Sunday, April 15, 2007

Humanity's eradication

How prophets snatched freedom of faith?
Judaism, Islam & Christianity are religions fabricated by their prophets establishing themselves as intermediaries to Gods. Today’s media, pseudo-secular humanists and sooth-sayers are misguiding humanity. This is lethal. The errant blending of crime with religion and calling fabricated religions peaceful, the reshaping of jihad & mission into spiritual struggles, and providing the impression that Islam and Christianity are tolerant and that the terrorists & missionaries are corrupting their religions, is fatal. Thousands are being killed in the wake of their illusions.
The notorious frauds named prophets have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their brain children gods unapproachable. Those who accept the faith of prophets, becomes the slaves of prophets as the prophets have become brokers of Jehovah and Allah! Prophets alone can meet their gods. Thus the followers of the prophets are slaves of their prophets. In lieu of providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who do not accept their faiths. Thus the whole world comes under the control of the prophets. However these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs.
We, Aryans, are non-believing people. Commander-in-Chief of army & President Kalam, an agent of Islam viz. Tadka culture, have been commanded by Allah to slay us, rape our women & convert us to Islam & our Bharat in to Dar-Ul-Islam. He has support of cow & man-eater thief Antonia Maino, another agent of Putanaa culture & Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution. So long as the Indian Constitution, Koran & Bible survives, human race cannot survive.
This is because if raping women of alien faith is free from blame (Koran 23:6) for Muslims, then how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded to ravish the women of non-Christians before the eyes of the men of the victim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16)? If those worshipping other Gods save Allah be killed is justified, (Koran 2:191) how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27) If snatching the belongings of other person is offence, why the democrats & P.O.s of judiciary, who snatched citizens’ fundamental right to property, (Article 31 - now stands omitted since 20-06-1979) are not dacoits? If property belongs to society, why such society is not usurper? Where is the moral in that society that is owner of the belongings of the haves? Why should we tolerate that Indian Constitution that grants unfettered fundamental right to minorities to slay & rob the people of alien faiths & rape their women? [Article 29(1)]. Governments are duty bound to protect the properties of their citizens. Where is the moral in Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution that snatches properties of the citizens?

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