Saturday, August 25, 2007

Family Planning

Family Planning
Abortion was crime as well as sin even in British Raj. It was legalised by THE MEDICAL TERMINAITON OF PREGNANCY ACT No. 34 OF 1971. In a bid to remove hurdle viz. Vigour and vitality among Aryans, responsible for the survival of Aryans, they are being sterilized on the pretext of family planning which is in fact Aryans population, vigour and vitality control planning. This family planning is not mandatory upon Muslims.
One might have seen bull. A bull cannot be made to serve the peasant. To make the bull to serve peasant, the bull is sterilized and converted into bullock. In the similar fashion, Aryans are being enslaved. The grain produced by the bullock is consumed by the peasant and bullock gets straw only. Now when Muslims would attack upon India, deliberately sandwitched in north, east & west with Muslim countries, the sterilized Aryans won't be able even to retaliate due to loss of vigour and vitality and submission to servility among them. Thus, Union of India has paved the ways of Aryans eradication in such an easy way.
Unaware of the consequences of keeping these vultures in Bharat, the very press, the fourth pillar of democracy used to write most damaging articles against two of which I protested. I have yet to get reply of my letters. (Original publication not included). My letters are as here-under,
Extract of protest letters
The conspiracy to eradicate Non Muslims and finish India from the world map was hatched in 1947 AD itself. Pakistans were given in the extreme east and west to the Muslims to attack and eradicate Non Muslims. Muslims were retained back in divided India to join Muslim, as per the divine command of Allah (Koran 8:39), crusaders at the time of attack upon India to eradicate Non Muslims in India. Immediately Muslims attacked upon Kashmir in October, 1947.
Muslim soldiers of Maharaja Hari Singh’s army slew the chief of Maharaja Hari Singh’s army Col. Narain Singh and joined invaders with arms of Maharaja Harisingh at the time of Kashmir invasion. However, Aryans' vigour & vitality made Muslims' retreat. While Indian forces were on the verge of occupying POK, sieze fire was declared by India. Aryans' Vedic culture could not be eradicated.
Imbroglio in Kashmir
That who is responsible for imbroglio in Kashmir? The needle of suspicion points towards Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the killer and plunderer of India. Jammu and Kashmir was bought by Maharaja Gulab Singh from Jesus against cash payment amounting to Rs. one crore. Maharaja Hari Singh was the legal heir of Maharaja Gulab Singh who signed accession deed with India. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi sabotaged the deed. Told Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in his prayer speech of 29-10-47, (translation) “When Maharaja, in his difficult moments, expressed his desire to accede into India, the Governor General of India could not refuse. ... However the accession is temporary. Final decision of accession will be taken after the plebiscite in Kashmir.” Thus the new theory was invented by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi which was, “While non Muslim soldiers and taxes shall be applied in the liberation of Kashmir, Muslims would decide whether they would stay with India or with Pakistan? This largesse was because the Muslim soldiers slew the chief of Maharaja Hari Singh’s army Col. Narain Singh and joined invaders with arms of Maharaja Harisingh. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi knew it. Why then the liberation? The purpose was the slaughter of non Muslim army. When it failed cease-fire was unilaterally declared when Indian forces were chasing Muslim invaders out of Pak Occupied Kashmir. India did not approach U.N.O. Security Council under chapter VII which pertains to “Actions with respect to threats to the peace, breaches of peace and acts of aggression” instead approached under chapter VI which pertains to, “pacific settlement of disputes”. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who got delivered Rs. 55 crores to Pakistan, never opposed it. Who can say that Kashmir dispute was not created by M.K. Gandhi?
That who was this financial racketeer of India and robber of Non Muslims’ share of land Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to grant plebiscite to Kashmeres? It may be noted that the right of plebiscite to Kashmeres promised by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is being demanded by not only Kashmere Muslims but even Pakistan, USA and Britain. To cheat Non Muslims the notorious Simla agreement is being cited which has never relegated the right of plebiscite given by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
That, in Kashmir, this fraud named ‘Simla agreement’ was committed by Indira Gandhi with the purpose of eradicating Non Muslims by releasing 93000 Muslim war prisoners of Pakistan and providing opportunity to Pakistan to torture the 52 Non Muslim prisoners of war still languishing in the hands of Pakistan. The mistake of these Non Muslims was that they prevented Union of India from eradicating Non Muslims. The opportunity given by the Non Muslim army to take back Pak Occupied Kashmir was fused through the very Simla agreement.
That the fourth pillar of the democracy viz. the press is in league with Union of India and these professional cheater named columnists and authors are getting reward for cheating Non Muslims. They deserve rigorous punishment.
That Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was not alone in disintegrating Bharat. His disciple J.L. Nehru gave Tibbet and Aksaichin to China and lost 42000 Sq. miles of land including Kailash and Mansarovar.
That Lal Bahadur Shastri lost his life in Tashkent and conquered land of Pakistan without settling POK issue. Indira Gandhi set free 93000 Pakistani prisoners of war without settling POK issue in 1971.
That Narshimharao gave Tinbigha to Bangladesh and Congress supported Devegowda gave Ganga water to very Bangladesh. All was set to deliver Siachen to Pakistan by Devegowda on 30.3.97 but attempt failed due to dispute in division of share of US$ 4 billions between Sitaram Kesari and Devegowda.
That the man Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who got killed the nation became father of the nation.
That the same man who plundered non Muslims’ share of land became saint.
That the same man who got slain more than 35 lacs non Muslims in their own mother land became apostle of non violence.
That the same man who disintegrated Bharat in four parts became ideal integrator of India.
That so the non Muslims of the World must beware of Allah, the Indian National Congress and the Indian Constitution which has been tailor made to eradicate non Muslims for the sake of ‘booty’ of which Allah and Socialism are owners. The Muslims and Socialists are robbers, literally drawing supports from criminal Allah and Socialism. Thus the Indian Constitution has paved the way of non Muslims’ eradication.
The conspiracy failed for two reasons. The first was, the population strength of Non Muslims in India, which caused failure of conspiracy, and the second was the vigour and vitality among Non Muslims.
That Union of India is hell bent to remove these hurdles. Therefore, to reduce
Non Muslims’ population, the root cause of their survival, and explode Muslims’ population there are tailor made laws viz. Non Muslims can have one wife only while Muslims can have four wives. Muslims secure instant divorce within 3 seconds and Non Muslims have to face protracted litigations in the courts. Muslims have not to pay maintenance to their divorced wives while Non Muslims are made to pay. The Constitutional fundamental right of protection against discrimination on the ground of sex and religion (Article. 15) is void and Muslim women have to bear the State crime because it is necessary to eradicate Non Muslims. Yet there is new invention. On the pretext of bride burning, which is impossible occasion in Muslims for existing laws favoring Muslims, non Muslim families are being tortured and jailed by Union of India.
That in a bid to remove second hurdle viz. Vigour and vitality among Non Muslims, responsible for the survival of non-Muslims, they are being sterilized on the pretext of family planning which is in fact Non Muslims’ population, vigour and vitality control planning. This family planning is not mandatory upon Muslims. One might have seen bull. A bull cannot be made to serve the peasant. To make the bull to serve peasant, the bull is sterilized and converted into bullock. In the similar fashion, non-Muslims are being enslaved. The grain produced by the bullock is consumed by the peasant and bullock gets straw only. Now when Muslims would attack upon India, the sterilized Non Muslims won’t be able even to retaliate due to loss of vigour and vitality and submission to servility among them. Thus Union of India has paved the ways of Non Muslims’ eradication in such an easy way.
That In fact Allah and Muslims are religiously right when they kill non-Muslims of the globe. Congress is in dire need of eradication of Non Muslims.
Had Union of India any intention of population control; the mass import and provision of instant voting rights to Muslims, 4 wives to Muslims and instant divorce right to Muslims had never been permitted.
That no sooner Muslims will out number non-Muslims, the Muslims would eradicate the non-Muslims. The whole drama of integrity and secularism is for the eradication of non-Muslims only.
Aryavrt therefore, has every right to express her feelings through this open letter to inculcate and caution the Aryans to beware of the very Indian Constitution which has been compiled with a conspiracy to eradicate them in this divided India and convert this divided nation into Islamic nation under the commands of Allah, the brain child of the so called prophet of Arabia named Mohammad.

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