides Article 31 of the Indian Constitution, which could not be snatched even by Britons and constitution committee, was snatched through the first amendment of the Indian Constitution, by the dreaded usurper parliament in collusion with the corrupt extortionist Indian judiciary of that Democracy, whose proceedings start with the extortion of Rs. five towards 'Bhent'. (Shankari Prasad Singh Deo v UOI, AIR 1951 SC 458: 1052 SCR 89;) (Hiralal J. Kania CJ and 4 other JJs. Date decided 5-10-1951). The chastity, honour and dignity of no woman are safe. (Bible, Isaiah 13:15 and 16) (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30). No court can sit into judgment against Bible and Koran. (AIR 1985 CALCUTTA HIGH COURT, 104).

    Even election is fraud and is not for the rescue of citizens, because no voter can change either Article 29(1) or 39(c) or claim restoration of Article 31 of the Indian Constitution. Thus, one votes to decide as to who would plunder the subjects, whether Atal or Mulayam or Rahul or Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi or Mayavati? Citizens vote to agree as to under whose regimen one's properties would be usurped, one's women would be raped and one would be slain!

    The ignorant Jews, Christians and Muslims do not know their prophet or their religion. They lead a life of ignorance, despair, tyranny, and mind-numbing rituals. They are kept in the dark, purposely deceived, for the benefit of clerics and kings. There is no incentive for Muslims and Christians to learn. Even if exposed to the truth, they would not reject Islam (Koran 4:89) or Jesus (Bible, Deut. 13:6-11) for fear of their lives. The Koran and Bible confirm these startling realities. Allah commanded Muslims "not to question the Koran," for those who did, he said, "discarded their religion." (Koran 5:101 and 102). They may test this fact by asking for their civil rights. They would realize that doors of heaven have already been closed for them.

    Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible have been compiled to justify the most ungodly and immoral behaviour the world has ever known. One has right of private defence under section 102 and 105 of the Indian Penal Code which is still today in full force. Christians and Muslims are here to slay and rob humanity on the pretext of freedom of faith. However, no individual can exercise the rights. Aryavrt Government is here to protect you. Join us to protect humanity.


    Edited, compiled, printed, published and distributed by Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi for Aryavrt Government, 77 Khera Khurd, Delhi-82 on DTP. The editor takes full responsibility and declares that the contents of this leaflet are true and correct on the basis of the Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible. Jurisdiction of legal disputes, if any, shall be Delhi. Phone; +91-9868324025/9838577815



    Yours faithfully,
    Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
    Aryavrt Government
    77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
    Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
    If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?

    Friday, October 24, 2008

    Re: Chat

    With great respect to Mr. Attri Ji,

    Victims of faiths

    The notorious frauds, named prophets, have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their fabricated gods unapproachable. Those, who accept the faith of prophets, become the slaves of prophets as the prophets have become brokers of Jehovah and Allah! Prophets alone can meet their gods. Thus the followers of the prophets are slaves of their prophets. By providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets got killed those who did not accept their faiths. Thus the whole world came  under the control of the prophets. The prophets died and left behind their legacies to clerics and rulers. Why should one believe? Why not one search Ishwar either by Yog or Kundalini Jagran? However, these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs.

    This is because if raping women of alien faith is free from blame (Koran 23:6) for Muslims, then how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded to ravish the women of non-Christians before the eyes of the men of the victim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16)? If those worshipping other Gods save Allah be killed is justified, (Koran 2:191) how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27) If snatching the belongings of other person is offence, why the democrats and P.O.s of judiciary, who snatched citizens' fundamental right to property, (Article 31 - now stands omitted since 20-06-1979) are not dacoits? If property belongs to society, why such society is not usurper? Where is the moral in that society that is owner of the belongings of the haves? Why should we tolerate that Indian Constitution that grants unfettered fundamental right to minorities to slay and rob the people of alien faiths and rape their women? [Article 29(1)]. Governments are duty bound to protect the properties of their citizens. Where is the moral in Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution that snatches properties of the citizens?

    Humanity invented governments to protect the lands, ladies, lives, liberties and labours of the subjects? For the very purposes, every government of the day has deputed judiciary and police. Every government punishes the guilty. Notorious criminal prophets invented religions and dogmas which allow them to subjugate even their own followers. This is because Allah alone can be worshipped, Muhammad is broker of Allah (Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98) or Jealous Jehovah alone can be worshipped or religion is opium. Thus, these dogmas subjugate one and usurp the belongings of the haves ('KORAN', Chapter 8 (The Spoils of War) Verse 1 and 41) and rape alien women of their choice (Bible, Isaiah 13:15and16) (See Koran, 4:24; 23:6 and; 33:50 and 70:30) and remain scot-free.

    No sooner, one accepts Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Socialism, the criminal activities of murder, plunder, incest and rape of women ceased to be considered crimes instead these crimes turn into the source of sustenance and heaven after death for these criminal democrats, Communists, Muslims, and Christians.

    However, in contrast, there is Vedic Sanskriti. It grants liberty of worship of god of one's choice. (Gita 7:21). Supports one's right to property. (Manusmriti 8:308). If one wishes to survive, one has no choice than relinquishing their gods Jehovah and Allah.

    Thus the basic cause, i.e. protection of lands, lives, ladies, liberties, and labours of the subjects, for whom the governments were invented and implemented, gets defeated. The snatching of one's belongings, which is a crime, turns into the religious duty of every follower of these criminal religions and first part of the duties of democratic and socialist governments. The followers of these religions, socialists, and democrats find no immorality in snatching one's property, one's women, and killing an innocent.

    Qaba and Vetican are booty. Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible have been compiled to justify the most ungodly and immoral behaviour the world has ever known. Conversion is crime against humanity. 'Liberty' is the first casualty of faith.

    For further details brouse,


    One has right of private defence under section 102 and 105 of the Indian Penal Code which is still today in full force. Christians and Muslims are here to slay and rob humanity on the pretext of freedom of faith. One has legal right to slay these Christians and Muslims. However, no individual can exercise the rights. Aryavrt Government is here to protect you.

    Support Aryavrt Government.

    Yours faithfully,
    Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
    Aryavrt Government
    77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
    Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
    If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?

    On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 12:08 PM, surinder attri <> wrote:

    1. swamijyoti to me

    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Danger of Hindu Christian Riots in Andhra Prad...":

    Hi All,

    Yeah, let's wake up, whine and then go to sleep. Let's pick up swords against the Christians missionaries who atleast are doing something which we Indians never do. Do something good for the poor, build hospitals, build schools, provide free education, cleanup the caste system stench, provide something to feel proud about instead of feeling ugly with low self esteem, looked down by the upper castes, no jobs, not future, dont have anything to eat, etc, etc, etc,..the list goes on.

    If Christians are harvesting souls, so be it. A lost Indian soul is better than a empty stomach and a step towards suicide or possible crime.

    Common guys!!! Stop whining!!! If you got the big balls, Donate time, energy, effort and money to do something what the christians are doing. Mimic them. Do something good for a change. Then watch your fellow disgruntled Indians retain their souls.

    Frankly speaking, you really do not need a foreign power to provide you with the financial resources. You got ample lagpatis/millionaires/billionaries at every corner of India. Wake them up to do something good.

    I bet, every person who is reading this comment is atleast a lagpati who never donated a rupee or an hour for social work.

    No. That, you dont want to do. Like Saaju Bhaskar says in the above 'we never donate a rupee at charity'. But we bitch and bitch about someone else doing something good for a change. We Indians just cannot digest when someone else is doing good.

    All I hear is - typical Indians complaining and complaining but doing nothing like what the christians are doing.

    I dont know if I should laugh or cry at the pathetic stand we educated and or so-called cultured Indians take when some poor/uneducated/lowCaste/etc Indians are getting benefited. If their souls are going to someother religion, so be it. Put yourself in their shoes, go on empty stomach for few days and then see who will come do something for you, especially when you are in some rural area. Nobody, my brother. Chances are high that some Christian will feed you something.

    When Mohd Gazhni slaughtered us, we complained. When BritishRaj robbed up, we royally licked their bottoms for 200+ years and complained. Now, when missionaries are doing something good, BINGO!!, we complain. Looks like complaining is in our genes.

    Give me a break and decide what in the above three scenarios is benefiting Indians.

    One thing seems to be clear, the missionaries want your soul. Not your blood, sweat, money, or your women or your lands or cattle. They are willing to sacrifice all their personal monies, blood, sweat and efforts to do some good. The net effect is simple - some pathetic/poor Indian getting a free benefit!!!



    DO SOME GOOD!!!!









    Oooops!! We Can't do it. Me donate? Just cannot do it. She did, because she was a crazy missionary. Me? No Way!! I'm a proud Indian!!! Just cannot do something for free. The word DONATE is not in Indian dictionary.

    What's left?? Let's pick up the sword!!

    2. My Take:

    Signor Anonymous has written a sarcastic message. I do not want to imitate his style with sarcasm of my own, I want to tell it like it is.

    Correspondently, I do not want to criticize only Non-Hindu religions, and give the benefit of doubt to Hinduism. If I did that, I will be replicating what others are doing, particularly the Moslems & Christians.

    3. We Hindus are Not perfect, nor have ever claimed that we are. We are selfish, and welfare of ourselves & our family, carries the highest priority in our reasoning. Every body else, our neighbors, our community, state, or nation, take much lower rank. With the coat of arms of this blind-individualism, we Hindus cannot advance into being public or community-minded. We also blaze with troublesome Lakeer-Ke-Fakir ( we prefer to follow the beaten path ) syndrome. Even though our caste system has existed for thousands of years, and is inordinately hier-archical ( a system of in-equality ), our heedless-individualism has not permitted us a sense of urgency, to enable us to reform our social system, for the uplift of the socially-disadvantaged sections of our Hindu society. Even the enormous challenge both from Islam & Christianity, has not persuaded or provoked us Hindus, to set our social house in order.

    4. The unperceptive-individualism of the Hindu & defects in his social system, have enabled Hindu's adversaries ( Islam & Christianity ) to exaggerate, fabricate, and wholesale-distort the characteristics of Hinduism, even though the picture of Islam & Christianity is hardly flushed with re-assuring beauty. Both Moslems & Christians have gotten away with their deceptive broadcasts regarding the greatness & perfection of their own religions, in spite of the degraded & degenerate characteristics of Islam & Christianity. Actions always speak louder than words & the slaughter of hundreds of millions of Non-Moslems & Non-Christians ( because of their refusal to subscribe to their barbaric religions ), by the soldiers of Hazrat Mohammad & Jesus Christ, and engraved on the pages of history, strip naked the barbaric nature of both Islam & Christianity, and totally nullify Islam & Christianity's claims of being religions of peace, love, and brotherhood.

    5. Both Islam & Christianity are proselytism-religions, they want to swell their numbers ( by all means possible, fair as well as fraudulent ), to acquire power to control things in the world. Christian-Missionaries do establish schools, hospitals, and other service institutions, but these are incidental to their real aim ( you will never get them to admit it ) of harvesting souls for Christianity. To harvest souls, both Islam & Christianity, have engaged in slaughter, terror, torture, trickery, temptation & taxation, with the greatest glee, gusto, & pride. It is a pity that majority of Moslems & Christians have not renounced nor denounced Islam or Christianity, for their sickening record of un-mitigated barbarism.

    6. Mrs. Radha Rajan says that Islam is sword but Christianity is cancer. Mrs, Rajan is not exaggerating, her description is flawlessly accurate. Christians in US,UK, and other Western countries, raise money for financing Christian Missions in India, with miserably-contemptible slogans, such as:

    " Hindus are living in Hell, they are headed for Hell, there is an urgent need to save their souls, by converting them to Christianity. "

    And so on….

    The diligence with which they condemn Hinduism & praise Christianity, makes the Christian congregations in the West, donate money for Christian Missionaries in India. Missionaries target the weakest, the most disadvantaged segments of the Hindu society for conversion.

    7. It is easily apparent that:

    Christianity is not a religion of care or compassion, but is a Gospel Of Hate. Christianity's hatred of Non-Christian religions is not accidental, it is the keystone of Christianity. With an incredibly vast organization & huge financial resources, Christians go to town to harvest Non-Christian souls.

    The Christian church employs 4 million full-time workers to harvest Non-Christian souls, it runs 13000 major libraries, publishes 22000 periodicals, operates 1800 Christian radio & TV stations, all for harvesting new souls. It is a Numbers-Game. Indian Missionaries had a goal of 2000 new churches in India, by the year 2000.

    8. One Catholic publication describes " The spiritual advantages of Famine & Cholera. " Famine brings in miracles. Baptismal water flows in streams, & starving little tots fly in masses to heaven. A hospital is a ready-made congregation, there is no need to go into the highways & hedges, and compel them to come in. They send each other.

    Yes, to the Missionaries it is a Numbers-Game & the means take over.

    9. Hindus do not have one prophet, one Text, & one church, which the Christians have. Their Prophet's word ( true or false ) is the Last Word for them, it has been spread over 2000 years. Sedulous practice of 2000 years, has made Christians experts, in capturing converts for pure material gain, grabbing lots of converts during famine & cholera, converts are assured of food, cloth, & medicine supplies. Christians consider these conversion methods fair & square, not dishonest nor dishonorable.

    But are these methods fair & square, or cunning & crooked ?

    10. Missionaries are:

    " performing religious & cultural imperialism of India."

    Christian church has a strong sense of community, with a well-organized social, financial, and political network among its membership. Using wealth to purchase other peoples loyalty is a game as old as humanity itself. Rich men use wealth to attract women, un-scrupulous employers use material incentives and disincentives to manipulate their workers. But historical longevity of this practice, neither makes the manipulation nor the exploitation morally or ethically right.

    11. Organized religions, such as Islam & Christianity, are inherently POLITICAL organizations. Their financial and political machination, differ mightily from Un-Organized religions, who have a mass of independent, unaffiliated believers, philosophers, and mystics. Christianity and Islam make an organized effort to gain converts. Un-Organized religions do no such thing. Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism show no zeal for gaining converts, that is why you never hear about Jewish, Hindu, or Buddhist missionaries.

    12. Modern medical and nursing schools teach their students, that the provision of medical services should never be used, as a means to proselytize or promote a religion, but that does not deter many Christian health care providers from doing exactly that. The USA's Faith Based Initiative law provides Christian missionary organizations with taxpayer funds, that are used to proselytize indigenous populations throughout the world. When missionaries bring outside wealth to an impoverished Third World country and use that wealth to provide services to attract converts, they interfere with local social and economic structure, & destroy local cultures.


    Many Islamic countries strive to protect the cultural identity of their citizens, by enforcing a ban on preaching any religion but Islam. The aggressive, insidious, and highly political Christian missionaries have no chance in a Moslem country, but they have a field day in the country of India. Perhaps India should become a Hindu State, in order to protect its indigenous religion and culture from the predatory missionaries, and State-sponsored cultural Imperialism, that are coming from both Christian and Moslem countries. If the Jews have the right to establish and maintain Israel as a Jewish State, then the Hindus certainly have a right to establish and maintain India as a Hindu State. When Western leaders talk about a Clash of Civilizations, what they really mean is Judeo-Christianity and its corporate Capitalism, versus all non-Christians and non-Capitalists. Christian missionaries are essentially colonialists working for Christian cultural Imperialism.

    14. Hindus are slow to anger, but occasionally Hindus, do

    rise up to drive out the Christian missionaries. They do this to protect themselves and their indigenous culture, from wealthy and unscrupulous invaders, who have no respect for them or for their culture, whose goal is to replace indigenous Hindu culture, with Christianity.

    15. Honesty of expression requires, a level playing field.

    If Christian missionaries want to come to India, to make converts to Christianity, then they can come with empty pockets, and compete on a level playing field. Otherwise they are only interfering with the indigenous culture & way of life, and the indigenous people have a right to demand that they depart.

    Surinder Paul Attri



    On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 3:27 PM, surinder attri <> wrote:
    Date: 19 Aug 2008 ( USA time )
    Shri Tripathi Jee:
    1. How are you now ? Have you recovered from your sickness ?
    2. I chatted with you on the 16th of Aug 2008. Have you had a chance to talk with Dr. Poojari Jee, particularly with respect to the meeting date of 28 Sep 2008 ( Sunday ) or 29 Sep 2008 ( Monday ), in the city of Delhi ?
    3. Also, does Dr. Poojari Jee have any preference or suggestion, regarding the meeting place ?
    4. Please advise me. Thanks.
    5. Perhaps, we three ( You, Dr. Poojari, and Myself ) can get together on a chat.
    Surinder Paul Attri