Saturday, October 13, 2007

Beware Jews

Beware Jews

Dear Jews!
Christians and Muslims are the first victims of Christianity & Islam.
I am a humble Vedic Panthy. My comments below may horrify many persons on the earth. However, they cannot blame me, instead they have to blame their democracy, their faiths, their Allah, their Jehovah, their clergy and their leaders, who purposely deceived them and are still deceiving them. If they still do not relinquish their criminal and immoral faiths, they are left without any excuse. They must note that Marx, Allah and Jehovah are their own enemies. They have initiated war against humanity and even against Socialists, Democrats, Muslims, Christians and Jews since their inception.

How may one differentiate among religions?

How may one differentiate the religions? Which one among the below are religions?
Eat cow and worship cow. Accept wives of others mother and ravish wives of others. (Bible, Isaiah 13:16 and Koran 23:6)
Treat properties of others like clay. Rob others and treat lawful and good (Bible, Deut 20:14 and Koran 8:69)
Treat life of all like yours. Slay those who do not accept Jesus their king and worship other gods save Allah. (Bible, Luke 19:27 and Koran 21:98)

Judaism, Islam and Christianity are religions fabricated by their prophets establishing themselves as intermediaries to God. Today’s media, pseudo-secular humanists and sooth-sayers are misguiding humanity. This is lethal. The errant blending of crime with religion and calling fabricated religions peaceful, the reshaping of jihad and mission into a spiritual struggle, and providing the impression that Islam and Christianity are tolerant and that the terrorists and missionaries are corrupting their religions, is fatal. Thousands are being killed in the wake of their illusions.
Muslims and Jews must thank Vedic culture for their survival. With all his might the so called supreme Allah could not supersede Muslims over Christians' population. Even in Science, technology, arms and deception, Muslims are far behind than Christians. 27 Islamic countries could not defeat small Israel. How would they protect themselves from Christians? Now Muslims are scared for the US occupation upon Iraq and Afghanistan. How would they protect their Islamic countries on the face of the commands of Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king? When Serbs usurped Muslim women, made them pregnant, they were crying and cursing Christians. How would they protect their women on the face of the command of Bible to ravish Muslim women before the eyes of Muslims? (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) The worst threat is to the women of Aryans and those dictator proletariats, who are neither Muslims nor Christians. It goes to reflect another important stupidity of Muslim (Koran 23:6) and Christian (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) women, who are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race.
Sex and booty are baits that attract conversion to reduce one slave of prophets. Remove both from Judaism, Christianity and Islam, these faiths would vanish.
In fact, the Koran and Bible were written to justify some of the most ungodly and immoral behaviors the world has ever known.
The vast preponderance of ignorant Jews, Christians and Muslims do not know their prophet or their religion. They lead a life of ignorance, despair, tyranny, and mind-numbing rituals. They are kept in the dark, purposely deceived, for the benefit of clerics and kings. There is no incentive for Muslims and Christians to learn. Even if exposed to the truth, they would not reject Islam (Koran 4:89) or Jesus (Bible, Deut. 13:6-11) for fear of their lives. The Koran and Bible themselves confirm this startling reality. (5:101 and 102). Allah commanded Muslims “not to question the Koran,” for those who did, he said, “discarded their religion.”
Islam and Christianity has nothing to do with citizens' protection, peace, love or salvation. Both have no alibi and no reason to cry for their unfair deeds. While Koran condemns equally all non-Muslims, Christians and Jews as well as those, who worship any god save Allah, Bible of Christianity condemns all non-Christians. Islam and Christianity are equal opportunity haters and warmongers. Their attitudes toward aliens are overwhelmingly hostile. For relatively few nice verses, relatively more verses contradict, replace, and “abrogate” these verses. Confronted with truth, they come with excuse of parables. When opportunity comes these parables become commands.
The simple truth is: good Muslims and Christians are bad people. Islam and Christianity converts them that way. While there are plenty of “bad” Muslims and Christians, who are good people, they are as impotent as bad Nazis of Germany during Hitler’s era or bad Communists during Stalin’s era. The Koran and Bible defines good and bad Muslims and Christian for us.
Allah's good Muslim is a Jihadist i.e. crusader of Islam, a man who leaves his home, sacrificing his wealth and life, fighting in Allah’s Cause. (Koran, 8:72). That cause is destroying all faiths save Islam. (Koran 8:39). Look! This is secularism. Allah says they will be rewarded with stolen booty (Koran, 8:1 and 41) and women to rape (Koran, 23:6) of the victim/s, if they survive or with a heavenly BROTHEL (Koran, 37:47-49 and 76:19-21) if they die. Bad Muslims, on the other hand, are peaceful. Allah calls them “hypocrites” because they are unwilling to fight. (Koran, 3:167). He even says that peaceful Muslims are “the vilest of creatures” and that hell’s hottest fires await them. If you are a peace-loving Muslim, may note, your Allah hates you. You Muslims have no shame that you submit to dreaded incest monger, (Koran 31:37-38) assassin and robber Allah. (Koran, 8:1 and 17)
Good Muslims are those, who read Islam’s scriptures the guide of criminals named secular Koran and secular Hadith, planned, funded, staffed, executed, and celebrated the terrorist attacks of 9th September, 2001 upon World Trade Centre and July 7, 2005 serial bombing upon London public transport systems. They proudly told the world about their plan — terrorize the human beings into submission. (Koran, 8:12 and 13) Muslims boldly proclaimed why they were going to do it—for the eradication of non-Islamic faiths. (Koran, 8:39) Muslims even told us who good Muslims were? But, Kafir non-Muslims ignored their announcements for fear of blasphemy.
Similarly, Jesus is a ghost fabricated by Christian rulers to rule upon the world. In Bible, Jesus himself commands his sheep, “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me.” Bible, Luke 19:27. Jesus further says in Bible, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Bible, Matt 10:34). and that he has come on the earth to bring fire. (Bible, Luke 12:49).No one is safe in Democracy and chastity of no woman is safe under the dogmas of the Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible. Either woman would be raped by a Christian or by a Muslim. Rape of woman is religious incentive of Muslims (Koran 23:6) and Christians (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) both. The act is reinforced with unfettered fundamental right vides Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution.If those worshipping other gods save Allah were killed, (Koran, The Prophets 21:98) why Muslims who worship criminal Allah be not killed? If those worshipping other gods than jealous Jehovah be killed, (Bible Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5) why those worshipping Jehovah and his alone son Jesus be not killed? These slaughters have advantage for humanity. These would provide right to property Manusmriti 8:308 and freedom of faith to human race and save honour and dignity of women. (Bible, Isaiah 13:15 and 16) (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30)To protect from exploitation humanity invented their Sardars (Folk leaders). During this era, man was owner of his land, produce and had freedom of worship. When kings came, they snatched lands from the citizens. Freedom of worship and right to property was still there. When Prophets came, they snatched lands, ladies, labours, liberties and lives of aliens. Nay! The prophets snatched freedom of worship from one and all. There is scramble for booty around the whole world. Moses was the first person who moralized Booty, rape of women (Bible Isaiah 13:15-16) and subjugation of aliens through his religion Judaism and his domestic servant Jehovah on the pretext of worshipping alien gods. (Bible Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5). Jesus, a pirate, improved the booty further. He moralized eating flesh of the son of man and drinking his blood (Bible John 6:53) and slaughter of one who does not accept Jesus his ruler. (Bible, Luke, 19:27). Muhammad, an other pirate, made Allah the owner of booty, (Koran 8:01) killer of non-Muslims, (Koran 8:17) rapist of women (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30) and owner of the world. (Koran 2:255). Still Jesus and Muhammad provided limited right of booty to their followers. Property is power. Remaining in the hands of citizens, property prevents their subjugation and servitude. Therefore, Carl Marx invested property into the immoral, corrupt and usurper society. Indian Democracy is blend of all above to eradicate Vedic culture and enslave one.Judaism, Islam and Christianity are religions fabricated by their prophets establishing themselves as intermediaries to Gods. Today’s media, pseudo-secular humanists and sooth-sayers are misguiding humanity. This is lethal. The errant blending of crime with religion and calling fabricated religions peaceful, the reshaping of jihad and mission into spiritual struggles, and providing the impression that Islam and Christianity are tolerant and that the terrorists and missionaries are corrupting their religions, is fatal. Thousands are being killed in the wake of their illusions.The notorious frauds named prophets have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their brainchildren gods unapproachable. Now compare Ishwar with these Gods! Any one can meet Ishwar direct after performing Yoga or Kundalini Jagran. Ishwar has no broker. No one can meet Jehovah and Allah. While Jehovah has two brokers named Moses and Jesus, Allah has one alone named Muhammad. So why should one worship these impotent and criminal gods named Jehovah and Allah who make one slave, instigate one to murder, plunder and rape women of alien faiths and forbid one from worshipping a god of one’s choice, in lieu of Ishwar who gives one unfettered right to worship any god of one’s choice? Look! The notorious democracy calls this status of servility, freedom of faith and secularism! Therefore, the suggestion to these followers of criminal prophets is to condone their prophets and come into the fold of great and omnipresent Vedic culture. Do not believe in and do not accept religious servility for sex, booty and slave. Come to my fold I would provide you freedom to worship a God of your own choice, says Ishwar in Gita, See Chapter 7 Shloka 21.In contrast, Ishwar alone grants freedom of faith and meets his followers direct without any broker. (Gita 7:21). Through the very tailor compiled Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution by Jesus’ Congress, the criminal Muslims and Christians have been provided unfettered fundamental right to conserve their culture i.e. in fact right to liquidate or enslave every non-Muslim and non-Christian of the globe.The central weakness of Judaism, Christianity & Islam as moral philosophies lie in their eradication of the individual conscience of humanity in favor of unthinking submission to the mere letter of revealed law. The Bible, Koran and Sunnah (example of Mohammed) stand above reason, conscience, or nature. A thing is right - including acts and laws abhorrent to "superseded" or "irrelevant" natural morality - simply because Jehovah, Jesus and Allah say so, or because the prophets have thus said or done. The lack of any pretense to a moral basis for Bible or Sharia (Islamic law) is open and explicit: there is no "spirit of the law" in Christianity and Islam, no rationality behind it for human reason to discover by exercising man's God- given intellect. There is no discernment of the consequences of deeds, and revelation and traditions must not be questioned. Nor may any other standard of good and evil - least of all any notion of "natural" justice such as that assumed by the founding documents of the our Veds or Manusmriti - be invoked.Torah, Bible and Sharia cannot be penetrated by reason (its apparent inconsistencies notwithstanding) and the very attempt is forbidden heresy. It's blasphemy. Every Jew, Christian or Moslem, who is qualified to give a sound opinion on matters of Torah, Bible or Sharia, is entitled to interpret the application of Torah, Sharia or Bible when such interpretation becomes necessary, but where an explicit command of Jehovah, Jesus and Allah or Prophets already exists, no Pope, Father, Gideon, Cleric or Mufti, Aalim, Moslem leader or legislature can form an independent judgment. Since Muhammad is the final prophet, there can be no further development in any judicial matters where the Bible, Koran and Sunnah provide guidance. This deeply undermines the possibility of rational civic debate in Moslem nations and accounts for the distinctly inhuman flavor of their legal systems.The notorious frauds named prophets have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their brain children gods unapproachable. Those who accept the faith of prophets, becomes the slaves of prophets as the prophets have become brokers of Jehovah and Allah! Prophets alone can meet their gods. Thus the followers of the prophets are slaves of their prophets. In lieu of providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who do not accept their faiths. Thus the whole world comes under the control of the prophets. However these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs.Christians are worse than vultures. While vultures eat dead corpses, Christians eat flesh of living son of the man! (Bible John 6:53). Any one who has seen vultures might have knowledge that perching of a single vulture upon a green tree is more than enough to annihilate the tree. One Columbus reached America and annihilated the entire 100 million Red Indians and their Maya culture. One Muhammad eradicated all the three his host tribes of Medina viz. Banu Qainuka, Banu Nazir and Banu Quraiza. One Max Muller annihilated Aryans’ Veds and one Macaulay annihilated Aryans Gurukul and Sanskrit language.The world has two marshal communities named Jews and Sikhs. They never lost in battle field and always fell victim of frauds by Christianity.Christians always exploited the persons of their own communities to defeat the communities with the divine command.While pimp Mountbatten exploited MK Gandhi and JL Nehru, by just bribing his wife Advina and daughter Pamela (For Pamela I have no proof), Farzana Begum alias Indira Gandhi exploited Zail Singh and Bhinderwale. While Bill Clinton exploited King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, Bush exploited Ariel Sharon and is exploiting Parvez Musharraf.Even after removing Jews from Gaza strip, Bush is not satisfied. Bush wants to steal Jews' treasuries, who are said to be richest people on the globe. They are said to be the back-bone of the US economy. If the Jews would not rise to the occasion, they would be annihilated by the Christians, who are by the way their own cousins.

Does one wish to get rid of the war? Join Vedic Panth. Enjoy freedom of faith (Gita 7:21) and Right of property (Manusmriti 8:308). Vedic Panthies do not impose their dogmas upon humanity. Choice is yours between freedom of faith and right to property and servility of dogmas imposed by criminal cultures.
Commands Bible, "36. A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household." Bible, Matt 10.
Moreover, GW Bush is Jesuit. He has been taught,

"You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.
On the basis of above teachings, he has taken the following oath,
The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits:
"I, now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers."

Accordingly, GW Bush has to eliminate all non Christians and how?
The world has two marshal communities named Jews and Sikhs. They never lost in battle field and always fell victim of frauds by Christianity.
Christians always exploited the persons of their own communities to defeat the communities with the divine command.
While pimp Mountbatten exploited MK Gandhi and JL Nehru, by just bribing his wife Advina and daughter Pamela (For Pamela I have no proof), Farzana Begum alias Indira Gandhi exploited Zail Singh and Bhinderwale. While Bill Clinton exploited King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, Bush exploited Ariel Sharon and is exploiting Parvez Musharraf.
You (Jews) are trapped. First you lost Suez Canal gained in battle of June 5, 1967 on negotiation table. You showed way and the process of cheating by Jesus and Allah started then and there. Whatever your martyrs gained in battle, your corrupt leaders would lose on negotiation tables. Your women would be raped and your holyland would be snatched by the Mujahids of Allah and wisdom less sheep of Jesus. Not because you are week; but because your leaders would betray you. Do the Jews know that civilized leaders and nations do not negotiate with criminal religions, nations and people? Islam is a criminal religion. Nay! Jews mediators' Christian religion is criminal also.
Even after removing Jews from Gaza strip, Bush is not satisfied. Bush wants to steal Jews' treasuries, who are said to be richest people on the globe. They are said to be the back-bone of the US economy. If the Jews would not rise to the occasion, they would be annihilated by the Christians, who are by the way their own cousins.
In that light, Aryavrt wishes freeing. Muslim and Christian women, who are breeders of their own enemies as well as enemies of human races, from the oppressiveness of Islam and Christianity. For by freeing them - we will free ourselves from the scourge of their terror.

Why single out Olmert?

Literally the dead Judaism is excuse invented by robbers and thugs to usurp the possessions of haves. Jews are directly responsible for bankruptcy of morals. Jews supported Moses and hosted Muhammad. Still this day Jews are tools and vassals of GW Bush, the President of USA, the world police. Jews are reaping what their ancestors sown.
Jews have still time to salvage humanity. They have no choice than relinquishing Jehovah.
To protect from exploitation humanity invented their Sardars (Folk leaders). During this era, man was owner of his land, produce and had liberty of worship. When kings came, they snatched lands from the citizens. Liberty of worship and right to property was still there. When Prophets came, they snatched lands, ladies, labours, liberties and lives of aliens. Nay! The prophets snatched liberty of worship from one and all. The notorious frauds named prophets have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their fabricated brainchildren gods unapproachable.
There is scramble for booty around the whole world. Vedic Morals are stumbling-blocks. Moses, the founder of immorality on the pretext of religion, was the first person who moralized Booty, rape of women (Bible Isaiah 13:15-16) and subjugation of aliens through his religion Judaism and his domestic servant Jehovah on the pretext of worshipping alien gods. (Bible Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5). Jesus, a pirate, improved the booty further. He moralized eating flesh of the son of man and drinking his blood (Bible John 6:53) and slaughter of one who does not accept Jesus his ruler. (Bible, Luke, 19:27). Muhammad, an other pirate, made Allah the owner of booty, (Koran 8:01) killer of non-Muslims, (Koran 8:17) rapist of women (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30) and owner of the world. (Koran 2:255). Still Jesus and Muhammad provided limited right of booty to their followers. Property is power. Remaining in the hands of citizens, property prevents their subjugation and servitude. Therefore, Carl Marx invested property into the immoral, corrupt and usurper society. Democracy is blend of all above to eradicate Vedic culture and enslave one.
Now compare Ishwar with these Gods! Any one can meet Ishwar direct after performing Yoga or Kundalini Jagran. Ishwar has no broker. (Gita 7:21). No one can meet Jehovah and Allah. While Jehovah has two brokers named Moses and Jesus, Allah has one alone named Muhammad. So why should one worship these impotent and criminal gods named Jehovah and Allah who make one slave, instigate one to murder, plunder and rape women of alien faiths and forbid one from worshipping a god of one’s choice, in lieu of Ishwar who gives one unfettered right to worship any god of one’s choice? Look! The notorious democracy calls this status of servility, liberty of faith and secularism! Therefore, the suggestion to these followers of criminal prophets is to condone their prophets and come into the fold of great and omnipresent Vedic culture. Do not believe in and do not accept religious servility for sex, booty and slave. Come to my fold I would provide you liberty to worship a God of your own choice, says Ishwar in Gita, See Chapter 7 Shloka 21.
Through the very tailor compiled Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution by Jesus’ Congress, the criminal Muslims and Christians have been provided unfettered fundamental right to conserve their culture i.e. in fact right to liquidate or enslave every non-Muslim and non-Christian of the globe.

Liberty of faith redefined

The notorious frauds named prophets have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. By providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who did not accept their faiths i.e. servilities. Thus, the whole world came under the control of the prophets. However, these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their fabricated gods unapproachable. Now compare Ishwar with these Gods! While Jehovah has two brokers named Moses and Jesus, Allah has one alone named Muhammad? Any one can meet Ishwar direct after performing Yoga or Kundalini Jagran. Ishwar has no broker. No one can meet Jehovah and Allah. So why should one worship these impotent and criminal gods named Jehovah and Allah who make one slave, instigate one to murder, plunder and rape women of alien faiths and forbid one from worshipping a god of one’s choice, in lieu of Ishwar who gives one unfettered right to worship any god of one’s choice? Look! The notorious democracy calls this status of servility, liberty of faith! Therefore, the suggestion to these followers of criminal prophets is to relinquish their prophets and come into the fold of great and omnipresent Vedic culture. Do not believe in and do not accept religious servility for sex, booty and slave. Come to my fold I would provide you liberty to worship a God of your own choice, says Ishwar in Gita, See Chapter 7 Shloka 21.

Moral values redefined

In Judaism, Christianity & Islam their followers have to relinquish their liberty, wisdom and manhood. Depose faith in Jehovah (Bible, Isaiah 13:15 and 16) ravish any alien women of your choice, plunder house of any alien, capture motherland of any alien and dash to pieces infant of any alien and depose faith in Allah rape (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30) any alien women of your choice, plunder any alien, (Koran 8:01) raid any non-Muslim land, slay any male and remain scot-free (Koran 8:39). No sooner, one accepts Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Socialism, the criminal activities of murder, plunder and rape of women ceased to be considered crimes instead these crimes turn into the source of sustenance and heaven after death for these criminal Muslims, Christians and Communists.
We, Vedic Panthies, are very clear that a society or religion without moral cannot survive. We have long cherished opinion that if wealth is gone - nothing is gone. If health is gone - half is gone. However, if character and moral is gone, every thing is gone. As told earlier, Church succeeded in ruining Vedic culture that culminated in to loss of our moral values after 1835 A.D. Earlier, in spite of repeated robbery and genocides by Muslims Bharat was still golden bird.
Jews are directly responsible for bankruptcy of morals. Jews supported Moses and hosted Muhammad. Still this day Jews are tools and vassals of GW Bush, the President of USA, the world police. Jews are reaping what their ancestors sown.

Jews have still time to salvage humanity. They must relinquish Jehovah.

Human race is on the verge of extinction like dinosaurs

Muslims and Jews must thank Vedic culture for their survival. With all his might, the so-called supreme Allah could not supersede Muslims over Christians' population. Even in Science, technology, arms and deception, Muslims are far behind than Christians. 27 Islamic countries could not defeat small Israel. How would they protect themselves from Christians? Now Muslims are scared for the US occupation upon Iraq and Afghanistan. How would they protect their Islamic countries on the face of the commands of Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king? Bible, Luke 19:27. When Serbs usurped Muslim women, made them pregnant, they were crying and cursing Christians. How would they protect their women on the face of the command of Bible to ravish Muslim women before the eyes of Muslims? (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) The worst threat is to the women of Aryans and those dictator proletariats, who are neither Muslims nor Christians. It goes to reflect another important stupidity of Muslim and Christian women, who are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race.

Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing their near and dear. However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women and returned pregnant Muslims' women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights. Do non-Muslims have no human rights?
The notorious frauds, named prophets, have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their fabricated gods unapproachable. Those who accept the faith of prophets, become the slaves of prophets as the prophets have become brokers of Jehovah and Allah! Prophets alone can meet their gods. Thus the followers of the prophets are slaves of their prophets. In lieu of providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who do not accept their faiths. Thus the whole world comes under the control of the prophets. However, these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs.
This is because if raping women of alien faith is free from blame (Koran 23:6) for Muslims, then how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded to ravish the women of non-Christians before the eyes of the men of the victim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16)? If those worshipping other Gods save Allah be killed is justified, (Koran 2:191) how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27). If snatching the belongings of other person is offence, why the democrats and P.O.s of judiciary, who snatched citizens’ fundamental right to property, (Article 31 - now stands omitted since 20-06-1979) are not dacoits? If property belongs to society, why such society is not usurper? Where is the moral in that society that is owner of the belongings of the haves? Why should we tolerate that Indian Constitution that grants unfettered fundamental right to minorities to slay and rob the people of alien faiths and rape their women? [Article 29(1)]. Governments are duty bound to protect the properties of their citizens. Where is the moral in Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution that snatches properties of the citizens?
Humanity invented governments to protect the lands, ladies, lives, liberties and labours of the subjects? For the very purposes, every government of the day has deputed judiciary and police. Every government punishes the guilty. Notorious criminal prophets invented religions and dogmas which allow them to subjugate even their own followers. This is because Allah alone can be worshipped, Muhammad is broker of Allah (Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98) or Jealous Jehovah alone can be worshipped or religion is opium. Thus, these dogmas subjugate one and usurp the belongings of the haves (‘KORAN’, Chapter 8 (The Spoils of War) Verse 1 and 41) and rape alien women of their choice (Bible, Isaiah 13:15and16) (See Koran, 4:24; 23:6 and; 33:50 and 70:30) and remain scot-free.
No sooner, one accepts Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Socialism, the criminal activities of murder, plunder and rape of women ceased to be considered crimes instead these crimes turn into the source of sustenance and heaven after death for these criminal democrats, Communists, Muslims, and Christians.
However, in contrast, there is Vedic Sanskriti. It grants liberty of worship of god of one’s choice. (Gita 7:21). Supports one's right to property. (Manusmriti 8:308).
Literally the dead Judaism is excuse invented by robbers and thugs to usurp the possessions of haves. Jews are directly responsible for bankruptcy of morals. Jews supported Moses and hosted Muhammad. Still this day Jews are tools and vassals of GW Bush, the President of USA, the world police. Jews are reaping what their ancestors sown. Still the Jews do not know as to what are they doing?
Vedic culture opposes servility and robbery of the subjects. Vedic Sanskriti restrains State from taxing over and above 16.67% (See Manusmriti 8:308). It provides liberty of worship of any God of one’s choice. See Gita 7:21. The prevailing religions and regimens are usurpers. Therefore, the eradication of Vedic culture and their followers is the basic need of the democratic system that has to usurp the belongings of the haves of India and enslave one.
While pimp Mountbatten exploited MK Gandhi and JL Nehru, by just bribing his wife Advina and daughter Pamela (For Pamela I have no proof), Farzana Begum alias Indira Gandhi exploited Zail Singh and Bhinderwale. While Bill Clinton exploited King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, Bush exploited Ariel Sharon and is exploiting Parvez Musharraf.
Even after removing Jews from Gaza strip, Bush is not satisfied. Bush wants to steal Jews' treasuries, who are said to be richest people on the globe. They are said to be the back-bone of the US economy. If the Jews would not rise to the occasion, they would be annihilated by the Christians, who are by the way their own cousins.
The world has two marshal communities named Jews and Sikhs. They never lost in battle field and always fell victim of frauds by Christianity. The latest evidence is evacuation of Ghaza by Ariel Sharon.
Christians always exploited the persons of their own communities to defeat the communities with the divine command.

Peace is taboo in Islam and Christianity

Peace is taboo in Islam. (Koran 2:216). Allah commands, “Fight until persecution, which is worse than slaughter, (Koran, 2:191) is no more and religion is all for Allah.” (Koran 8:39) Those Muslims who did not adopt crusade (Jihad) and observed peace have been consigned by Allah to their grave hell, since the inception of Islam. They would bear the punishment till Qayamat i.e the Day of Judgment. However, those who plundered, murdered, raped women of non-Muslims, became Ghazi if survived and secured instant supreme heaven (Firdaus) if slain. Allah is fraud. Allah promises heaven but consigns Muslims in hell till The Day of Judgment.
Civilized Governments do not on negotiation tables with criminal Mujahids and Missionaries. Muslims and their Islam are criminals. Peace is taboo in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Where is the logic in peace talk? Governments tax subjects for punishing criminals. Do Jews know the conspiracy?
Now you (Jews) are under the toes of two agents of Bush named president Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who are ever ready to betray you on the pretext of that peace, which is taboo both in Christianity and Islam.
Koran, the so called commands of Allah, demonstrates that Allah is notorious criminal and not god and too immoral to be divine. Allah has commanded Muslims to fight until persecution is no more and religion is all for Allah. (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39). Similarly, Jesus is a ghost adopted by Christian rulers to rule upon the world. In Bible, Jesus himself commands his sheep, “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me.” Bible, Luke 19:27.
Similarly, Bible commands,
Extracted from Bible new testament- Matthew 10:34-36
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35 For I have come to turn, a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
36. A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.
Extracted from Bible John/ Chapter 6 / Verse 53
Jesus said to them, “I am telling you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood; you have no life in you."
Extracted from Bible-Luke/ Chapter 12 / Verse 49-53.
"49. I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled”
"50. But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed!"
"51. Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.”
“52. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three."
“ 53. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law."
Extracted from Bible-Luke/ Chapter 22 Verses 36-38
“36. He said to them, But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”
“38. The disciples said, “ See, Lord, here are two swords.” “That is enough. He replied.”
However, Christians cannot admit the above facts.

Human races cannot survive

So long as the Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible survive, human race cannot survive.
One, who bears the crime is bigger criminal than who inflicts crime. Thus, Aryans are worst criminals in the universe. Christians are the first victims of their faiths. They are paying price for deposing faith in bastard ghost Jesus. Both Christians and Muslims are criminals and their religions are bigger criminals.
Death, destruction and doom is lurking upon human races. Join Vedic Panth, if one wishes to survive.
Jews may help Aryavrt by just paying 10% of their assets. Jews of the world must note! They have every right to eradicate Christianity, Islam and dreaded Democracy. Aryavrt is ready to support Jews.


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