Sunday, June 10, 2007

Plight of Brahmins

The Plight of Brahmins
Dear Dr.
Thank you for essay on Brahmins.
However, I wish to add the following, which you should quote in future,
I would like to draw the attention of the humanity towards real culprit. In Bible Jesus commands, “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me.” Bible, Luke 19:27. Jesus further says in Bible, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Bible, Matt 10:34). & that he has come on the earth to bring fire. (Bible, Luke 12:49). Thus, the real culprit is Jesus and his second coming to rule upon the world. In Bharat, as admitted by Macaulay, the followers of Jesus invented their real enemy viz. Vedic Sanaatan culture.
Who are responsible for bankruptcy of moral & economy?
Sir Thomas Munro (1761-1827) held various posts in the colonial administration of India, served as brigadier-general during the third Maratha War (1817–18) and was appointed Governor of Madras in 1819. A distinguished Governor of Madras, in a statement made by him before a Committee of the House of Commons, on April 12 of 1813 AD, ("Hansard's Debates, April 12), he noted:
"If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a capacity to produce whatever can contribute to convenience or luxury, schools established in every village for teaching, reading, writing and arithmetic; the general practice of hospitality and charity among each other; and above all, a treatment of the female sex full of confidence, respect, and delicacy, (if all these) are among the signs which denote a civilized people, then the Hindus, are not inferior to the nations of Europe; and if civilization is to become an article of trade between England and India, I am convinced that England will gain by the import cargo."
"I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a theif. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominant nation."
Look! The above study is not from any Brahmin! This study is from two sheep of Bastard ghost Jesus. In spite of protracted attack, murder, demolition of worship places, rape of women and plunder by Muslims since 712 A. D., Aryans were spiritually, morally and economically rich. Bharat was golden bird until 1835 A. D. No sooner Aryans lost their morals, they lost every thing. Tell me who is more lethal; the culture of Tadka represented by Kalam or the culture of Putanaa represented by Antonia?
Look! Still today English culture could not dominate. Still we do not revere virgin mothers. Still today our daughters do not get pregnant during their studies. Our Government still does not permit Gay & Lesbian marriages. Still today we have Nanas, Nanis, Mamas, Mamis, Buas, Foofas, Mausis & Mausas. They are yearning for their mission and are frustrated with panic. Hound these Missionaries out of Bharat else Missionaries would devour you.
Does it not look mockery that those Muslims who came first to rule upon Aryans viz. residents of Hindustan, thieves, robbers, slaves, and blacks; thus accepted Aryans the resident of Hindustan; became owners of Hindustan and were given two Pakistans to rule upon Aryans’ land and those Christians who declared Aryans invaders transferred their right to rule and left Bharat? Nay! These Muslims told us that they are different nations & cannot reside with the Kafir Hindus! Why are you not questioning their illegal stay in Bharat? They are your killers and rapists of your women. Their Allah has condoned them for raping your women. (Koran 23:6).
The Mission of MACAULAY is still not fulfilled. The Indian Constitution has been compiled to meet the mission of Macaulay.
Aryans are victims of their own Vedic culture. Aryans never stopped their fight against aliens. They opposed Jesus’ rule upon Bharat. Therefore, they are enemies of Jesus even today. (Bible, Luke 19:27). The cunning Jesus has to take revenge from the Aryans. Allah & his Islam support the slaughter of Aryans. So Islam is being exploited as tool by Jesus to slay Aryans of Bharat since 1857. Bharat never got independence. Dominion Status, [Article 6(b)(ii)] of the Indian Constitution, Section 3(6) of the General Clauses Act & being member of Common Wealth are proofs. Aryans are still the slaves of British Crown. In fact Muslims, protected by President Kalam & Governors u/s 196 of the CrPC & Article 29(1), have been detained to eradicate Aryans’ Vedic culture with the active support of Islam. Look! Whether an Aryan is killed or a Muslim is killed, ultimately enemy of Jesus is killed by exploiting Islam without investment of single penny. On the pretext of non-violence, the protracted slaughter of Aryans, since 1947, prevails.
As long as Muslims slay Aryans & Jews, rape their women, attack military camps & demand Kashmir & Israel their acts are Jihad. No sooner the very Muslims kill Christians, attack Pentagon, buses and trains in London, & demand USA & UK their acts become terrorism! USA & UK are ever ready to negotiate on Kashmir & Israel. Why don't they deliver USA & UK to peace loving Muslims?
Christians' Congress Party has compiled the Indian Constitution with three goals in mind. (1) To eradicate Vedic culture that restrains State from taxing over 16.67% (Manusmriti 8:308) and provides one freedom of faith (Gita 7:21), (2) to achieve religious obligation imposed by Jesus vide verse 19:27, Bible, Luke and (3) in retaliation and to settle vendetta for opposing the kingdom of Jesus in the globe.
Democracy has been invented & implemented to achieve the above mission of Macaulay with incentives of stealing the possessions of the humanity & enslaving one & all. The Indian Constitution is fraud with the humanity.
The Indian Constitution has been compiled by the Britons' Congress Party in retaliation and to settle vendetta for opposing British rule amongst other reasons. The fraud and guide, supporter & protector of usurpers, assassins, & rapists Indian Constitution says,
This is fraud. Those, who compiled the Constitution, were not elected by the people of Bharat after transfer of power by Jesus. No referendum or plebiscite was ever arranged to obtain the consent of the people about body of the Indian Constitution. Then how the people of Bharat enacted, adopted and given to themselves this guide of usurpers, murderers, rapists, secessionists etc.?
“Cultural and Educational Rights
‘’29. Protection of Interests of Minorities-(1) Any section of the citizens residing in the territories of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script, or culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same.’’
The one of the real meanings of CULTURE as mentioned in Webster Dictionary is, ' the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group'
"39. Certain principles of policy to be followed by the State – The State shall, in particular, direct its policy towards securing –
(c) that the operation of the economic system does not result in the concentration of wealth and means of production to the common detriment;"
The fundamental Right to Property provided vide Article 31 of the Indian Constitution could not be snatched even by the Britons and the Constitution Committee. This Article 31 was amended by the dacoit Parliamentarians and upheld by the apex Court. Now the Article has been omitted from the Constitution since 20.06.1979.
No one is safe in Democracy & chastity of no woman is safe under the dogmas of the Indian Constitution, Koran & Bible.
Christians are worse than vultures. While vultures eat dead corpses, Christians eat flesh of living son of the man! (Bible John 6:53). Any one who has seen vultures might have knowledge that perching of a single vulture upon a green tree is more than enough to annihilate the tree. One Columbus reached America & annihilated the entire 100 million Red Indians & their Maya culture. One Muhammad eradicated all the three his host tribes of Madina viz. Banu Qainuka, Banu Nazir & Banu Quraiza. One Max Muller annihilated Aryans’ Veds & one Macaulay annihilated Aryans Gurukul & Sanskrit language.
Democracy, Islam & Christianity are fraud against humanity and they must go.
As per the dogmas of Islam, Non-Muslims are Dhimmis reduced under the status of chastened subservience. Ghost Jesus commands Christians to slay those who do not accept Jesus their ruler. Our fate has been sealed since November 26, 1949. A situation one does not know. We are consigned in the jaws of two criminal cultures named Christianity represented by Antonia and Islam represented by Kalam through the Article. 29(1) of the very Indian Constitution.
Humanity is victim of Allah, Jesus the only son of Jehovah & Democracy. Either one does not worship Allah alone (Namaz & Koran 21:98) or does not accept Jesus one’s ruler (Bible, Luke 19:27), as such Christians & Muslims are religiously & constitutionally right in murdering their common enemy Aryans because Aryans do not want Jesus to be their king & waged war since 1857 against British rule & they do not worship Allah alone. Nay! Christians & Muslims have been provided unfettered fundamental right to conserve their very culture vide Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution.
One, who takes oath of faith & allegiance in the Indian Constitution, is one’s own enemy. Judiciary is puppet. Judiciary has to eradicate Vedic culture. Judiciary has upheld amendment in Article 31. A Judge loses right to sit on the chair of justice no sooner it takes oath of the Indian Constitution.
The agent of Islam named Kalam is President of Bharat. He has been commanded by Allah to slay Aryans because Aryans worship other gods save Allah. The agent of Jesus is Antonia Maino, the super PM, she has been commanded to slay Aryans because Aryans do not accept Jesus their ruler. If Aryans wish to survive, help Aryavrt to arrest Kalam & Antonia Maino.
Judaism, Islam & Christianity are religions fabricated by their prophets establishing themselves as intermediaries to Gods. Today’s media, pseudo-secular humanists and sooth-sayers are misguiding humanity. This is lethal. The errant blending of crime with religion and calling fabricated religions peaceful, the reshaping of jihad & mission into spiritual struggles, and providing the impression that Islam and Christianity are tolerant and that the terrorists & missionaries are corrupting their religions, is fatal. Thousands are being killed in the wake of their illusions.
Freedom of faith redefined
The notorious frauds named prophets have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. By providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who did not accept their faiths. Thus, the whole world came under the control of the prophets. However, these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their brain children gods unapproachable. Now compare Ishwar with these Gods! While Jehovah has two brokers named Moses and Jesus, Allah has one alone named Muhammad? Any one can meet Ishwar direct after performing Yoga or Kundalini Jagran. Ishwar has no broker. No one can meet Jehovah and Allah. So why should one worship these impotent & criminal gods named Jehovah and Allah who make one slave, instigate one to murder, plunder and rape women of alien faiths and forbid one from worshipping a god of one’s choice, in lieu of Ishwar who gives one unfettered right to worship any god of one’s choice? Look! The notorious democracy calls this status of servility, freedom of faith! Therefore, the suggestion to these followers of criminal prophets is to relinquish their prophets and come into the fold of great and omnipresent Vedic culture. Do not believe in and do not accept religious servility for sex, booty & slave. Come to my fold I would provide you freedom to worship a God of your own choice, says Ishwar in Gita, See Chapter 7 Shloka 21.
Moral values redefined
Depose faith in Jehovah (Bible, Isaiah 13:15&16) ravish any alien women of your choice, plunder house of any alien, capture motherland of any alien and dash to pieces infant of any alien and depose faith in Allah rape (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 & 70:30) any alien women of your choice, plunder any alien, raid any non-Muslim land, slay any alien male and remain scot-free. No sooner one accepts Islam, Judaism, Christianity and Socialism, the criminal activities of murder, plunder and rape of women ceased to be considered crimes instead these crimes turn into the source of sustenance and heaven after death for these criminal Muslims, Christians and Communists.
We, Vedic Panthies, are very clear that a society or religion without moral cannot survive. We have long cherished opinion that if wealth is gone - nothing is gone. If health is gone - half is gone. However, if character and moral is gone, every thing is gone. As told earlier, Church succeeded in ruining Vedic culture that culminated in to loss of our moral values after 1835 A.D. Earlier, in spite of repeated robbery & genocides by Muslims Bharat was still golden bird.
Human race is on the verge of extinction like dinosaurs
Muslims & Jews must thank Vedic culture for their survival. With all his might the so called supreme Allah could not supersede Muslims over Christians' population. Even in Science, technology, arms and deception, Muslims are far behind than Christians. 27 Islamic countries could not defeat small Israel. How would they protect themselves from Christians? Now Muslims are scared for the US occupation upon Iraq and Afghanistan. How would they protect their Islamic countries on the face of the commands of Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king? Bible, Luke 19:27. When Serbs usurped Muslim women, made them pregnant, they were crying and cursing Christians. How would they protect their women on the face of the command of Bible to ravish Muslim women before the eyes of Muslims? (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) The worst threat is to the women of Aryans and those dictator proletariats, who are neither Muslims nor Christians. It goes to reflect another important stupidity of Muslim and Christian women, who are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race.
Peace is taboo in Islam. Allah commands, (Koran 2:216) “Fight until persecution, which is worse than slaughter, (Koran, 2:191) is no more and religion is all for Allah.” (Koran 8:39). Thus, Islam, camouflaged as secular, is a religion of the sword with the blade forever at the throat of every unbeliever. Those Muslims, who did not adopt crusade (Jihad) and observed peace have been consigned by Allah to their grave hell, since the inception of Islam. They would bear the punishment till Qayamat i.e the Day of Judgment. However, those who plundered, murdered, raped women of non-Muslims, became Ghazi if survived and secured instant supreme heaven (Firdaus) if slain. Allah is fraud. Allah promises heaven but consigns Muslims in hell till The Day of Judgment.
Allah's good Muslim is a Jihadist i.e. crusader of Islam, a man who leaves his home, sacrificing his wealth and life, fighting in Allah’s Cause. (Koran, 8:72). That cause is destroying all faiths save Islam. Allah says they will be rewarded with stolen booty (Koran, 8:1 & 41) & women to rape (Koran, 23:6) if they survive or with a heavenly BROTHEL (Koran, 37:47-49 & 76:19-21) if they die. Bad Muslims, on the other hand, are peaceful. Allah calls them “hypocrites” because they are unwilling to fight. (Koran, 3:167). He even says that peaceful Muslims are “the vilest of creatures” and that hell’s hottest fires await them. If you are a peace-loving Muslim, may note, your Allah hates you. You Muslims have no shame that you submit to dreaded killer & robber Allah. (Koran, 8:1 & 17)
Good Muslims are those, who read Islam’s scriptures the guide of criminals named Koran & Hadith, planned, funded, staffed, executed, and celebrated the terrorist attacks of 9th September, 2001 upon World Trade Centre. They proudly told the world about their plan — terrorize the human beings into submission. (Koran, 8:12 & 13) Muslims boldly proclaimed why they were going to do it—for the eradication of non-Islamic faiths. (Koran, 8:39) Muslims even told us who they were—good Muslims. But, we non-Muslims ignored their announcements.
Similarly, Jesus is a ghost adopted by Christian rulers to rule upon the world. In Bible, Jesus himself commands his sheep, “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me.” Bible, Luke 19:27. Jesus further says in Bible, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Bible, Matt 10:34). & that he has come on the earth to bring fire. (Bible, Luke 12:49).
One, who deposes faith in Christianity, may note that one loses manhood to become sheep no sooner one accept Jesus one's saviour. The father of Jesus named Yahweh/Jehovah is scared of wisdom in man. (Bible, Genesis 2:17)(Bible, Isaiah 13:16) Sir Edmund Burke put it this way: "All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in this world is for a few good men to do nothing."
While the Christianity & Islam have stipulated the condition for existence of humanity of being slave of either Jesus or Allah by deceit, Aryans' Vedic culture forbids deceit. Its scriptures do not allow ambush & terrorism. Aryans did propagate their Buddhism around the world, but nowhere had they ruled upon aliens’ territories. They did not demolish worship places and idols of aliens. They did not kill male persons and infants and did not rape women of alien faith. Their scriptures did not permit such crimes. Look! What Jews, Christians and Muslims did around the world! Jesus is fraud & enemy of Christians as well as Allah is fraud & enemy of Muslims.
Human race is in jeopardy
We, Aryans, are non-believing people. Commander-in-Chief of army & President Kalam, an agent of Islam viz. Tadka culture, have been commanded by Allah to slay us, rape our women & convert us to Islam & our Bharat in to Dar-Ul-Islam. He has support of cow & man-eater thief Antonia Maino, another agent of Putanaa culture & Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution. So long as the Indian Constitution, Koran & Bible survives, human race cannot survive.
This is because if raping women of alien faith is free from blame (Koran 23:6) for Muslims, then how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded to ravish the women of non-Christians before the eyes of the men of the victim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16)? If those worshipping other Gods save Allah be killed is justified, (Koran 2:191) how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27) If snatching the belongings of other person is offence, why the democrats & P.O.s of judiciary, who snatched citizens’ fundamental right to property, (Article 31 - now stands omitted since 20-06-1979) are not dacoits? If property belongs to society, why such society is not usurper? Where is the moral in that society that is owner of the belongings of the haves? Why should we tolerate that Indian Constitution that grants unfettered fundamental right to minorities to slay & rob the people of alien faiths & rape their women? [Article 29(1)]. Governments are duty bound to protect the properties of their citizens. Where is the moral in Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution that snatches properties of the citizens?
One, who bears the crime, is bigger criminal than who inflicts crime. Thus, Aryans are worst criminals in the universe.
The above comments may horrify Kalam, Antonia, Hurriat, Hammas, Hezbollah, judges, Communists, Democrats, Muslims and Christians. However, they cannot blame me, instead they have to blame their democracy, their faiths, their Allah, their Jehovah, their clergy and their leaders, who purposely deceived them and are still deceiving them. If they still do not relinquish their criminal and immoral faiths, they are left without any excuse. They must note that Marx, Allah and Jehovah are their own enemies. They have initiated war against humanity and even against Muslims and Christians since their inception.
Muslims & Jews may note! Vedic culture is their Buffer. They are alive because Vedic culture could not be eradicated. No sooner Vedic culture would be eradicated their Allah & Islam would be eradicated by Christians within short time. Muslims and Christians may relinquish their criminal faiths if they wish to protect human race. Aryavrt Government has been founded to protect moral values & human race. Support Aryavrt Government & join Vedic Panth if you wish to survive with honour & dignity. You have no choice.
-- Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025Email:

By Meenakshi Jain
The Indian Express, Tuesday, September 18, 1990
The Mandal Commission report marks the culmination of the attempt at social engineering that began with the Christian missionary (followed by British governmental) campaigns against the Brahmin community in the early part of the 19th century. It was not accidental that Brahmins emerged as the principal target of British attacks. Britishers of all pursuits, missionaries, administrators and orientalists, were quick to grasp; their pivotal role in the Indian social arrangement. They were all agreed that religious ideas and practices underlay the entire social structure and that, as custodians of the sacred tradition, Brahmins were the principal integrating force. This made them the natural target of those seeking to fragment, indeed atomise, Indian Society. This was as true of the British conquerors as it was of Muslim rulers in the preceding centuries. Mandal takes off from where the British left.The British were not wrong in their distrust of educated Brahmins in whom they saw a potential threat to their supremacy in India. For instance, in 1879 the Collector of Tanjore in a communication to Sir James Caird, member of the Famine Commission, stated that "there was no class (except Brahmins ) which was so hostile to the English." The predominance of the Brahmins in the freedom movement confirmed the worst British suspicions of the community. Innumerable CID reports of the period commented on Brahmin participation at all levels of the nationalist movement. In the words of an observer, "If any community could claim credit for driving the British out of the country, it was the Brahmin community. Seventy per cent of those who were felled by British bullets were Brahmins".Role slightedTo counter what they perceived, a Brahminical challenge, the British launched on the one hand a major ideological attack on the Brahmins and, on the other incited non-Brahmin caste Hindus to press for preferential treatment, a ploy that was to prove equally successful vis-à-vis the Muslims.In the attempt to rewrite Indian history, Brahmins began to be portrayed as oppressors and tyrants who wilfully kept down the rest of the populace. Their role in the development of Indian society was deliberately slighted. In ancient times, for example, Brahmins played a major part in the spread of new methods of cultivation (especially the use of the plough and manure) in backward and aboriginal areas. The Krsi-parasara, compiled during this period, is testimony to their contribution in this field.But far more important was the Brahmin contribution to the integration of society. So influenced are we by the British view of our past that we completely ignore the fact that the principle by which the Brahmins achieved the integration of various tribes and communities was unique in world history. This was perhaps the only case where all incoming groups were accommodated on their own terms. All aspects of their beliefs and behaviour patterns were accepted as legitimate and no attempt was made to compel them to surrender or change their distinctive lifestyles. Each group was left to evolve and change according to its internal rhythm. What a contrast to the Christian method of conversion by the sword and their efforts to obliterate all traces of the previous history of all converts.Apart from misrepresenting the Indian past, the British actively encouraged anti-Brahmin sentiments. A number of scholars have commented on their involvement in the anti-Brahmin movement in South India. As a result of their machinations non-Brahmins turned on the Brahmins with a ferocity that has few parallels in Indian history. This was all the more surprising in that for centuries Brahmins and non-Brahmins had been active partners and collaborators in the task of political and social management.OverdrawnSome British observers themselves conceded that the picture of the Brahmin as oppressor was overdrawn and that in reality there was little difference in the condition of the Brahmin and the rest of the native population. H. T. Colebrooke, one of the early Sanskrit scholars wrote, " Daily observation shows even the Brahmin exercising the menial profession of a Sudra… it may be received as a general maxim, that the occupation, appointed for each tribe, is entitled merely to a preference. Every profession, with few exceptions, is open to every description of persons; and the discouragement, arising from religious prejudices, is not greater than what exists in Great Britain from the effects of Municipal and Corporation laws".The British census operations that began in the latter part of the 19th century produced further distortions in the Indian system. The British sought to interpret the caste system in the light of their own pet theories. H. H. Risley who directed the 1901 census operations was, for example, determined to demonstrate that "race sentiment" formed the basis of the caste system and that social precedence was based on the scale of racial purity. The same race theory played havoc in Europe in the form of Nazism and has now been fully repudiated.The British, unmindful of the complexities and intricacies of the social arrangement, sought to achieve standardisation by placing all jatis in the four varnas or in the categories of outcastes and aborigines. As a result they destroyed the flexibility that was so vital for the proper functioning of the system. The census operations raised caste consciousness to a feverish pitch, incited caste animosities and led to an all-round hardening of the system. They led to frantic efforts at Sanskritisation and upward mobility, so very different from the flexibility of earlier times. When the system was made rigid everyone wanted to be a member of a higher varna. Caste consequently became a tool in the political, religious and cultural battles that the Hindus fought amongst themselves.Downward mobilityIt is significant that the census operations coincided with the attempt to reorganise the army on the basis of the martial race theory. At about that time the British were also beginning to raise questions about the relative balance of Hindus and Muslims in the public services and about the "monopoly" of certain castes in the new education. There was also talk of the conspiracy of certain castes to overthrow their rule.The forces unleashed by the British continued to gather momentum. Them myth of the omnipotent Brahmin had been so successfully sold that most Indians missed the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. In recent years, however, a number of studies have appeared that detail the downward mobility that has been the chief characteristic of he Brahmin community particularly since independence.Financially, the Brahmins have been very hard hit. State laws combined with fragmentation of land have had the effect of substantially reducing the size of family holdings so much so that most Brahmins today find it difficult to eke out a living from land. Traditional occupations like family and temple priesthood, recitation of the Vedas and practice of Ayurvedic medicine no longer prove remunerative nor command respect.A study of the Brahmin community in a district in Andhra Pradesh (Brahmins of India by J.Radhakrishna, published by Chugh Publications) reveals that all purohits today live below the poverty line. Eighty per cent of those surveyed stated that their poverty and traditional style of dress and hair (tuft) had made them the butt of ridicule. Financial constraints coupled with the existing system of reservations for the "backward classes" prevented them from providing secular education to their children.In fact according to this study there has been an overall decline in the number of Brahmin students. The average income of Brahmins being less than that of non-Brahmins, a high percentage of Brahmin students drop out at the intermediate level.In the 5-18 year age group, 44 per cent Brahmin students stopped education at the primary level and 36 per cent at the pre-matriculation level. The study also found that 55 per cent of all Brahmins lived below the poverty line that is below a per capita income of Rs.65 a month. Since 45 per cent of the total population of India is officially stated to be below the poverty line it follows that the percentage of destitute Brahmins is 10 per cent higher than the all-India figure. There is no reason to believe that the condition of Brahmins in other parts of the country is different.Appalling povertyIn this connection it would be revealing to quote the per capita income of various communities as stated by the Karnataka Finance Minister in the State Assembly on July 1, 1978: Christian Rs.1562, Vokkaligas Rs.914, Muslims Rs.794, Scheduled caste Rs.680, Scheduled Tribes Rs.577 and Brahmins Rs.537.Appalling poverty compelled many Brahmins to migrate to towns leading to spatial dispersal and consequent decline in their local influence and institutions. Brahmins initially turned to government jobs and modern occupations such as law and medicine. But preferential policies for the non-Brahmins have forced the Brahmins to retreat in these spheres as well. According to the Andhra Pradesh study, the largest percentage of Brahmins today are employed as domestic servants. The unemployment rate among them is as high as 75 per cent.Clearly it is time to sit up and see reality as it is before we complete the task the British began- the atomisation of Indian society and annihilation of Indian civilisation.
(The author is a historian and professor at Delhi university.)

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