Friday, September 28, 2007

Dear Shri Bhagat,
Indian Constitution is predator, a pirate, and a terrorist. Its Article 29(1) motivates aids, abets and harbours its Muslim and Christian mercenaries to eradicate Vedic culture through murder and mayhem. If we wish to survive, we have no choice than understanding Democracy, Islam and Christianity. They have dogmas capable of corrupting men to such an extent that they believe plunder, murder, rape of women and conversion sure path to paradise. Human race must note that ignorance of this deception is not tolerance. Acceptance is not compassion. Appeasement will not lead to peace any more than accommodating the suicide bombers, who have ruined world harmony. Over 1.3 billion people are slaves of Islam and over two billion people are wisdom less (Bible, Genesis 2:17) sheep slaves (Bible, Luke 19:27) of Jesus. The word Islam means submission. Allah and his Koran and Jehovah and his Bible Command Muslims and Christians obey prophet, cleric, and king. While Muslims in Islamic nations live with no freedoms of thought, speech, press, or religion, the status of Christians is of sheep without wisdom! Unemployment, poverty, and despair run rampant in Islamic countries. Every aspect of a Muslim’s life is controlled by Islamic despots, Islamic law, Islamic scripture, Islamic education, and Islamic culture. Women are treated like animals. Allah's Koran gives Muslims the liberty to beat their wives and condones rape of any captive women (Koran 23:6). While every Muslim is indoctrinated with the same message of religious intolerance, racial hatred, and violence in Islam, Christianity is after establishing kingdom of bastard and ghost Jesus. Bible, Luke 19:27. They are being exploited by their dictators and politicians. They hear from media, from their teachers, and clerics and follow them at the cost of annihilation of human race. A collusion of influences, including lust for booty and sex has annihilated truth and shut out wisdom.

Apex court is responsible for our doom and destruction. Killing the entire humanity and saving a victim of accident smacks some foul play and is baffling.
A Judge loses right to sit on the chair of justice no sooner it takes oath of the Indian Constitution because the Indian Constitution is fraud against the citizens. Let me elaborate,
THIRD SCHEDULE OF THE Indian Constitution
“Form of oath or affirmation to be made by the Judges of a High Court/ Supreme Court:-
I, X, having been appointed Justice of the Supreme Court of India do hereby take oath that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, that I will uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India, that I will duly and faithfully and to the best of my ability, knowledge and judgment perform the duties of my office without fear or favour, affection or ill-will and that I will uphold the Constitution and the laws.’

The fraud and guide, supporter and protector of usurpers, assasins, and rapists Indian Constitution says,
This is fraud. The people, who compiled the Constitution, were not elected by the people of Bharat after transfer of power by Jesus. No referendum or plebiscite was ever arranged to obtain the consent of the people about body of the Indian Constitution. Then how the people of Bharat enacted, adopted and given to themselves this guide of usurpers, murderers, rapists, secessionists etc.?
“Cultural and Educational Rights
‘’29. Protection of Interests of Minorities-(1) Any section of the citizens residing in the territories of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script, or culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same.’’
The one of the real meanings of CULTURE as mentioned in Webster Dictionary is, ' the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group'
Don't be in panic. Read on...
Islam and Christianity are fraud upon humanity and they must go.
As per the dogmas of Islam, Non-Muslims are Dhimmis reduced under the status of chastened subservience.
Our fate has been sealed since then. We are consigned in the jaws of two criminal cultures named Christianity and Islam through the Art. 29(1) of the very Indian Constitution. Don’t believe? No problem. Here you are,
Now look, what the followers of these cultures say about you, about Vedic culture and about this hapless Bharat?
The definition of Muslim given by Dr Rafiq Zakaria, an authority on Islam:“A Muslim is one who declares publicly: ‘There is no God but God and Muhammad is His Prophet.’ He must also accept that Muhammad is the last of God’s prophets on this earth..... A Muslim must also accept the Quran as the word of God, immutable and unalterable; it contains guidelines which a Muslim must follow.” (Rafiq Zakaria, “The Struggle within Islam” Penguin Books, 1988, pp.302).
"If the things I'm doing is considered a crime, then let history be a witness that I am a criminal. Hostility toward America is a religious duty and we hope to be rewarded by God." Osama Bin Laden.
“Islam must rule the world and until Islam does rule the world we will continue to sacrifice our lives, “Al-Badr spokesman Mustaq Aksari, - CNN September 19, 2001 headlines today!
When Constitutional and Religious dogmas become corruption?
As long as a dictator proletariat extorts money, loots citizens, commits scam and shares the booty with President and Prime Minister of India and his or her subordinates the act is official duty. No sooner the booty is not shared, the act becomes corruption.
Vedic culture is Buffer
How may one differentiate among religions?
How may one differentiate the religions? Which one among the below are religions?
Eat cow and worship cow. Accept wives of others mother and ravish wives of others. (Bible, Isaiah 13:16 and Koran 23:6)
Treat properties of others like clay. Rob others and treat lawful and good (Bible, Deut 20:14 and Koran 8:69)
Treat life of all like yours. Slay those who do not accept Jesus their king and worship other gods save Allah. (Bible, Luke 19:27 and Koran 21:98)
On 9/27/07, dk bhagat wrote:
Right to Emergency Care: Date Of Judgment: 23/02/2007.Case No.: Appeal (civil) 919 of 2007. The Supreme Court has ruled that all injured persons especially in the case of road traffic accidents, assaults, etc., when brought to a hospital / medical centre, have to be offered first aid, stabilized and shifted to a higher centre / government centre if required. It is only after this that the hospital can demand payment or complete police formalities. In case you are a bystander and wish to help someone in an accident, please go ahead and do so. Your responsibility ends as soon as you leave the person at the hospital. The hospital bears the responsibility of informing the police, first aid, etc. Please do inform your family and friends about these basic rights so that we all know what to expect and what to do in the hour of need. Please not only go ahead and forward, use it too!!!!

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