"People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has been dropped already, it fell the day Muhammad was born." (Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson)
Note! Aryavrt and Abhinav Bharat are fighting war against immoral usurper and lethal cultures. Our Bharat had several warriors, social reformers, saints and even kings. None of them fought against the root cause of human miseries viz. Christianity, Islam, Socialism, and Democracy. They had been fighting wars against the symptoms, not the sources. These cultures are invented to rob and enslave one and all. These cultures must go else human race won't survive.
Non-violence is imposed upon Aryans alone through [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution] and Sections 196 and 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Like Nazis rolling into Poland following the "peace process" in 1930's Europe, the perpetrators of Islamic terror and Christianity's Mission are inflamed by violent and racist doctrines. The doctrines are ' Fight them until persecution is no more and the Religion of Allah reigns supreme.' (Koran 8:39) and "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me." Bible, Luke, Chapter 19 Verse 27. Both have agenda, and you are ignorant of it. If we do not retaliate, humanity would finish.
Christianity and Islam are cults. It is time to wake up and realize that these cults are threat to humankind and there can be no co-existence with Muslims and Christians. As long as Muslims and Christians believe in Muhammad and Jesus, they are a threat to others and even to themselves. Muslims and Christians must leave their Christianity and Islam, discard their cultures of hate and join the rest of humankind as fellow humans, or non-Muslims and non-Christians must separate themselves from them, ban Christianity and Islam, end the immigration of Muslims and Christians and slay those, who plot against humanity and refuse to integrate. Christianity and Islam are incompatible with humanity and morality. These are warring creeds {(Koran 2:216 and 8:65) and (Bible, Matt 10:34 and Luke 12:49)} that use democracy to destroy humanity and to establish itself as a worldwide dictatorship. The only way to avert the clash between this barbarity and civilization and a world disaster, is to expose the fallacies of Christianity and Islam and demystify them. Muslims and Christians must be weaned from Christianity and Islam for humanity to live in peace. Aryavrt Government is here to do it. Support us.
--Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815
Email: aryavrt39@gmail.com
Blog: http://aaryavrt.blogspot.com
Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
Read my eBook 'Wary of Sonia on Web-site: http://www.aryavrt.com
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?
From: mgupta@rogers.com
Reply-to: prohindu-owner@yahoogroups.com
To: kvenkataraman@yahoo.com
Sent: 18/11/2009 14:12:28 GMT Standard Time
From: Keith Rogers [mailto:keithr38@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 17 November 2009 4:34 PM
To: John rogers
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 15:44:32 +1000
From: AndrewL@qame.com.au
View the pictures below and decide how you really feel about the future of the Western World. These pictures are of Muslims marching through the STREETS OF LONDON during their 'Religion of Peace Demonstration.'
Why would anyone think that we should be at war with such nice, peaceful Muslims?!
You need to forward this one to everyone! These pictures tell it all!
Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!
These are pictures not shown on American TV or in American Newspapers , but were forwarded by a Canadian who thought All Christians ought to know!
Makes you wonder doesn't it...can you imagine having a Christian demonstration against Islam in downtown Baghdad ?
__._,_.___One strong Hindu can change the thought-current of the whole world...
Hindus should have fearlessness,the first prerequisite of a spiritual life.
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