Thursday, January 31, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Beware Muslims
Beware Muslims
Genocide is foundation of Christianity and Islam. Read my blog below, provided you have time.
While humanity is fighting relentless war for liberty, public servants, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and most human races have no shame that they are fighting to retain their servilities of Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats. Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats have snatched the very instinct for liberty from their followers. Look! Still Jews, Christians and Muslims do not feel sorry that they are getting cheated, corrupted and humiliated by their so called merciful Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, clerics and rulers. They are happily defending their servilities in lieu of booty and sex.
Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing their near and dear. However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women and returned pregnant Muslims' women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights. Do non-Muslims have no human rights?
While peace is taboo in Christianity and Islam, Christians and Muslims pretend peace.These facts below are hard truths of Christianity and Islam,
Christianity and Islam have annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation might take centuries, but once Christianity and Islam are ascendant they never fail. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. They are after the last partially survived Vedic culture. Let Aryavrt Government salvage Vedic culture. Jews, Christians and Muslims may salvage humanity.
While the Christianity and Islam have stipulated the condition for existence of humanity of being slave of either Jesus or Allah by deceit, Aryans' Vedic culture forbids slavery, loot, rape and conversion. Its scriptures do not allow ambush and terrorism. Aryans did propagate their Buddhism around the world, but nowhere had they ruled upon aliens’ territories. They did not demolish worship places and idols of aliens. They did not kill male persons and infants and did not rape women of alien faith. Their scriptures did not permit such crimes. Look! What Jews, Christians and Muslims did around the world! Jesus is fraud and enemy of Christians as well as Allah is fraud and enemy of Muslims.
Those who are paid to keep us informed have put their popularity and financial well being ahead of saving lives. How can you suppose Islam could be any different than the religion concocted by its sole prophet, Muhammad? How could Islam differ from the doctrines espoused by its deity, Allah? If Islam’s prophet and Allah got Islam wrong, who can set Islam right? I am quoting the verses of Koran and Bible. If the same horrify Muslims, they have to blame their Koran, their Allah and their clerics. I simply want to expose Christianity and Islam. I am a reporter. I am doing the job that media should have done centuries back. I want to save women from Christianity & Islam, Muslims from Islam and Christians and Jews from Jehovah. Thereby I want to save women and Muslims men from the scourges of fabricated Jehovah and Allah.
-- Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government,
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025/9838577815 Email:
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?
+++On Jan 27, 2008 7:31 AM, noor-e-islaam
AsSalaam O Alaikum (Peace be always with you. AMEEN.)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Muslims Holocaust and Genocide Remembrance Day
Muslims Against Terrorism
In order to remember more than 32 million Muslims killed / displaced during the past 1400 years, Muslims Against Terrorism (MAT) will be holding two memorial ceremonies in Toronto and Calgary.
Major holocausts and genocide of Muslims are as follows.
1. Crusaders killed more than half million Muslims during and after occupying Jerusalem.
2. Ganges Khan and his forces killed more than a million Muslims during the occupation of Iraq and neighboring areas.
3. More than a million Muslims were killed / forced to change religion by Spanish Crusaders in South America
4. More than 2 million Muslims were killed / forced to change religion / displaced by Spanish and other European extremists during the rebellion against Ottoman empire.
5. More than 3 million Muslims were killed by the European colonial powers during and after the occupation of Muslim countries
6. More than 8 million Muslims were killed / displaced by Tsars of Russia
7. More than 3 million Muslims were killed / displaced by communist government of Russia
8. More than 1.5 million Muslims have been killed in China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and other Far East countries since the world war II
9. More than half million Muslims have been killed / displaced in Burma since world war II
10. More than half million Muslims have been killed in India and Kashmir since 1947
11. More than half million Muslims were killed by Serbs and Croats in Bosnia during early 90s.
12. More than 100,000 Muslims were killed in Kosovo and Albania during mid 90s.
13. More than a million Muslims were killed in East European countries during the communist governments
14. More than 5 million Muslims have been killed / displaced in Palestine since 1948
15. More than 6 million Muslims were killed / displaced by the Russian occupation of Afghanistan
16. Thousands of Muslims have been killed by secular / dictator governments (backed by the West) in Muslim countries since the independence from the colonial powers.
Why 32 million Muslims killed / displaced during past 1400 hundred years?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Victims of Faiths
Victims of Faiths
Guys who are falsely celebrating truimph of Islam should read this carefully. Excellent article. There is some crucial information which establishes the truth about Hindu society before British came to India.
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi
We have been presented the way you liked. Admitted still we had no beggar and no thief before Feb 2, 1835. We had school in every village before Feb 2, 1835. There was no dalit before Feb 2, 1835. We respected women before Feb 2, 1835. Still today we worship women 9 days continuous twice a year. We had high moral values. We were Aryans. Your ancestors very kindly gave us a new name Hindu. Nay! One can go through the Firoz- Ul- Lugat and find the meaning of Hindu viz. the resident of Hindustan, thief, robber, slave, and black. Look! This is admission of two sheep of Jesus.
Comments of Sir Thomas Munro
Sir Thomas Munro (1761-1827) held various posts in the colonial administration of India, served as brigadier-general during the third Maratha War (1817â€"18) and was appointed Governor of Madras in 1819. A distinguished Governor of Madras, in a statement made by him before a Committee of the House of Commons, on April 12 of 1813 AD, ("Hansard's Debates, April 12), he noted:
"If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a capacity to produce whatever can contribute to convenience or luxury, schools established in every village for teaching, reading, writing and arithmetic; the general practice of hospitality and charity among each other; and above all, a treatment of the female sex full of confidence, respect, and delicacy, (if all these) are among the signs which denote a civilized people, then the Hindus, are not inferior to the nations of Europe; and if civilization is to become an article of trade between England and India, I am convinced that England will gain by the import cargo."
"I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominant nation."
Look! In spite of protracted attack, murder, demolition of worship places, rape of women and plunder by Muslims since 712 A. D., Aryans were spiritually, morally and economically rich. Bharat was golden bird until 1835 A. D. No sooner Aryans lost their morals, they lost every thing. Tell me who is more lethal; the culture of Tadka defended by Pratibha or the culture of Putanaa represented by Antonia?
Admittedly, Muslim invaders could not harm humanity to that extent as Christian Missionaries harmed.
While the Christianity and Islam have stipulated the condition for existence of humanity of being slave of either Jesus or Allah by deceit, Aryans' (who are branded invaders) Vedic culture forbids deceit. Its scriptures do not allow ambush and terrorism. Aryans did propagate their Buddhism around the world, but nowhere had they ruled upon aliens’ territories. They did not demolish worship places and idols of aliens. They did not kill male persons and infants and did not rape women of alien faith. Their scriptures did not permit such crimes. Look! What Jews, Christians and Muslims did around the world! Jesus is fraud and enemy of Christians as well as Allah is fraud and enemy of Muslims. Vedic Panth has no compulsion. Gita 7:21. Choice is yours. If one wishes to survive as well as protect human race, may switch to Vedic Panth.
The world has two marshal communities named Jews and Sikhs. They never lost in battle field and always fell victim of frauds by Christianity.
Christians always exploited the persons of their own communities to defeat the communities with the divine command.
While pimp Mountbatten exploited MK Gandhi and JL Nehru, by just bribing his wife Advina and daughter Pamela (For Pamela I have no proof), Farzana Begum alias Indira Gandhi exploited Zail Singh and Bhinderwale. While Bill Clinton exploited King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, Bush exploited Ariel Sharon and is exploiting Parvez Musharraf.
Even after removing Jews from Gaza strip, Bush is not satisfied. Bush wants to steal Jews' treasuries, who are said to be richest people on the globe. They are said to be the back-bone of the US economy. If the Jews would not rise to the occasion, they would be annihilated by the Christians, who are by the way their own cousins.
Now Antonia is exploiting Sikhs, the marshal community and our protector since inception of Sikhism. Putting their guns on the shoulder of Manmohan, both Pratibha and Antonia are liquidating Hindus and their worship places.
Christians are black-mailing and exploiting Islam. Christians and Muslims are the first victims of Christianity and Islam. They commit crime for their Prophets, Pope, fathers, Imams, leaders and missionaries without having any inkling as to what are they doing! They kidnap women, rape them, kill innocent civilians. Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing their near and dear. However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women and returned pregnant Muslims women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights.
Muslims and Jews must thank Vedic culture for their survival. With all his might the so called supreme Allah could not supersede Muslims over Christians' population. Even in Science, technology, arms and deception, Muslims are far behind than Christians. 27 Islamic countries could not defeat small Israel. How would they protect themselves from Christians? Now Muslims are scared for the US occupation upon Iraq and Afghanistan. How would they protect their Islamic countries on the face of the commands of Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king? When Serbs usurped Muslim women, made them pregnant, they were crying and cursing Christians. How would they protect their women on the face of the command of Bible to ravish Muslim women before the eyes of Muslims? (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) The worst threat is to the women of Aryans and those dictator proletariats, who are neither Muslims nor Christians. It goes to reflect another important stupidity of Muslim (Koran 23:6) Â Â Â and Christian (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) women, who are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race.
In fact, the Koran and Bible were written to justify some of the most ungodly and immoral behaviors the world has ever known.
The vast preponderance of ignorant Jews, Christians and Muslims do not know their prophet or their religion. They lead a life of ignorance, despair, tyranny, and mind-numbing rituals. They are kept in the dark, purposely deceived, for the benefit of clerics and kings. There is no incentive for Muslims and Christians to learn. Even if exposed to the truth, they would not reject Islam (Koran 4:89) or Jesus (Bible, Deut. 13:6-11) for fear of their lives. The Koran and Bible themselves confirm this startling reality. (5:101 and 102). Allah commanded Muslims “not to question the Koran,†for those who did, he said, “discarded their religion.â€
We had been promised freedom, protection of life and property. However you have relinquished your freedom in lieu of booty and sex.
The central weakness of Judaism, Christianity & Islam as moral philosophies lie in their eradication of the individual conscience of humanity in favor of unthinking submission to the mere letter of revealed law. The Bible, Koran and Sunnah (example of Mohammed) stand above reason, conscience, or nature. A thing is right - including acts and laws abhorrent to "superseded" or "irrelevant" natural morality - simply because Jehovah, Jesus and Allah say so, or because the prophets have thus said or done. The lack of any pretense to a moral basis for Bible or Sharia (Islamic law) is open and explicit: there is no "spirit of the law" in Christianity and Islam, no rationality behind it for human reason to discover by exercising man's God- given intellect. There is no discernment of the consequences of deeds, and revelation and traditions must not be questioned. Nor may any other standard of good and evil - least of all any notion of "natural" justice such as that assumed by the founding documents of our Veds or Manusmriti - be invoked.
Torah, Bible and Sharia cannot be penetrated by reason (its apparent inconsistencies notwithstanding) and the very attempt is forbidden heresy. It's blasphemy and attracts death penalty in Islamic and Christian countries and punishment u/s 153 and 295 of the Indian Penal Code. Every Jew, Christian or Moslem, who is qualified to give a sound opinion on matters of Torah, Bible or Sharia, is entitled to interpret the application of Torah, Sharia or Bible when such interpretation becomes necessary, but where an explicit command of Jehovah, Jesus and Allah or Prophets already exists, no rabbi, Pope, Father, Gideon, Cleric or Mufti, Aalim, Moslem leader or legislature can form an independent judgment. Since Muhammad is the final prophet, there can be no further development in any judicial matters where the Bible, Koran and Sunnah provide guidance. This deeply undermines the possibility of rational civic debate in Moslem Christian nations and accounts for the distinctly inhuman flavor of their legal systems.
The notorious frauds named prophets have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their brain children gods unapproachable. Those who accept the faith of prophets, becomes the slaves of prophets as the prophets have become brokers of Jehovah and Allah! Prophets alone can meet their gods. Thus the followers of the prophets are slaves of their prophets. In lieu of providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who do not accept their faiths. Thus the whole world comes under the control of the prophets. However these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs.
This is because if raping women of alien faith is free from blame (Koran 23:6) for Muslims, then how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded to ravish the women of non-Christians before the eyes of the men of the victim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16)? If those worshipping other Gods save Allah be killed is justified, (Koran 2:191) how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27) If snatching the belongings of other person is offence, why the democrats and P.O.s of judiciary, who snatched citizens’ fundamental right to property, (Article 31 - now stands omitted since 20-06-1979) are not dacoits? If property belongs to society, why such society is not usurper? Where is the moral in that society that is owner of the belongings of the haves? Why should we tolerate that Indian Constitution that grants unfettered fundamental right to minorities to slay and rob the people of alien faiths and rape their women? [Article 29(1)]. Governments are duty bound to protect the properties of their citizens. Where is the moral in Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution that snatches properties of the citizens?
Do Christians not feel ashamed that they worship a criminal god, who has snatched their wisdom and manhood (sheep)?
Indian Constitution is predator, a pirate, and a terrorist. Its Article 29(1) motivates aids, abets and harbours its Muslim and Christian mercenaries to eradicate Vedic culture through murder and mayhem. If we wish to survive, we have no choice than eradicating Democracy, Islam and Christianity. They have dogmas capable of corrupting men to such an extent that they believe plunder, murder, rape of women and conversion sure path to paradise. Human race must note that ignorance of this deception is not tolerance. Acceptance is not compassion. Appeasement will not lead to peace any more than accommodating the suicide bombers, who have ruined world harmony. Over 1.3 billion people are slaves of Islam and over two billion people are wisdom less (Bible, Genesis 2:17) sheep slaves (Bible, Luke 19:27) of Jesus. The word Islam means submission. Allah and his Koran and Jehovah and his Bible Command Muslims and Christians obey prophet, cleric, and king. While Muslims in Islamic nations live with no freedoms of thought, speech, press, or religion, the status of Christians is of sheep without wisdom! Unemployment, poverty, and despair run rampant in Islamic countries. Every aspect of a Muslim’s life is controlled by Islamic despots, Islamic law, Islamic scripture, Islamic education, and Islamic culture. Women are treated like animals. Allah's Koran gives Muslims the liberty to beat their wives and condones rape of any captive women (Koran 23:6). While every Muslim is indoctrinated with the same message of religious intolerance, racial hatred, and violence in Islam, Christianity is after establishing kingdom of bastard and ghost Jesus. Bible, Luke 19:27. They are being exploited by their dictators and politicians. They hear from their media, from their teachers, and clerics and follow them at the cost of annihilation of human race. A collusion of influences, including lust for booty and sex has annihilated truth and shut out wisdom.
Relinquish your Jehovah and Allah if you wish to survive. Vedic Panth is the only way.
Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025
Email: <>
Blog: <>
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your moral, faith, properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Human enemy Jews
Human enemy Jews
Dear Jews,
You (Jews) are trapped. First you lost Suez Canal gained in battle of June 5, 1967 on negotiation table. You showed way. The process of cheating by Jesus and Allah started then and there. Whatever your martyrs gained in battle, your corrupt leaders would lose on negotiation tables. Your women would be raped and your holyland would be snatched by the Mujahids of Allah and wisdom less sheep of Jesus. Not because you are week; but because your leaders would betray you. Do the Jews know that civilized leaders and nations do not negotiate with criminal religions, nations and people? Governments tax subjects to punish criminals. Islam is a criminal religion. Nay! Jews mediators' Christian religion is criminal also.
[Islam is fraud upon humanity. It corrupts its followers. It must go.]
There is urgent need to eradicate Islam. However, Christians do not wish even to touch Islam. This is because of the fact that Christianity is no different than Islam. While Islam's dogmas do not tolerate non-Muslims, Jesus does not tolerate the kingdom of non-Jesus. Moreover, the Muslims are being exploited to eradicate Judaism as well as Vedic culture, without any expense of Christians. The situation, as it stands today is that whether a Hindu or Jew is killed or a Muslim is killed, ultimately enemy of Jesus is killed. It is hard truth that Muslims are committing Jihad. To conceal their Jihad, their act is being told terrorism.
[Muslims are being aided, abetted and harboured even in Britain, Palestine, and India beside other countries.]
You (Jews) are trapped. First you lost Suez Canal gained in battle of June 5, 1967 on negotiation table. You showed way. The process of cheating by Jesus and Allah started then and there. Whatever your martyrs gained in battle, your corrupt leaders would lose on negotiation tables. Your women would be raped and your holyland would be snatched by the Mujahids of Allah and wisdom less sheep of Jesus. Not because you are week; but because your leaders would betray you. Do the Jews know that civilized leaders and nations do not negotiate with criminal religions, nations and people? Governments tax subjects to punish criminals. Islam is a criminal religion. Nay! Jews mediators' Christian religion is criminal also.
[Islam is fraud upon humanity. It corrupts its followers. It must go.]
There is urgent need to eradicate Islam. However, Christians do not wish even to touch Islam. This is because of the fact that Christianity is no different than Islam. While Islam's dogmas do not tolerate non-Muslims, Jesus does not tolerate the kingdom of non-Jesus. Moreover, the Muslims are being exploited to eradicate Judaism as well as Vedic culture, without any expense of Christians. The situation, as it stands today is that whether a Hindu or Jew is killed or a Muslim is killed, ultimately enemy of Jesus is killed. It is hard truth that Muslims are committing Jihad. To conceal their Jihad, their act is being told terrorism.
[Muslims are being aided, abetted and harboured even in Britain, Palestine, and India beside other countries.]
Do the Jews know?
Christianity and Islam have annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation might take centuries, but once Christianity and Islam are ascendant they never fail. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. They are after the last partially survived Vedic culture. Let Aryavrt Government salvage Vedic culture. The Indian Constitution has been compiled by the Britons' Congress Party in retaliation and to settle vendetta for opposing British rule amongst other reasons.
The dualism of Democracy, Christianity and Islam are more deceitful and offer two choices on how to treat the people of alien faiths. The people of alien faiths can be treated nicely, in the same way a farmer treats his cattle well after one becomes slave. So Democracy, Christianity and Islam can be "nice", but in no case is the person of alien faith a "brother" or a friend.
Multiculturalism is bankrupt against Judaism's, Christianity's & Islam's demand for every civilization to submit. {Azaan, (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39) and (Bible, Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5 and Luke 19:27)}. The culture of tolerance collapses in the face of the sacred intolerance of dualistic ethics. Intellectuals respond by ignoring the failure.
The dualism of Democracy, Christianity and Islam are more deceitful and offer two choices on how to treat the people of alien faiths. The people of alien faiths can be treated nicely, in the same way a farmer treats his cattle well after one becomes slave. So Democracy, Christianity and Islam can be "nice", but in no case is the person of alien faith a "brother" or a friend.
Multiculturalism is bankrupt against Judaism's, Christianity's & Islam's demand for every civilization to submit. {Azaan, (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39) and (Bible, Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5 and Luke 19:27)}. The culture of tolerance collapses in the face of the sacred intolerance of dualistic ethics. Intellectuals respond by ignoring the failure.
Its Jihad, not terrorism
As long as Muslims slay Aryans and Jews, rape their women, attack military camps in India and Israel and demand Israel and Kashmir their acts are Jihad. No sooner the very Muslims kill Christians, attack Pentagon, buses and trains in London, and demand USA and UK their acts become terrorism! USA and UK are ever ready to negotiate on Israel and Kashmir. Why don't they deliver USA and UK?
[Where is terrorism? How can one dare to paint Muslims' religious duty viz. Jihad into terrorism? Allah alone can be worshipped in Islam. Those, worshipping other gods, must be slain. This partial sentence is part of Muslims' Azaan shouted from their mosques since rising from bed until going to bed. There is yet another dogma. The kingdom of the universe belongs to Allah. Any territory, which is not Islamic must be conquered by Muslims. (Koran, 8:27) Both are Jihad. Islam corrupts human race. To get rid of Jihad Islam must be eradicated. There is no other way.]
Ehud Olmert must be told that treacherous Allah must be eradicated to save human race.
Looking from the philosophical side, Michael Harrington’s THE POLITICS AT GOD’S FUNERAL astutely asks the right questions. The best book ever written on Jesus is Constantin Brunner's OUR CHRIST: THE REVOLT OF THE MYSTICAL GENIUS (1921). Here's an interesting sentence out of the book: 'There he hung, the blasphemer of God and slanderer of the most notable men, the poor malicious fool, the incorrigible wretch, the whoreson and whoremonger, the swindler, the liar, the seducer.' The so-called radical Freudians, in general, such as Marcuse, Reich and Roheim in addition to Brown, are pertinent.
Mend yourself else you would finish human races for the following reasons,
Literally the dead Judaism is excuse invented by robbers and thugs to usurp the possessions of haves. Jews are directly responsible for bankruptcy of morals. Jews supported Moses and hosted Muhammad. Still this day Jews are tools and vassals of GW Bush, the President of USA, viz. the world police. Jews are reaping what their ancestors sown.
Jews have still time to salvage humanity. They have no choice than relinquishing Jehovah.
Jews are victims of their own lust for booty and sex. They cannot see the ultimate consequences of their faith. Given their attitude they and their Jehovah cannot survive. Muslims and Jews must thank Vedic culture for their survival. They are alive, because Vedic culture could not be eradicated. No sooner, Vedic culture would be eradicated, Jews and Muslims would be eradicated within short time. This is because of the fact that with all his might the so called supreme Allah could not supersede Muslims over Christians' population. Even in Science, technology, arms and deception, Muslims are far behind than Christians. 27 Islamic countries could not defeat small Israel. How would they protect themselves from Christians? Now Muslims are scared for the US occupation upon Iraq and Afghanistan. How would they protect their Islamic countries on the face of the commands of Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27). When Serbs usurped Muslim women, made them pregnant, they were crying and cursing Christians. How would they protect their women on the face of the command of Bible to ravish Muslim women before the eyes of Muslims? (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) The worst threat is to the women of Aryans and those dictator proletariats, who are neither Muslims nor Christians. It goes to reflect another important stupidity of Muslim (Koran 23:6) and Christian (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) women, who are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race.
Learn from the commands of Bible and the history of Christians. Christians always used persons to liquidate enemies from enemies' own blood. The latest cases are of Ariel Sharon and Musharraf.
Trees in the forest started crying seeing the cart loaded with axes. The chief tree consoled the trees suggesting not to cry as the axes could not harm the trees unless their own brother becomes handle to help axe. Look! Manmohan is a handle for axe Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi to liquidate Sikhs.
While pimp Mountbatten exploited MK Gandhi and JL Nehru, by just bribing his wife Advina and daughter Pamela (For Pamela I have no proof), Farzana Begum alias Indira Gandhi exploited Zail Singh and Bhinderwale. While Bill Clinton exploited King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, Bush exploited Ariel Sharon and is exploiting Parvez Musharraf.
Even after removing Jews from Gaza strip, Bush is not satisfied. Bush wants to steal Jews' treasuries, who are said to be richest people on the globe. They are said to be the back-bone of the US economy. If the Jews would not rise to the occasion, they would be annihilated by the Christians, who are by the way their own cousins.
Now Antonia is exploiting Sikhs, the marshal community and our protector since inception of Sikhism. Putting their guns on the shoulder of Manmohan, both Pratibha and Antonia are liquidating Hindus and their worship places.
Jews may help Aryavrt by just paying 10% of their assets. Jews of the world must note! They have every right to eradicate Christianity, Islam and dreaded Democracy. Aryavrt is ready to support Jews.
Contact us on phone +91-9868324025/ 9838577815
Jews! If you wish to salvage humanity, relinquish Yahveh/Jehovah and help Aryavrt Government to protect humanity.
Ehud Olmert must be told that treacherous Allah must be eradicated to save human race.
Looking from the philosophical side, Michael Harrington’s THE POLITICS AT GOD’S FUNERAL astutely asks the right questions. The best book ever written on Jesus is Constantin Brunner's OUR CHRIST: THE REVOLT OF THE MYSTICAL GENIUS (1921). Here's an interesting sentence out of the book: 'There he hung, the blasphemer of God and slanderer of the most notable men, the poor malicious fool, the incorrigible wretch, the whoreson and whoremonger, the swindler, the liar, the seducer.' The so-called radical Freudians, in general, such as Marcuse, Reich and Roheim in addition to Brown, are pertinent.
Mend yourself else you would finish human races for the following reasons,
Literally the dead Judaism is excuse invented by robbers and thugs to usurp the possessions of haves. Jews are directly responsible for bankruptcy of morals. Jews supported Moses and hosted Muhammad. Still this day Jews are tools and vassals of GW Bush, the President of USA, viz. the world police. Jews are reaping what their ancestors sown.
Jews have still time to salvage humanity. They have no choice than relinquishing Jehovah.
Jews are victims of their own lust for booty and sex. They cannot see the ultimate consequences of their faith. Given their attitude they and their Jehovah cannot survive. Muslims and Jews must thank Vedic culture for their survival. They are alive, because Vedic culture could not be eradicated. No sooner, Vedic culture would be eradicated, Jews and Muslims would be eradicated within short time. This is because of the fact that with all his might the so called supreme Allah could not supersede Muslims over Christians' population. Even in Science, technology, arms and deception, Muslims are far behind than Christians. 27 Islamic countries could not defeat small Israel. How would they protect themselves from Christians? Now Muslims are scared for the US occupation upon Iraq and Afghanistan. How would they protect their Islamic countries on the face of the commands of Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27). When Serbs usurped Muslim women, made them pregnant, they were crying and cursing Christians. How would they protect their women on the face of the command of Bible to ravish Muslim women before the eyes of Muslims? (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) The worst threat is to the women of Aryans and those dictator proletariats, who are neither Muslims nor Christians. It goes to reflect another important stupidity of Muslim (Koran 23:6) and Christian (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) women, who are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race.
Learn from the commands of Bible and the history of Christians. Christians always used persons to liquidate enemies from enemies' own blood. The latest cases are of Ariel Sharon and Musharraf.
Trees in the forest started crying seeing the cart loaded with axes. The chief tree consoled the trees suggesting not to cry as the axes could not harm the trees unless their own brother becomes handle to help axe. Look! Manmohan is a handle for axe Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi to liquidate Sikhs.
While pimp Mountbatten exploited MK Gandhi and JL Nehru, by just bribing his wife Advina and daughter Pamela (For Pamela I have no proof), Farzana Begum alias Indira Gandhi exploited Zail Singh and Bhinderwale. While Bill Clinton exploited King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, Bush exploited Ariel Sharon and is exploiting Parvez Musharraf.
Even after removing Jews from Gaza strip, Bush is not satisfied. Bush wants to steal Jews' treasuries, who are said to be richest people on the globe. They are said to be the back-bone of the US economy. If the Jews would not rise to the occasion, they would be annihilated by the Christians, who are by the way their own cousins.
Now Antonia is exploiting Sikhs, the marshal community and our protector since inception of Sikhism. Putting their guns on the shoulder of Manmohan, both Pratibha and Antonia are liquidating Hindus and their worship places.
Jews may help Aryavrt by just paying 10% of their assets. Jews of the world must note! They have every right to eradicate Christianity, Islam and dreaded Democracy. Aryavrt is ready to support Jews.
Contact us on phone +91-9868324025/ 9838577815
Jews! If you wish to salvage humanity, relinquish Yahveh/Jehovah and help Aryavrt Government to protect humanity.
Sir,While humanity is fighting relentless war for liberty, public servants, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and most human races have no shame that they are fighting to retain their servilities of Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats. Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats have snatched the very instinct for liberty from their followers. Look! Still Jews, Christians and Muslims do not feel sorry that they are getting cheated, corrupted and humiliated by their so called merciful Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, clerics and rulers. They are happily defending their servilities in lieu of booty and sex.
Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing their near and dear. However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women and returned pregnant Muslims' women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights. Do non-Muslims have no human rights?
Liberty of faith redefined
The notorious frauds named prophets have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. By providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who did not accept their faiths i.e. servilities. Thus, the whole world came under the control of the prophets. However, these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their fabricated gods unapproachable. Now compare Ishwar with these Gods! While Jehovah has two brokers named Moses and Jesus, Allah has one alone named Muhammad? Any one can meet Ishwar direct after performing Yoga or Kundalini Jagran. Ishwar has no broker. No one can meet Jehovah and Allah. So why should one worship these impotent and criminal gods named Jehovah and Allah who make one slave, instigate one to murder, plunder and rape women of alien faiths and forbid one from worshipping a god of one’s choice, in lieu of Ishwar who gives one unfettered right to worship any god of one’s choice? Look! The notorious democracy calls this status of servility, liberty of faith! Therefore, the suggestion to these followers of criminal prophets is to relinquish their prophets and come into the fold of great and omnipresent Vedic culture. Do not believe in and do not accept religious servility for sex, booty and slave. Come to my fold I would provide you liberty to worship a God of your own choice, says Ishwar in Gita, See Chapter 7 Shloka 21.
Moral values redefined
In Judaism, Christianity & Islam their followers have to relinquish their liberty, wisdom and manhood. Depose faith in Jehovah (Bible, Isaiah 13:15 and 16) ravish any alien women of your choice, plunder house of any alien, capture motherland of any alien and dash to pieces infant of any alien and depose faith in Allah rape (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30) any alien women of your choice, plunder any alien, (Koran 8:01) raid any non-Muslim land, slay any male and remain scot-free (Koran 8:39). No sooner, one accepts Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Socialism, the criminal activities of murder, plunder and rape of women ceased to be considered crimes instead these crimes turn into the source of sustenance and heaven after death for these criminal Muslims, Christians and Communists.
We, Vedic Panthies, are very clear that a society or religion without moral cannot survive. We have long cherished opinion that if wealth is gone - nothing is gone. If health is gone - half is gone. However, if character and moral is gone, every thing is gone. As told earlier, Church succeeded in ruining Vedic culture that culminated in to loss of our moral values after 1835 A.D. Earlier, in spite of repeated robbery and genocides by Muslims Bharat was still golden bird.
Jews are directly responsible for bankruptcy of morals. Jews supported Moses and hosted Muhammad. Still this day Jews are tools and vassals of GW Bush, the President of USA, the world police. Jews are reaping what their ancestors sown.
Jews are directly responsible for bankruptcy of morals. Jews supported Moses and hosted Muhammad. Still this day Jews are tools and vassals of GW Bush, the President of USA, the world police. Jews are reaping what their ancestors sown.
Jews have still time to salvage humanity. They must relinquish Jehovah.
Yours faithfully,Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)Aryavrt Government77 Khera Khurd, Delhi - 110 082Phone: (+91) 9868324025Email: aryavrt39@gmail.comBlog: you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your moral, faith, properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?
Monday, January 7, 2008
Tree of knowledge
Tree of knowledge
Extracted from Ali Sina's autobiography
(From) The treacherous passage to enlightenment
AFTER bitter experience with the Quran I found myself traveling on a torturous road riddled with torments. I was kicked out of the blissful garden of ignorance, where all my questions were answered. There I did not have to think. All I had to do was believe. Now, the gates to that garden were closed to me forever. I had committed the unthinkable sin of thinking. I had eaten from the forbidden tree of knowledge, and my eyes had been opened. (Bible, Genesis 2:17). I could see the fallacy of it all and my own nakedness. I knew I would not be let into that paradise of oblivion again. Once you start thinking, you don't belong there anymore. I had only one way to go and that was forward. …
For the first time, the Internet has changed the balance of power. Now the brutal force of the guns, prisons and death squads are helpless and the pen is almighty. For the first time Muslims cannot stop the truth by killing its messenger. Now a great number of them are coming in contact with the truth and they feel helpless. They want to silence this voice, but they cannot. They want to kill the messenger, but they cannot. They try to ban the sites exposing their cherished beliefs, sometimes they succeed momentarily, but most of the time they don't. I created a site to educate Muslims about true Islam. I hosted it at The Islamists forced Tripod to shut it down and they cowardly complied to appease them Muslims. I got my domain and the site was back again in a couple of weeks. So the old way of killing the apostates, burning their books and silencing them by terror does not work. They cannot stop people from reading. Even though my site is banned in Saudi Arabia, Emirates and many other Islamic countries, a great number of Muslims who never knew the truth about Islam are being exposed to the truth for the first time, and are shocked. …
Doubt is the greatest gift we can give to each other. It is the gift of enlightenment. Doubt will set us free, will advance knowledge, and will unravel the mysteries of this universe. Faith will keep us ignorant.
One of hurdles we have to overcome is the hurdle of tradition and false values imposed on us by thousands of years of religious upbringing. The world still values faith and considers doubt as the sign of weakness. People talk of men of faith with respect and disdain men of little faith. We are screwed up in our values. The word faith means belief without evidence; gullibility also means belief without evidence. Therefore there is no glory in faithfulness. Faithfulness means gullibility, credulity, susceptibility and easy to fleece. How can one be proud of such qualities?
Doubt on the other hand means the reverse of the above. It means being capable of thinking independently, of questioning, and of being a skeptic. We owe our science and our modern civilization to men and women who doubted, not to those who believed. Those who doubted were the pioneers; they were the leaders of thought. They were philosophers, inventors, and discoverers. Those who believed lived and died as followers, made little or no contribution to the advancement of science and human understanding.
Compiled by Apt
Sina's Challenge
Sina's Challenge
This is not my article. This is challenge from a Muslim to all Muslims and their faith.
In the memory of respected late Shri Anwar Sheikh. May Ishwar bless him.
Sina's Challenge
I receive many emails from angry Muslims, who sometimes beg me, and sometimes order me to remove this site. I consider both, pleading and bullying, signs of psychopathology. Argumentum ad baculum and argumentum ad misericordiam are both logical fallacies.
If you do not like this site and want me to remove it, instead of acting as a bully or as a victim, disprove my charges against Muhammad logically. Not only will I remove the site, I will publicly announce that Islam is a true religion. I will also pay
$50,000 U.S. dollars
to anyone who can disprove any of the dozen of the accusations that I have made against Muhammad. I accuse Muhammad of being:
a narcissist ,
a misogynist
a rapist
a pedophile
a lecher
a torturer
a mass murderer
a cult leader
an assassin
a terrorist
a mad man
a looter
I have debated with many Muslims. Their defense of Islam can be summarized in two categories:
a- Denial of the authenticity of Islamic sources that report the stories of crimes of Muhammad (example: debate with Edip Yukssel, a leader of the Submitters)
b- Moral relativism and situational ethics, e.g., “In those days, pedophilia, assassination, rape, raid, pillage, massacre and lying, were common practices, so Muhammad is innocent because he did what everyone else was doing.” Muslims even go as far as to question the legitimacy of the Golden Rule to claim I do not have any basis to condemn Muhammad. In other words, who can say what is good and what is evil? That is up to the messenger of God to decide. (Example: debate with Yamin Zakaria)
These are the main two arguments that Muslims present in defense of Islam. Any rational person can see they are logical fallacies.
These charges are irrefutable. You simply can't disprove them because they are reported in Islamic sources and as such they are as good as confession. You can't acquit a criminal after he has confessed, unless you plead insanity, which is my point.
Muslims often ask: "Who will judge whether or not an attempt to disprove your accusations against Muhammad and Islam, was successful?" The readers will be the jury. It is not difficult to see which side is right once both arguments are presented without one side fearing the other. I will publish the debates in this site. My opponents are also encouraged to publish them in any Islamic site. Please note that I will not accept face to face debates. The debates must be in writing.
The above challenge was issued in 2001 and it hasn't been met yet. See the debates I had with Muslims. Also see the pathetic attempt of some Muslims trying to refute me here , here, here and here. Is that all the Muslim world can offer? Where are the scholars of Islam? Why such an important task is left to a bunch of amateurs who actually do more damage to Islam? Isn't it time that the real scholars come forth and refute my charges?
The truth is that several of the people that debated me were real scholars, such as the eminent Pakistani scholar Mr. Javed Ahmed Ghamidi and his disciple Dr. Khalid Zaheer. This debate is a must read and is available for download. Dr. Zaheer is a learned man, a moderate Muslim and a good human being. I have utmost respect for him.
As of this date (2007), I will no longer debate with people who want to debate anonymously. I only debate with reputable scholars. I made this decision because often, Muslims moved by their faith and zealotry, but with little knowledge of Islam, challenge me to debate. They rehash the same tried and refuted arguments that bore everyone and disappear. Then, other Muslims, either accuse me of fabricating those debates or pooh-pooh my opponents for not being scholars.
As of this day, I am also doubling the reward. If you are not a reputable scholar, you can still win the prize. All you have to do is persuade a scholar to debate with me. If he (she) disproves my charges or can prove that Muhammad was a prophet of God, both you and he (she) will be rewarded $50,000 dollars each. This is to encourage you to write to your admired scholar and convince them that Islam is in danger and that it is their duty to defend it. Once you write to invite someone, please CC a copy to us for announcing the invitation. Our email is faithfreedom2 (at)
Yes, Islam is in grave danger. Never, since its inception, Islam has faced a threat as serious as this. Today, millions of ex-Muslims are questioning the claimed truth of Islam, can make their criticisms heard worldwide, and unlike before, not fear for their lives. As long as these questions are not answered, this trend is only bound to continue, until the trickle becomes a torrent and the fall of Islam becomes obvious. In the past, the critics of Islam briefly shined like lamps in darkness, only to be put out by winds of persecution. What is happening today can be likened to the break of the dawn. Darkness has no chance in front of this much light. Muslims are waking up and leaving Islam like never before. A spiritual and intellectual revolution is underway. This is the century of enlightenment of the benighted Muslims. The giant is finally awakening. The days of Islam are numbered. This demon of hate and ignorance will be slain by the hands of its own primary victims. The unity of mankind and the world peace are around the corner.
Please advertise this challenge. Every Muslim must see it. This is like throwing water on their fire. Nothing will dampen their zeal more than the realization that among a billion Muslims there is not a single scholar who can prove the wild claims of Muhammad, nor acquit him of these grave charges. This unmet challenge has a sobering effect on them. They can make any excuse, such as, I am not worth their response, that there have been greater men than me who opposed Islam, or that I have been refuted already, but they will not be able to fool themselves. The more this challenge is circulated, the more Muslims will be forced to remain silent and doubt Islam. Do not undermine the psychological effect of this impossible challenge.
Ali Sina
Freedom of faith?
Freedom of faith?
Dear all,
We, Aryans are heading towards self suicide by hosting two criminal cultures named Christianity and Islam with the conspiracy of the Britons' Congress Party.
Qaba and Vetican are booty. The Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible have been compiled to justify the most ungodly and immoral behaviour the world has ever known.
The Indian Constitution has been compiled by the Britons' Congress Party in retaliation and to settle vendetta for opposing British rule amongst other reasons. The fraud and guide, supporter and protector of usurpers, assassins, and rapists Indian Constitution says,
Qaba and Vetican are booty. The Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible have been compiled to justify the most ungodly and immoral behaviour the world has ever known.
The Indian Constitution has been compiled by the Britons' Congress Party in retaliation and to settle vendetta for opposing British rule amongst other reasons. The fraud and guide, supporter and protector of usurpers, assassins, and rapists Indian Constitution says,
This is fraud. The people, who compiled the Constitution, were not elected by the people of Bharat after transfer of power by Jesus. No referendum or plebiscite was ever arranged to obtain the consent of the people about body of the Indian Constitution. Then how the people of Bharat enacted, adopted and given to themselves this guide of usurpers, murderers, rapists, secessionists etc.?
With the compilation of the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution, citizens of India have lost their right of life and liberty of faith vides Article 29(1) and right upon their properties vides Article 39(c) since November 26, 1949. No worship place and culture can survive. [ (Bible Deut. 12:1-3) and (Koran, Bani Israel, 17:81)]. The chastity, honour and dignity of no woman is safe. (Bible, Isaiah 13:15 and 16) (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30). The property right, provided to the citizens vides Article 31 of the Indian Constitution, which could not be snatched even by Britons and constitution committee was snatched through the first amendment of the Indian Constitution, by the dreaded parliament in collusion with corrupt extortionist judiciary of that Democracy, whose proceedings start with the extortion of Rs. five towards 'Bhent'. (Shankari Prasad Singh Deo v UOI, AIR 1951 SC 458: 1052 SCR 89;) (Hiralal J. Kania CJ and 4 other JJs. Date decided 5-10-1951). No court can sit into judgment against Bible and Koran. (AIR 1985 CALCUTTA HIGH COURT, 104).
Contrary to the promised liberty, The Indian Constitution has imposed upon humanity servilities of rulers. The vast preponderance of ignorant Jews, Christians and Muslims do not know their prophet or their religion. They lead a life of ignorance, despair, tyranny, and mind-numbing rituals. They are kept in the dark, purposely deceived, for the benefit of clerics, rulers and kings. There is no incentive for Muslims and Christians to learn. Even if exposed to the truth, they would not reject Islam (Koran 4:89) or Jesus (Bible, Deut. 13:6-11) for fear of their lives. The Koran and Bible themselves confirm this startling reality. Allah commanded Muslims “not to question the Koran,” for those who did, he said, “discarded their religion.” (Koran 5:101 and 102).
Secular Allah boasts for being a terrorist (Koran 8:12) permits incest (Koran 33:37-38). Secular Allah claims that he deceives humanity, (Koran 9:3) assassinates humanity, (Koran 9:5) slays humanity, (Koran 8:17) dupes humanity, ambushes humanity, (Koran 9:3) robs humanity, (Koran 8:1) condones rape of women, (Koran 23:6) enslaves women, Children, and even his own worshippers, commits murder, (Koran 8:17) genocide, (Koran 8:39) sadistic tortures, terrorism, warmongering, (Koran 2:216; 8:65 and 67) etc. on the pretext that one does not worship Allah alone. Still Muslims claim that they are Seculars and free!
Similarly, Secular Jesus is a ghost adopted by Christian rulers to rule upon the world. In Bible, Secular Jesus himself commands his sheep, “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me.” Bible, Luke 19:27. Secular Jesus further says in Bible, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Bible, Matt 10:34). and that he has come on the earth to bring fire. (Bible, Luke 12:49). If one must be slain for worshipping false gods, why should one not be slain for worshipping butcher, (Koran 8:17) incest monger, (Koran 33:37-38) robber gods, (Koran, 8:1, 69 and 41) who instigate and support rape of alien women? (Koran 23:6).
They claim to be correct because their fabricated deities have corrupted and enslaved them. I am wrong because my Ishwar does not support servilities of any kind, provides one right to property, (Manusmriti 8:308), provides freedom of faith (Gita 7:21), respects chastity and dignity of women.
The Indian Constitution is predator, a pirate, and a terrorist? Its Article 29(1) motivates aids, abets and harbours its Muslim and Christian mercenaries to eradicate Vedic culture through genocide, murder and mayhem. If we wish to survive, we have no choice than eradicating Democracy, Islam and Christianity. They have dogmas capable of corrupting men to such an extent that they believe murder, rape of women and conversion sure path to paradise. Human races must note that ignorance of this deception is not tolerance. Acceptance is not compassion. Appeasement will not lead to peace any more than accommodating the suicide bombers, who have ruined world harmony. Over 1.3 billion people are slaves of Islam and over two billion people are wisdom less (Bible, Genesis 2:17) sheep slaves (Bible, Luke 19:27) of Jesus. The word Islam means submission. Allah and his Koran and Jehovah and his Bible Command Muslims and Christians obey prophet, cleric, and king. While Muslims in Islamic nations live with no liberty of thought, speech, press, or religion, the status of Christians is of sheep without wisdom! Unemployment, poverty, and despair run rampant in Islamic countries. Every aspect of a Muslim’s life is controlled by Islamic despots, Islamic law, Islamic scripture, Islamic education, and Islamic culture. Women are treated like animals. Allah's Koran gives Muslims the liberty to beat their wives and condones rape of any captive women (Koran 23:6). While every Muslim is indoctrinated with the same message of religious intolerance, racial hatred, and violence in Islam, Christianity is after establishing kingdom of bastard and ghost Jesus. Bible, Luke 19:27. They are being exploited by their dictators and politicians. They hear from media, from their teachers, and clerics and follow them at the cost of annihilation of human race. A collusion of influences, including lust for booty and sex has annihilated truth and shut out wisdom.
Where is the liberty promised by the Indian Constitution in its preamble?
While humanity is fighting relentless war for liberty, public servants, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and most human races have no shame that they are fighting to retain their servilities of Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats. Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats have snatched the very instinct for liberty from their followers. Look! Still Jews, Christians and Muslims do not feel sorry that they are getting cheated, corrupted and humiliated by their so called merciful Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, clerics and rulers. They are happily defending their servilities in lieu of booty and sex.
While humanity is fighting relentless war for liberty, public servants, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and most human races have no shame that they are fighting to retain their servilities of Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats. Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats have snatched the very instinct for liberty from their followers. Look! Still Jews, Christians and Muslims do not feel sorry that they are getting cheated, corrupted and humiliated by their so called merciful Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, clerics and rulers. They are happily defending their servilities in lieu of booty and sex.
Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing their near and dear. However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women and returned pregnant Muslims' women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights. Do non-Muslims have no human rights?
For the survival of human race, proscription of the Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible is indispensable.
Meaning: Wealth has four sons. Dharm, fire, king and thief. If the Dharm is ignored and humiliated the rest ruins every thing. Even Manusmriti says,
Meaning: Protected Dharm protects and unprotected Dharm kills. Therefore, may unprotected Dharm not kill, let Dharm be not unprotected. Beware of the conspiracy of Britons' Congress Party. Secularism amounts to eradication of human race.
Meaning: Wealth has four sons. Dharm, fire, king and thief. If the Dharm is ignored and humiliated the rest ruins every thing. Even Manusmriti says,
Meaning: Protected Dharm protects and unprotected Dharm kills. Therefore, may unprotected Dharm not kill, let Dharm be not unprotected. Beware of the conspiracy of Britons' Congress Party. Secularism amounts to eradication of human race.
Secularism and multiculturalism?
Multiculturalism is bankrupt against Judaism's, Christianity's & Islam's demand for every civilization to submit. {Azaan, (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39) and (Bible, Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5 and Luke 19:27)}. The culture of tolerance collapses in the face of the sacred intolerance of dualistic ethics. Intellectuals respond by ignoring the failure.
Political Christianity and Islam have annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation takes centuries, but once Christianity and Islam are ascendant they never fail. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. They are after the last partially survived Vedic culture. Let Aryavrt Government salvage Vedic culture.
We must learn the doctrine of political Christianity and Islam to survive. The doctrine is very clear that all forms of force and persuasion may and must be used to conquer Vedic culture. Christianity and Islam are self-proclaimed enemy of non Christian nations and unbelievers.
The dualism of Christianity and Islam are more deceitful and offer two choices on how to treat the people of alien faiths. The people of alien faiths can be treated nicely, in the same way a farmer treats his cattle well. So Christianity and Islam can be "nice", but in no case is the person of alien faith a "brother" or a friend.
The brilliant Chinese philosopher of war, Sun Tsu, had the dictum -- know the enemy. We must know the doctrine of our enemy or be annihilated.
Human races are moving corpses and living in paradise of fools. I feel guilty when I see that the sacrifices of Ram Prasad Bismil, Bhagat Singh, Subhash, Chandra Shekhar Azad could not materialize. When the financial racketeer Pratibha and cow and man-eater thief of Aamer Fort treasury Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi had to rule upon us, what was bad with Victoria or Elizabeth? What for our ancestors shed their bloods since 1857? Liberty, guaranteed in US and Indian Constitution, is being denied openly. That exposes the relevance of democracy.
The dualism of Christianity and Islam are more deceitful and offer two choices on how to treat the people of alien faiths. The people of alien faiths can be treated nicely, in the same way a farmer treats his cattle well. So Christianity and Islam can be "nice", but in no case is the person of alien faith a "brother" or a friend.
The brilliant Chinese philosopher of war, Sun Tsu, had the dictum -- know the enemy. We must know the doctrine of our enemy or be annihilated.
Human races are moving corpses and living in paradise of fools. I feel guilty when I see that the sacrifices of Ram Prasad Bismil, Bhagat Singh, Subhash, Chandra Shekhar Azad could not materialize. When the financial racketeer Pratibha and cow and man-eater thief of Aamer Fort treasury Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi had to rule upon us, what was bad with Victoria or Elizabeth? What for our ancestors shed their bloods since 1857? Liberty, guaranteed in US and Indian Constitution, is being denied openly. That exposes the relevance of democracy.
Expulsion and massacre of the host Jews of Medinah, attack and enslavement of the Jews of Khayber, rape of women and children, sale of these victims after rape, trickery, treachery and bribery employed to their fullest extent to grow the numbers of his religion Islam on the pretext of "Peace and honesty"! Muhammed organized more than 70 raids within 12 years mostly in his presence.
Media, Intellectuals and artists are being abused since inception of Christianity & Islam. Indeed, the psychology of our intellectuals is exactly like the psychology of the abused wife, the sexually abused child or rape victim. Look at the parallels between the response of abuse victims and our intellectuals. See how violence has caused denial. What can be a better evidence than Muhammad's cartoons?
The victims deny that the abuse took place: Our media never reports the majority of jihad and mission around the world. Our intellectuals don't talk about how all of the violence is connected to political doctrines.
The abuser uses fear to control the victim. What was the reason that newspapers would not publish the Muhammad cartoons? Salman Rushdie and Dr. Taslima Nasreen still have death sentences for their novels. Fear rules over media, intellectuals and artists.
The victim is humiliated: White people and Jews will not talk about how their ancestors were enslaved by Islam. They would talk as to how they made inventions and were learned and honoured by the Muslim rulers. However, they would not tell that they were after all Dhimmies of Muslim rulers. No one wants to claim the victims of jihad. Why won't we claim the suffering of our ancestors? Why don't we cry about the loss of cultures and peoples? We are too ashamed to care.
The victims deny that the abuse took place: Our media never reports the majority of jihad and mission around the world. Our intellectuals don't talk about how all of the violence is connected to political doctrines.
The abuser uses fear to control the victim. What was the reason that newspapers would not publish the Muhammad cartoons? Salman Rushdie and Dr. Taslima Nasreen still have death sentences for their novels. Fear rules over media, intellectuals and artists.
The victim is humiliated: White people and Jews will not talk about how their ancestors were enslaved by Islam. They would talk as to how they made inventions and were learned and honoured by the Muslim rulers. However, they would not tell that they were after all Dhimmies of Muslim rulers. No one wants to claim the victims of jihad. Why won't we claim the suffering of our ancestors? Why don't we cry about the loss of cultures and peoples? We are too ashamed to care.
Christians are worse than vultures. While vultures eat dead corpses, Christians eat flesh of living son of the man! (Bible John 6:53). Any one who has seen vultures might have knowledge that perching of a single vulture upon a green tree is more than enough to annihilate the tree. One Columbus reached America and annihilated the entire 100 million Red Indians and their Maya culture. One Muhammad eradicated all the three his host tribes of Medina viz. Banu Qainuka, Banu Nazir and Banu Quraiza. One Max Muller annihilated Aryans’ Veds and one Macaulay annihilated Aryans Gurukul and Sanskrit language. What these millions of vulture Christians and Muslims, detained by criminal Congress Party of Jesus and imposter M.K. Gandhi, the father of Pakistan, would do with Aryans is any body’s guess. UOI is in league with these vultures and is hell bent to eradicate Vedic culture.
Humanity invented governments to protect the lands, ladies, lives, liberties and labours of the subjects? For the very purposes, every government of the day has deputed judiciary and police. Every government punishes the guilty. Notorious criminal prophets invented religions and dogmas which allow them to subjugate even their own followers. This is because Allah alone can be worshipped, Muhammad is broker of Allah (Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98) or Jealous Jehovah alone can be worshipped or religion is opium. Thus, these dogmas subjugate one and usurp the belongings of the haves (‘KORAN’, Chapter 8 (The Spoils of War) Verse 1 and 41) and rape alien women of their choice (Bible, Isaiah 13:15and16) (See Koran, 4:24; 23:6 and; 33:50 and 70:30) and remain scot-free. No sooner, one accepts Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Socialism, the criminal activities of murder, plunder and rape of women ceased to be considered crimes instead these crimes turn into the source of sustenance and heaven after death for these criminal democrats, Communists, Muslims, and Christians.
However, in contrast, there is Vedic Sanskriti. It grants liberty of worship of god of one’s choice. (Gita 7:21). Supports one's right to property. (Manusmriti 8:308).
Humanity invented governments to protect the lands, ladies, lives, liberties and labours of the subjects? For the very purposes, every government of the day has deputed judiciary and police. Every government punishes the guilty. Notorious criminal prophets invented religions and dogmas which allow them to subjugate even their own followers. This is because Allah alone can be worshipped, Muhammad is broker of Allah (Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98) or Jealous Jehovah alone can be worshipped or religion is opium. Thus, these dogmas subjugate one and usurp the belongings of the haves (‘KORAN’, Chapter 8 (The Spoils of War) Verse 1 and 41) and rape alien women of their choice (Bible, Isaiah 13:15and16) (See Koran, 4:24; 23:6 and; 33:50 and 70:30) and remain scot-free. No sooner, one accepts Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Socialism, the criminal activities of murder, plunder and rape of women ceased to be considered crimes instead these crimes turn into the source of sustenance and heaven after death for these criminal democrats, Communists, Muslims, and Christians.
However, in contrast, there is Vedic Sanskriti. It grants liberty of worship of god of one’s choice. (Gita 7:21). Supports one's right to property. (Manusmriti 8:308).
The victim feels helpless: "What are we going to do?" "We can't kill 3.3 billion people." No one has any understanding or optimism. No one has an idea of what to try. The only plan is to "be nicer."
We hate ourselves because we are mentally molested and abused. Our intellectuals and artists have responded to the abuse of jihad and mission just as a sexually abused child or a rape victim would respond. We are quite intellectually ill and are failing at our job of clear thinking. We can't look at our denial.
We hate ourselves because we are mentally molested and abused. Our intellectuals and artists have responded to the abuse of jihad and mission just as a sexually abused child or a rape victim would respond. We are quite intellectually ill and are failing at our job of clear thinking. We can't look at our denial.
Freedom of faith?
We have submitted to the fabricated laws for the convenience of our killers. What can be a better example than freedom of faith? Below are extracts,
False prophets must be slain, and idolatrous cities destroyed.
13:6. If thy brother the son of thy mother, or thy son, or daughter, or thy wife that is in thy bosom, or thy friend, whom thou lovest as thy own soul, would persuade thee secretly, saying: Let us go, and serve strange gods, which thou knowest not, nor thy fathers,
13:7. Of all the nations round about, that are near or afar off, from one end of the earth to the other,
13:8. Consent not to him, hear him not, neither let thy eye spare him to pity and conceal him,
13:9. But thou shalt presently put him to death. Let thy hand be first upon him, and afterwards the hands of all the people.
13:10. With stones shall he be stoned to death: because he would have withdrawn thee from the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage:
13:11. That all Israel hearing may fear, and may do no more any thing like this.
13:7. Of all the nations round about, that are near or afar off, from one end of the earth to the other,
13:8. Consent not to him, hear him not, neither let thy eye spare him to pity and conceal him,
13:9. But thou shalt presently put him to death. Let thy hand be first upon him, and afterwards the hands of all the people.
13:10. With stones shall he be stoned to death: because he would have withdrawn thee from the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage:
13:11. That all Israel hearing may fear, and may do no more any thing like this.
Koran 4:89 “They wish that you would reject Faith, as they have, and thus be on the same footing: Do not be friends with them until they leave their homes in Allah’s Cause. But [and this is a hell of a but...] if they turn back from Islam, becoming renegades, seize them and kill them wherever you find them.”
A question arises. Why the same rule must not be applied against Imams, Maulavies, Pope and missionaries, who are converting Aryans? More so, when Jesus snatches wisdom from his followers, reduces his followers to sheep and converts his followers in to assassins and when Allah kills renegades.
Can UOI be permitted to snatch her citizens' moral and make them sheep, assassin, robber and rapists? Support Aryavrt Government for your private defence.
Yours faithfully,
Yours faithfully,
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government,
77 Khera Khurd,
Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025
Email: aryavrt39@gmail.comBlog:
If you feel that this message be telecasted, donate us. Rush your contribution in the account of Manav Raksha Sangh Account No. 016001020168 ICICI Bank Ltd. Else keep ready for your doom. Remember! Whoever you are, you won't be able to save your moral, faith, properties, women, motherland, Vedic culture & even your infants. Choice is yours, whether you stick to dreaded usurper Democracy & get eradicated or survive with your rights upon your property, freedom of faith & life with dignity?
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Know Governor TVRajeshwar
Know Governor TVRajeshwar
U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar is slave of Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi, who is wisdom less (Bible, Genesis 2:17) sheep of bastard and ghost Jesus, implanted in Bharat, by Britons' Congress Party, to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their ruler (Bible, Luke 19:27), eat their flesh (Bible, John 6:53) and drink their blood. Thievery is his business. He has been hired by dreaded democracy to steal the possessions of the haves and eradicate Vedic culture. U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar is assisted by the Parliament, Judiciary and press
To prove my points, I am submitting the following evidences,
“Cultural and Educational Rights
‘’29. Protection of Interests of Minorities-(1) Any section of the citizens residing in the territories of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script, or culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same.’’
The one of the real meanings of CULTURE as mentioned in Webster Dictionary is, ' the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group'
There cannot be second opinion that Muslims and Christians have been granted unfettered fundamental right to conserve their culture i.e. to establish the kingdom of their criminal Allah and criminal Jesus through Jihad and Mission. Moreover, what for are these kingdoms? To subjugate, slay, plunder, convert Aryans, and rape their women. Aryavrt Government is feeling pity for PM Manmohan and U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar, who have taken oath to depose faith and allegiance in the very Indian Constitution and as such are moving corpses. Nay! Even the judges and Super Prime Minister have taken same oath of the very Constitution, which has been compiled to help conserve the criminal cultures of Islam and Christianity, who have not spared any territory and culture of the world! Remember! This is the last refuge for Aryans. Whenever and wherever the humanity was in danger, might they be Jews, Baudh, Sikhs, or even Parsis, she got shelter in Bharat. Kindly do not become a party in finishing this last refuge of humanity through criminal religions of Islam and Christianity.
Indian Constitution is predator, a pirate, and a terrorist? Its Article 29(1) motivates aids, abets and harbours its Muslim and Christian mercenaries to eradicate Vedic culture through genocide, murder and mayhem. If we wish to survive, we have no choice than eradicating Democracy, Islam and Christianity. They have dogmas capable of corrupting men to such an extent that they believe murder, rape of women and conversion sure path to paradise. Aryans must note that ignorance of this deception is not tolerance. Acceptance is not compassion. Appeasement will not lead to peace any more than accommodating the suicide bombers, who have ruined world harmony.
No one is safe (Bible, Luke 19:27) and (Koran 8:39; 9:5; 33:61 etc) in Democracy. No worship place and culture can survive. [ (Bible Deut. 12:1-3) and (Koran, Bani Israel, 17:81)]. No one can retain property [Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution and omitted Article 31] and chastity of no woman is safe under the dogmas of the Indian Constitution, [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution] Koran (Koran 23:6) and Bible (Bible, Isaiah 13:16).
Even election is not for the rescue of citizens, because no voter can change either Article 29(1) or 39(c) or claim restoration of Article 31 of the Indian Constitution. Thus, one votes to decide as to who would plunder the subjects, whether Atal or Mulayam or Rahul or Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi or Mayavati? Citizens vote to agree as to under whose regimen one's properties would be usurped, one's women would be raped and one would be slain!
You have no choice. If you wish to survive, help Aryavrt scrap the Indian Constitution to protect you.
Judiciary of KG Balakrishnan is house of organized financial racketeers, pettifoggers, frauds, usurpers and cheats. A man of character cannot stay in judiciary. The judiciary is being abused by judges since its inception. The puppet Judiciary has always been instrumental in stealing the possessions of the subjects and eradication of Vedic culture. The apex court revealed her deadly fang no sooner she justified the first amendment by the house of robbers named Parliament in Article 31 (Shankari Prasad Singh Deo v UOI, AIR 1951 SC 458: 1052 SCR 89;) (Hiralal J. Kania CJ and 4 other JJs. Date decided 5-10-1951) pertaining to the fundamental right to property and again when her subordinate Calcutta High Court held (Chandmal Chopra v State of West Bengal AIR 1986 CALCUTTA 104; 1986 Cr.L.J. 182) that no court can sit into the judgment against the guides of criminals named Koran and Bible!
The apex court had taken cases of Zahira Sheikh and Bilkis Yakoob suo motu.
Apex court’s chief Justice V.N. Khare had warned the Gujrat Govt. that he cannot remain a silent spectator to its in action in Best Bakery case. Khare had also said to Modi, “you have to protect people and punish the quit if you can’t prosecute the guilty. VN Khare, unlike Chief Minister of Gujarat, never told Chief Ministers of Mizoram and JandK, "The court cannot remain a silent spectator to its in action in ethnic cleaning of Hindus. You have to protect people and punish the guilty .... You quit if you can’t prosecute the guilty."
A Judge, who takes oath of faith and allegiance in the dreaded Indian Constitution, loses right to sit in the chair of Justice.
Thus, with the compilation of the dreaded predator Indian Constitution, citizens of India have lost their right of life and liberty of faith vides Article 29(1) and right upon their properties vides Article 39(c) since November 26, 1949. The chastity, dignity and honour of no woman is safe. (Koran 23:6) and (Bible, Isaiah 13:16). The property right, provided to the citizens vides Article 31 of the Indian Constitution, which could not be snatched by Britons and constitution committee was snatched through the first amendment of the Indian Constitution, by the dreaded parliament in collusion with corrupt extortionist judiciary of that Democracy, whose proceedings start with the extortion of Rs. five towards 'Bhent'.
I have got demolished Babri structure. Nay! I have submitted 6 affidavits in courts that I alone must be tried as others are telling through affidavits that they are innocents.
Azaan and Namaaz are insults to our Ishwar. Azaan and Namaaz incite communal hatred between Muslims and Non-Muslims on the basis of religion and is offence vide section 153 and 295 of the Indian Penal Code. I have been discharged after trial in FIR No. 110/2001 for opposing Azaan and Namaaz in mosques by ASJ Ld. Shri Rajiv Mehra of Tis Hazari Courts Delhi on February 26, 2005. The case is available for perusal in my blog
When I asked for protection u/s 99 of the Indian Penal Code and arrest of PO and ISI agent Abdullah Bukhari, while I was sent in Jail and trial against me is going on vide FIR 10/2001 PS NIA, the LG Vijaya Kapoor, prayed judiciary for withdrawal of Wazookhana case against Bukhari. The MM M.S. Rohilla, who dared to issue NBW against Bukhari, resigned! Delhi High court fraudulently rejected PIL and my 2 Writs(Crl) 1410/2003 and 150/2004 against Bukhari.
If you people wish to survive, help Aryavrt abolish the Indian Constitution.
When I got demolished Babri structure, media was telling that mob has no right to take law in her hand. Media is wrong. I am quoting the sections of the Indian Penal Code that show that mob can take law in her hand. Read on …
“96. Nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of the right of private defense.”"99. ... There is no right of private defence in cases in which there is time to have recourse to the protection of the public authorities."
“102. Commencement and continuance of the right of private defence of the body.—The right of private defence of the body commences as soon as a reasonable apprehension of danger to the body arises from an attempt or threat to commit the offence though the offence may not have been committed; and it continues as long as such apprehension of danger to the body continues.”
“105. Commencement and continuance of the right of private defence of property.—The right of private defence of property commences when a reasonable apprehension of danger to property commences. ...”
Secularism revisited
Qaba is booty. Azaan is insult to gods of non-Muslims and incite communal hatred. Koran is nothing but a political manual for enslaving humanity with terror. These have been given immunity [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution] and section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Secularism has paved the way to keep killers of humanity, usurpers and rapists of women in Bharat.
They remained secular even after demolishing thousands of temples. However, when I got demolished Babri structure, two police officers registered FIRs. 49 accused persons are facing charges and Librhan Commission has been instituted. No such FIR or Commission was ever instituted for temple demolition.
Sati glorification is offence; but Talaq by Muslims is no offence. Opposing Azaan is offence; however abusing gods and faiths of non-Muslims is no offence. The rape of Zahira and Bilkis, who would breed enemies of human races, attracted suo motu action by two Chief Justices of the apex court named VN Khare and RC Lahoti; however, Muslims raped lacs of Hindu women in Kashmir and Christians raped Hindu women in Mizoram and both States got peace prizes. Nay! Both Muslims and Christians are usurping the victims' women, lands and properties in these States in full knowledge of the criminal terrorist judiciary of India.
VN Khare, unlike Chief Minister of Gujarat, never told Chief Ministers of Mizoram and JandK, "The court cannot remain a silent spectator to its in action in their States. You have to protect people and punish the guilty .... You quit if you can’t prosecute the guilty."
May media suggest me as to how her members are going to protect their lives, properties and women?
Political Christianity and Islam have annihilated every culture it has invaded or immigrated to. The total time for annihilation takes centuries, but once Christianity and Islam are ascendant they never fail. The host culture disappears and becomes extinct. This is open secret that Christians migrated to Bharat as traders and became rulers and killers of Aryans' Vedic culture. Now Bharatiya citizens are slave of Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi, who has been commanded to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king. (Bible, Luke 19:27).
We must learn the doctrine of political Christianity and Islam to survive. The doctrine is very clear that all forms of force and persuasion may and must be used to conquer us. Christianity and Islam are self-proclaimed enemy of non Christian and non Muslim nations and unbelievers.
The brilliant Chinese philosopher of war, Sun Tsu, had the dictum -- know the enemy. We must know the doctrine of our enemy or be annihilated.
As stipulated in Article 159 of the Indian Constitution, the Governor T.V. Rajeshwar has taken Oath or affirmation as under -
“I T.V. Rajeshwar, do hereby swear in the name of god/ solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the office of Governor (or discharge the function of the Governor) of Uttar Pradesh and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the law and that I will devote myself to the service and well-being of the people of Uttar Pradesh.”
The dreaded democracy of Bharat could not produce a single President/PM for this country and nation is constrained to import cow and man-eater super PM Antonia Maino, her refugee PM puppet Manmohan and Financial racketeer Pratibha! Both Pratibha and Antonia Maino have been commanded by Allah and Jesus to slay us. Why should Aryans tolerate such Democracy?
The salient features of the Democracy are very perplexing. The eradication of Vedic culture, elimination of Bharat from World map and rape of women has directly been linked with the sustenance, power, pelf and financial status of a public servant, who, like U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar, is otherwise serving to save the interests of the ruler Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi. Those responsible for protecting and informing the subjects have given priority to their financial well being over protecting their people, their Vedic culture, their own infants, their own lives and chastity of their own women. We were promised Ram Rajya and ended with Rome Rajya. We fought for independence and ended with the servility of rulers.
Non-violence is imposed upon Aryans only through [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution] and Sections 196 and 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Like Nazis rolling into Poland following the “peace process” in 1930s Europe, the perpetrators of Islamic terror and Christianity's Mission are inflamed by violent and racist doctrines. The doctrines are ' Fight them until persecution is no more and the Religion of Allah reigns supreme.' (Koran 8:39) and “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me.” Bible, Luke, Chapter 19 Verse 27. Both have agenda, and we are ignorant of it. If we do not retaliate, humanity would finish.
Even this U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar won't survive!
Secularism and multiculturalism?
Human races are moving corpses and living in paradise of fools. I feel guilty when I see that the sacrifices of Ram Prasad Bismil, Bhagat Singh, Subhash, Chandra Shekhar Azad could not materialize. When the financial racketeer Pratibha and cow and man-eater thief of Aamer Fort treasury Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi had to rule upon us, what was bad with Victoria or Elizabeth? What for our ancestors shed their bloods since 1857? Liberty, guaranteed in US and Indian Constitution, is being denied openly. That exposes the relevance of democracy.
Humanity is victim of Allah, Jesus the only son of Jehovah and Democracy. Either one does not worship Allah alone, (This is a secular excuse) (Azaan and Koran 21:98) or does not accept Jesus one’s ruler (This is another secular excuse) (Bible, Luke 19:27), as such Christians and Muslims are religiously and constitutionally right in murdering their common enemy Aryans because Aryans do not want Jesus to be their king and waged war since 1857 against British rule and they do not worship Allah alone. Nay! Christians and Muslims have been provided unfettered fundamental right to conserve their very cultures vide Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution.
While Judaism, Christianity and Islam have stipulated the condition for existence of humanity of being slave of either Moses' Jehovah, Jesus or Muhammad's Allah by deceit, Aryans' (who are branded invaders) Vedic culture forbids deceit. Its scriptures do not allow ambush and terrorism. Aryans did propagate their Buddhism around the world, but nowhere had they ruled upon aliens’ territories. Aryans did not demolish worship places and idols of aliens. They did not kill male persons and infants and did not rape women of alien faith. Their scriptures did not permit such crimes. While they are free to wage war against us, we are compelled to obey peace. Look! What Jews, Christians and Muslims did around the world! Jesus is fraud and enemy of Christians as well as Allah is fraud and enemy of Muslims.
If those worshipping other gods save Allah were killed, (Koran, The Prophets 21:98) why Muslims who worship criminal Allah be not killed? If those worshipping other gods than jealous Jehovah be killed, (Bible Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5) why those worshipping Jehovah and his alone son Jesus be not killed? These slaughters have advantage for humanity. These would provide right to property Manusmriti 8:308 and liberty of faith to human race and save honour and dignity of women. (Bible, Isaiah 13:15 and 16) (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30)
The radical weakness of Judaism, Christianity & Islam as moral philosophies lie in their eradication of the individual conscience of humanity in favor of unthinking submission to the mere letter of revealed law. The long cherished moral, liberty of faith and property and chastity and dignity of women are snatched in lieu of booty and sex. The Bible, Koran and Sunnah (example of Mohammed) stand above reason, conscience, or nature. A thing is right - including acts and laws abhorrent to "superseded" or "irrelevant" natural morality - simply because Jehovah, Jesus and Allah say so, or because the prophets have thus said or done. The lack of any pretense to a moral basis for Bible or Sharia (Islamic law) is open and explicit: there is no "spirit of the law" in Christianity and Islam, no rationality behind it for human reason to discover by exercising man's God- given intellect. There is no discernment of the consequences of deeds, and revelation and traditions must not be questioned. Nor may any other standard of good and evil - least of all any notion of "natural" justice such as that assumed by the founding documents of our Veds or Manusmriti - be invoked.
Torah, Bible and Sharia cannot be penetrated by reason (its apparent inconsistencies notwithstanding) and the very attempt is forbidden heresy. It's blasphemy and attracts death penalty in Islamic and Christian countries and punishment u/s 153 and 295 of the Indian Penal Code. Every Jew, Christian or Moslem, who is qualified to give a sound opinion on matters of Torah, Bible or Sharia, is entitled to interpret the application of Torah, Sharia or Bible when such interpretation becomes necessary, but where an explicit command of Jehovah, Jesus and Allah or Prophets already exists, no rabbi, Pope, Father, Gideon, Cleric or Mufti, Aalim, Moslem leader or legislature can form an independent judgment. Since Muhammad is the final prophet, there can be no further development in any judicial matters where the Bible, Koran and Sunnah provide guidance. This deeply undermines the possibility of rational civic debate in Moslem Christian nations and accounts for the distinctly inhuman flavor of their legal systems.
The notorious frauds, named prophets, have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their fabricated gods unapproachable. Those who accept the faith of prophets, become the slaves of prophets as the prophets have become brokers of Jehovah and Allah! Prophets alone can meet their gods. Thus the followers of the prophets are slaves of their prophets. In lieu of providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who do not accept their faiths. Thus the whole world comes under the control of the prophets. However these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs.
This is because if raping women of alien faith is free from blame (Koran 23:6) for Muslims, then how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded to ravish the women of non-Christians before the eyes of the men of the victim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16)? If those worshipping other Gods save Allah be killed is justified, (Koran 2:191) how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27) If snatching the belongings of other person is offence, why the democrats and P.O.s of judiciary, who snatched citizens’ fundamental right to property, (Article 31 - now stands omitted since 20-06-1979) are not dacoits? If property belongs to society, why such society is not usurper? Where is the moral in that society that is owner of the belongings of the haves? Why should we tolerate that Indian Constitution that grants unfettered fundamental right to minorities to slay and rob the people of alien faiths and rape their women? [Article 29(1)]. Governments are duty bound to protect the properties of their citizens. Where is the moral in Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution that snatches properties of the citizens?
Humanity invented governments to protect the lands, ladies, lives, liberties and labours of the subjects? For the very purposes, every government of the day has deputed judiciary and police. Every government punishes the guilty. Notorious criminal prophets invented religions and dogmas which allow them to subjugate even their own followers. This is because Allah alone can be worshipped, Muhammad is broker of Allah (Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98) or Jealous Jehovah alone can be worshipped or religion is opium. Thus, these dogmas subjugate one and usurp the belongings of the haves (‘KORAN’, Chapter 8 (The Spoils of War) Verse 1 and 41) and rape alien women of their choice (Bible, Isaiah 13:15 and 16) (See Koran, 4:24; 23:6 and; 33:50 and 70:30) and remain scot-free.
Notorious criminals invented criminal religions, which allow them to subjugate even their own followers, Look at the dogmas! Allah alone can be worshipped; (Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98). Muhammad is broker of Allah. Followers of Allah cannot meet Allah. Similarly, Jealous Jehovah alone can be worshipped; Moses or Jesus are the brokers of Jehovah. (Bible Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5). They alone can meet Jehovah. His followers cannot meet. Thus, monotheism is a tool to enslave the world. Nay! Even their own followers. Those, who do not accept their faiths, are being slain by their followers since their inception. Those, who become followers are corrupted and enslaved. The dogmas of Christianity and Islam stipulate rape of women towards incentive. Thus these criminal cultures corrupt and enslave else slay the humanity. These cultures have no moral and must be eradicated. In contrast followers of Ishwar can meet Ishwar direct. No broker is required. Nay! Ishwar permits you to worship a god of your choice. Gita 7:21. Ishwar does not slay his followers for worshipping other gods. Religions are opium as per Marx. Thus, the rulers enslave one, usurp the belongings of the haves, and remain scot-free. No sooner, one accepts Islam, Judaism, Christianity and Socialism, these criminal activities of murder, plunder, rape of women ceased to be considered crimes, instead these crimes turn into the source of sustenance and heaven after death for the criminal Democrats, Communists, Muslims and Christians. Look! Even the believers of Allah cannot meet Allah. Jesus alone can be ruler of the world. (Bible, Luke, 19:27). Again this Jesus is broker of Jehovah. His followers can not meet Jehovah.
Secularism or Multiculturalism is bankrupt against Judaism's, Christianity's & Islam's demand for every civilization to submit. {Azaan, (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39) and (Bible, Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5 and Luke 19:27)}. The culture of tolerance collapses in the face of the sacred intolerance of dualistic ethics. Intellectuals respond by ignoring the failure.
Christians and Muslims are the first victims of Christianity and Islam. They commit crime for their Prophets, Pope, fathers, Imams, leaders and missionaries without having any inkling as to what are they doing! They kidnap women, rape them and kill innocent civilians. Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing victims' near and dear. (Koran 23:6). However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) and returned pregnant Muslim women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights.
No religion supports virgin mothers. In fact, sexual intercourse without marriage is sin and crime both even in Christianity and Islam. However, the founder of Christianity is Ghost Jesus who is son of a virgin mother named Mary. Virgin mothers are found in Christianity alone. There is news that more than 60% virgin girls of less than 13 years age get pregnant during their studies in America before marriage.
It is a common saying in many parts of Africa south of the Sahara, "The white man came to us with the Bible in one hand and found that we had land. He gave us the Bible and took the land. Now we have the Bible and he has the land. "The same idea is expressed in a story about a man and a boy. The man found the boy wearing his shirt back to front, unbuttoned, with the tail hanging down in front. Said he: "Son, I see you do not know how to use your shirt, let me show you how to wear it, " Whereupon he took the shirt, putting it on himself the right way. Then, having instructed the boy, "This is how to wear a shirt", he walked away, leaving the poor lad naked.
Christianity claims to be the most civilized community of the world. However, Christianity is religion of bastards. Jesus, himself, is bastard. You may find virgin mothers almost in every third Christian home in Europe and USA concieved either by their fathers, or step fathers, or brothers or step brothers. One, who deposes faith in Christianity, may note that one loses manhood to become sheep no sooner one accepts Jesus one's saviour. The father of Jesus named Yahweh/Jehovah is scared of wisdom in man. This is because Yahweh is Satan. A man with wisdom would understand that these acts of murder, plunder and rape are crimes and sins both and would not succumb as such the first condition of Judaism is that one must not have wisdom and must be ready to slay and rob non Jews and rape their women. Yahweh is brainchild of Moses. Moses invented Yahweh/Jehovah to enslave the humanity and steel the possessions of the humanity. In lieu of accepting servility of Moses, the followers of Yahweh/Jehovah have been granted three incentives by Moses, on behalf of imposter Jehovah, to conquer the world for the prosperity and propagation of his faith Judaism viz. (1) His followers would ravish women of their choice in front of the eyes of the men of victim women; (Bible, Isaiah 13:16), (2) would usurp the properties of victim and slay the conquered men (Bible Deut. 20:14) and (3) would demolish their worship places. (Bible Deut. 12:1-3). Moses died and left his dogmas behind towards legacy for Jews. However, Jews became victims of the dogmas invented by Moses and are still victims of their own dogmas invented by Moses and a new prophet Jesus was invented to rule upon the world of sheep, who willingly relinquished manhood in lieu of booty and sex. The quality of sheep is that it follows without applying mind. If first sheep would fall, all would fall in well. Ultimately last prophet Muhammad was born. He was illiterate. Satan Allah could not create a better messenger.
The dualism of Christianity or Islam is more deceitful and offers two choices on how to treat the unbeliever. The unbeliever can be treated nicely, in the same way a farmer treats his cattle well. So Christianity or Islam can be "nice", but in no case is the unbeliever a "brother" or a friend. In fact, a Muslim or Christian is never a friend to the unbeliever. A Muslim or Christian may be "friendly," but he is never an actual friend. And the degree to which a Muslim is actually a true friend is the degree to which he is not a Muslim or Christian, but a hypocrite.
POs of the judiciary may have their constraints, which compel them to get their infants dashed to pieces and their women ravished before their own eyes (Bible, Isaiah 13:15-16), but there is no such problem with the citizens of Bharat.
Aryavrt has revealed the information. You may decide the fate of humanity.
Islamic and Missionary politicos and clerics are purposely deceiving humanity. The truth isn’t hidden, nor it is hard to find. Media is scared, clueless, and willfully ignorant at the cost of human eradication. Good Muslims and Christians would continue to wage Jihad and Mission until we stop them by eliminating their means and motivation. Means is petro dollars and Missionary funds and motivation is Koran and Bible. (Koran 8:39) and (Bible, Luke 19:27). If we don’t retaliate, they would keep on killing Human races.
Where is the liberty promised by the Indian Constitution in its preamble?
Conspiracy of monotheism
The dogmas of Judaism, Christianity and Islam religions are conspiracies of a single man who are named prophets as a camouflage, who invented excuses to enslave one and secure hold upon the territories and properties of the humanity including making slave the people of their own faith. They died and left behind, in legacy, their dogmas to the rulers around the world. On the pretext of unity of god, these criminal prophets secure monopoly to slay those who worship other gods. Consider! Jehovah commands that he is jealous god and he alone can be worshipped. (Bible, Exodus 20:3and5) On the other hand Allah commands “Fight until persecution is no more and religion be all for Allah” (Koran 8:39). Even the Azaan of Muslims has meaning, “Allah alone can be worshipped....”
Sex and booty are baits that attract conversion to reduce one slave of prophets. Remove both from Judaism, Christianity and Islam, these faiths would vanish.
To add insult to injury they call these criminal guides religious books and to tell contrary is crime amounting to blasphemy with sanction of death penalty! If Bible and Koran are religious books and to usurp alien lands, plunder aliens, rape aliens’ women are religion one wonders what crime is. So the time is ripe to wipe out criminal religions Christianity and Islam.
Religious scam
Aryans are victims of their own Vedic culture, which opposes robbery of the subjects. It restrains State from taxing over and above 16.67% (See Manusmriti 8:308). It provides liberty of worship of any God of one’s choice. See Gita 7:21. Therefore, the eradication of Vedic culture and their followers is the basic need of the democratic system of regimen of India. Islam and Christianity support subjugation, plunder, and slaughter of Aryans, which are the basic requirements of Union of India.
Aryans do not believe in deceit. Their scriptures do not allow ambush and terrorism. Aryans did propagate their Buddhism around the world, but nowhere had they ruled upon aliens’ territories. They did not demolish worship places and idols of aliens. They did not kill male persons and infants and did not rape women of alien faith. Their scriptures did not permit such crimes. Look! What Jews, Christians and Muslims did around the world! Jesus is fraud and enemy of Christians as well as Allah is fraud and enemy of Muslims.
Vedic Panth has no compulsion in faiths, no hell fire and no death penalty. Gita 7:21. If one wishes to survive as well as protect human race, one may switch to Vedic Panth. Choice is yours. Who has seen heaven? Why should you corrupt yourself? Why should you commit crime with human races? Live and let live.
No sooner, one accepts Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Socialism, the criminal activities of murder, plunder and rape of women ceased to be considered crimes instead these crimes turn into the source of sustenance and heaven after death for these criminal democrats, Communists, Muslims, and Christians.
However, in contrast, there is Vedic Sanskriti. It grants liberty of worship of god of one’s choice. (Gita 7:21). Supports one's right to property. (Manusmriti 8:308).
Christians and Muslims do not hide their goal. In fact, Union of India wishes to eradicate Aryans. Below are the proofs:-
“Islam must rule the world and until Islam does rule the world we will continue to sacrifice our lives, “Al-Badr spokesman Mustaq Aksari, - CNN September 19, 2001 headlines today!
"If the things I'm doing is considered a crime, then let history be a witness that I am a criminal. Hostility toward America is a religious duty and we hope to be rewarded by God." Osama Bin Laden.
The definition of Muslim given by Dr Rafiq Zakaria, an authority on Islam:“A Muslim is one who declares publicly: ‘There is no God but God and Muhammad is His Prophet.’ He must also accept that Muhammad is the last of God’s prophets on this earth..... A Muslim must also accept the Quran as the word of God, immutable and unalterable; it contains guidelines which a Muslim must follow.” (Rafiq Zakaria, “The Struggle within Islam” Penguin Books, 1988, pp.302).
And these criminals are seculars! These criminals, who vivisected Bharat, still are seculars!! These criminals are demanding Kashmir, still these criminals are seculars!!! These criminals are shouting Azaan and reciting Namaaz that Allah alone can be worshipped still, these criminal Muslims are seculars!!!!
The reasons for granting incentives
Think for human races.
With the compilation of the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution, citizens of India have lost their right of life and liberty of faith vides Article 29(1) and right upon their properties vides Article 39(c) since November 26, 1949. No worship place and culture can survive. [ (Bible Deut. 12:1-3) and (Koran, Bani Israel, 17:81)]. The chastity, honour and dignity of no woman is safe. (Bible, Isaiah 13:15 and 16) (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30). The property right, provided to the citizens vides Article 31 of the Indian Constitution, which could not be snatched even by Britons and constitution committee was snatched through the first amendment of the Indian Constitution, by the dreaded parliament in collusion with corrupt extortionist judiciary of that Democracy, whose proceedings start with the extortion of Rs. five towards 'Bhent'. (Shankari Prasad Singh Deo v UOI, AIR 1951 SC 458: 1052 SCR 89;) (Hiralal J. Kania CJ and 4 other JJs. Date decided 5-10-1951). No court can sit into judgment against Bible and Koran. (AIR 1985 CALCUTTA HIGH COURT, 104).
Human races have three prevailing preconditions for their survival:
Condition No. 1:
Only those can survive, who worship Allah alone. (Azaan and Koran 21:98).
While humanity is fighting relentless war for liberty, public servants, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and most human races have no shame that they are fighting to retain their servilities of Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats. Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, rulers, clerics, dead Socialists, Communists and Democrats have snatched the very instinct for liberty from their followers. Look! Still Jews, Christians and Muslims do not feel sorry that they are getting cheated, corrupted and humiliated by their so called merciful Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, clerics and rulers. They are happily defending their servilities in lieu of booty and sex.
While the Christianity and Islam have stipulated the condition for existence of humanity of being slave of either Jesus or Allah, Aryans' Vedic culture grants liberty of faith. Its scriptures do not allow war in night, rape of women, dashing infants to pieces, ambush and terrorism. Aryans did propagate their Buddhism around the world, but nowhere had they ruled upon aliens’ territories. They did not demolish worship places and idols of aliens. They did not kill male persons and infants and did not rape women of alien faith. Their scriptures did not permit such crimes. Look! What Jews, Christians and Muslims did around the world! Jesus is fraud and enemy of Christians as well as Allah is fraud and enemy of Muslims.
Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing their near and dear. However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women and returned pregnant Muslims' women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights. Do non-Muslims have no human rights?
As per prevailing constraint, a citizen cannot register FIR against Muslims. There is bar u/s 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code. This bar, like provision of Article 29(1), appears to be intentional. This is because Democrats find Vedic culture their first enemy and wish to liquidate the same.
In fact, while insulting Vedic culture and Ishwar has legal and Constitutional support, writing in protest against abuses and insults by Muslims, attract prosecutions. One is being beaten by police and consigned in judicial custody by judiciary. Muslim clergies promulgate FATWA. Nay! Any fanatic may slay such writer.
One, who worships other gods must be slain, one's lands, properties must be looted and one's women must be raped. (Koran 8:69 and 23:6). These are divine commands. It is secularism. One, who opposes secularism, Azaan and Koran goes to jail u/s 153 or 295 of the Indian Penal Code with the sanction of either President, or Governor or District Collector u/s 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code. On the other hand under the very section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code, Governments have protected Jama Masjid's Imam Bukharis several times. I had been in lockups and jail for 42 times since 1993 for opposing Azaan, Koran and Bible. The conservation of Koran and Bible culture has to be defended by the President of India as well as all the State Governors by oath. [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution] For sustenance, power and pelf a legislature and high court and apex court judge has to depose faith and allegiance in the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution. Judiciary has condoned Muslims from action u/s 153 or 295 of the Indian Penal Code. No court can sit into judgment against Koran and Bible. (AIR 1985 CALCUTTA HIGH COURT, 104). Nay! Muslim Imams and Maulavies are getting salaries amounting to more than Rs. 1000 crores in lieu of abusing Ishwar and Vedic culture in violation of Article 27 of the Indian Constitution.
Condition No. 2:
Only those can survive, who accept Jesus their king. (Bible, Luke 19:27). This, again is divine command and secularism. One, who opposes secularism and Bible goes to jail u/s 153 or 295 of the Indian Penal Code with the sanction of either President, or Governor or District Collector u/s 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code. I had been in lockups and jail for 42 times since 1993 for opposing Azaan, Koran and Bible. Its conservation has to be defended by the President of India as well as all the State Governors by oath. [Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution], (Articles 60 and 159 of the Indian Constitution) For sustenance, power and pelf a legislature and high court and apex court judge has to depose faith and allegiance in the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution. Judiciary has condoned Christians from action u/s 153 or 295 of the Indian Penal Code. No court can sit into judgment against Bible. (AIR 1985 CALCUTTA HIGH COURT, 104). Nay! Christian Government of Mizoram got peace prize for genocide of Riangs and in lieu of hounding Riangs out of Mizoram in violation of Article 27 of the Indian Constitution.
Condition No. 3:
No citizen can have assets, capital, land, industries, gold and mines. It has been wasted into the State since November 26, 1949 vides Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution. Although UOI has opted open economy since 1992, the Constitutional stipulation prevails. Moreover, the status does not discriminate between Hindus and non Hindus.
Literally the dead socialism is excuse invented by robbers and thugs to usurp the possessions of haves.
Who would stop Pratibha and Antonia Maino from inflicting doom upon you?
Death and rape of women is hovering on your head. Who would stop Pratibha and Antonia Maino from inflicting doom?
Whether religion? Their religions give them salvation in lieu of human genocide. (Koran 8:39) and (Bible, Luke 19:27).
Whether the society? She has voted Antonia Maino to rule! Now, U.P. has yet another thief of Taj corridor voted as CM.
Whether the police? She is duty bound to protect Antonia Maino, the thief of Aamer Treasury commanded by Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king!!
Whether the judge? The judge has taken oath of faith and allegiance to uphold the Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution and law fabricated by Antonia Maino and Congress of Christians!!!
In Democracy, the President and Governors have to take oath to protect and defend the Indian Constitution and laws. The Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution stipulates that the both would help conserve the cultures of Muslims and Christians. We, Aryans, are non-believing people. Commander-in-Chief of army and President Pratibha, a puppet of Antonia has taken oath to defend the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution. She has support of cow and man-eater thief Antonia Maino, another agent of Putanaa culture and Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution. So long as the Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible survives, human race cannot survive. You are left without any forum even to complain.
The blight of human race is imminent. One has lost one's acumen. Tulsidas writes in Ram Charit Manas, Lanka Kand, 36:7-8, "Kaal Dand gahi kahu n mara. Hara`i Dharm, bal, buddhi vichara. Nikat kal jehi aavat sai`n. tehi bhram ho`i tumharihi nai'n."
Meaning: Death does not kill by a stick. It snatches Dharm, strength, intelect and acumen. He, whose death is near; is confused like you.
The above comments may horrify Communists, Democrats, Muslims and Christians. However, they cannot blame me, instead they have to blame their faiths, their Marx, their Allah, their Jehovah, their clergy and their leaders, who purposely deceived them and are still deceiving them. If they still do not relinquish their criminal and immoral faiths, they are left without any excuse. They must note that Marx, Allah and Jehovah are their own enemies. They have initiated war against humanity and even against Communists, Muslims and Christians since their inception.
Now about gullible human races
The vast preponderance of ignorant Jews, Christians and Muslims do not know their prophet or their religion. They lead a life of ignorance, despair, tyranny, and mind-numbing rituals. They are kept in the dark, purposely deceived, for the benefit of clerics and kings. There is no incentive for Muslims and Christians to learn. Even if exposed to the truth, they would not reject Islam (Koran 4:89) or Jesus (Bible, Deut. 13:6-11) for fear of their lives. The Koran and Bible themselves confirm this startling reality. Allah commanded Muslims “not to question the Koran,” for those who did, he said, “discarded their religion.” (Koran 5:101 and 102).
The verses in Koran and Bible are commands of Allah and Jehovah and are pointers. Both have to establish their kingdom in the globe. Some are telling that this war is for oil. Some are telling that USA is policing the world. But I say, this war is to eradicate Islam and establish kingdom of Jesus for his second coming to rule upon earth. I feel pity for the Muslims who are the slaves of Muhammad and again feel pity for Christians who are sheep of SATAN and GHOST JESUS as per Bible. Nay! Christians have no right of wisdom. See Bible, Genesis 2:17). These economic and religious slave Muslims are going to hell in graves since the advent of Islam. They would remain there till the Day of Judgment. Do they know who their tormentors are? The sheep and the religious and economic slaves of Jesus, who incidentally are their own cousins, are their tormentors. Do they know why? Because of their lust for booty and sex! So long as they believe in criminal Allah, they cannot survive. The reasons for their defeats are manifold. Muslims are less in population and inferior in war technology. Moreover people of their own faith are assisting their enemies. They must switch their faith into Vedic Panth. They have no choice.
Secular Allah boasts for being a terrorist (Koran 8:12) permits incest (Koran 33:37-38). Secular Allah claims that he deceives humanity, (Koran 9:3) assassinates humanity, (Koran 9:5) slays humanity, (Koran 8:17) dupes humanity, ambushes humanity, (Koran 9:3) robs humanity, (Koran 8:1) condones rape of women, (Koran 23:6) enslaves women, Children, and even his own worshippers, commits murder, (Koran 8:17) genocide, (Koran 8:39) sadistic tortures, terrorism, warmongering, (Koran 2:216; 8:65 and 67) etc. on the pretext that one does not worship Allah alone. Still Muslims claim that they are Seculars and free!
Similarly, Secular Jesus is a ghost adopted by Christian rulers to rule upon the world. In Bible, Secular Jesus himself commands his sheep, “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me.” Bible, Luke 19:27. Secular Jesus further says in Bible, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Bible, Matt 10:34). and that he has come on the earth to bring fire. (Bible, Luke 12:49). If one must be slain for worshipping false gods, why should one not be slain for worshipping butcher, (Koran 8:17) incest monger, (Koran 33:37-38) robber gods, (Koran, 8:1, 69 and 41) who instigate and support rape of alien women? (Koran 23:6).
How can one accept Jesus of Antonia Maino, the son of god, who commands Christians the slaughter of those who do not accept him his ruler (Bible, Luke 19:27)? How can one accept Allah of President Pratibha god, who murders, (Koran 8:17) plunders (Koran 8:1), distributes booty (Koran 8:41) and condones rape of women captured in war? (Koran 23:6). How can such Allah be worshipped? If property belongs to society why such society is not corrupt and usurper?
Vedic culture is Buffer
With all his might the so called supreme Allah could not supersede Muslims over Christians' population. Even in Science, technology, arms and deception, Muslims are far behind than Christians. 27 Islamic countries could not defeat small Israel. How would they protect themselves from Christians? Now Muslims are scared for the US occupation upon Iraq and Afghanistan. How would they protect their Islamic countries on the face of the commands of Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king? When Serbs usurped Muslim women, made them pregnant, they were crying and cursing Christians. How would they protect their women on the face of the command of Bible to ravish Muslim women before the eyes of Muslims? (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) The worst threat is to the women of Aryans and those dictator proletariats, who are neither Muslims nor Christians. It goes to reflect another important stupidity of Muslim and Christian women, who are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race.
Muslims may note! Vedic culture is their Buffer. They are alive because Vedic culture could not be eradicated. No sooner Vedic culture would be eradicated their Allah and Islam would be eradicated by Christians within short time.
Did Bharat get Independence?
Aryans are victims of their own Vedic culture. Aryans never stopped their fight against aliens. They opposed Jesus’ rule upon Bharat. Therefore, they are enemies of Jesus even today. (Bible, Luke 19:27). The cunning Jesus has to take revenge from the Aryans. However, Christians were too few to fight against Aryans. Mass casuality was imminent. Allah and his Islam support the slaughter of Aryans. So Islam is being exploited as tool by Jesus to slay Aryans of Bharat since 1857. Bharat never got independence. Dominion Status, [Article 6(b)(ii) of the Indian Constitution], Section 3(6) of the General Clauses Act and being member of Common Wealth are proofs. Aryans are still the slaves of British Crown. In fact Muslims have been detained to eradicate Aryans’ Vedic culture with the active support of Islam. Muslims, protected by President Pratibha and Governors u/s 196 of the CrPC and Article 29(1), have been detained to eradicate Aryans’ Vedic culture with the active support of Islam. Look! Whether an Aryan is killed or a Muslim is killed, ultimately enemy of Jesus is being killed by exploiting Islam without investment of single penny. On the pretext of non-violence, the protracted slaughter of Aryans, since 1947, prevails. As long as Muslims slay Aryans, rape their women, attack military camps and demand Kashmir their acts are Jihad. No sooner the very Muslims kill Christians, attack Pentagon, buses and trains in London, and demand USA and UK their acts become terrorism! USA and UK are ever ready to negotiate on Kashmir. Why don't they deliver USA and UK?
è Mountbatten, who was Viceroy on 14th Aug, 1947, became Governor General of India on 15th Aug, 1947. This exactly is Independence.
Bharat was vivisected in three parts. This exactly is Independence.
More than 35 lacs Hindus were massacred, their women kidnapped and raped and more than 4 crores citizens were displaced from their motherland by the so-called secular and peace loving Muslims on the commands of Allah. This exactly is Independence.
Those Muslims, who vivisected Bharat on the pretext of two nation theory and protest that they cannot reside with Hindus, were detained in Bharat. They became peace loving seculars. Albeit peace is taboo in Christianity and Islam both. (Koran 2:216) and (Bible Matt. 10:34 and Luke 12:49). Now, on the commands of Allah, they took Kashmir and are demanding Jammu. Tomorrow, they would ask whole Bharat on the commands of Allah (Koran 8:39) and no one can stop them because it is divine command supported by Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution. This exactly is Independence.
Out of the ten principles of Dharm enumerated in Manusmriti, Ahimsa is not there. Ahimsa is fraud of British agent MK Gandhi to get Aryans slain. We Aryans are sandwitched between two minority communities, who do not profess or preach Ahimsa and who are otherwise largest and second largest populations of the world. Out of them Christians are cow and man eater (Bible, John 6:53) and Muslims are cow eater by the divine orders of Jesus and Allah. How would Hindus survive? This exactly is Independence.
Christian and Muslim women are breeding their own enemies with the support of the Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution.
When Jihad becomes terrorism?
Look! As long as Muslims slay Aryans and Jews, rape their women, attack military camps and demand Kashmir and Israel their acts are Jihad. No sooner the very Muslims kill Christians, attack Pentagon, buses and trains in London, and demand USA and UK their acts become terrorism!
The Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution has been compiled by the Congress Party of Christian vultures to eradicate human race like dinosaurs. USA is taming Musharraf of Pakistan, tamed Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Husain of Iraq? USA and UK are ever ready to negotiate on Kashmir and Israel. Why don't they deliver USA and UK to their peace loving Muslims? Still if you cannot understand the conspiracy of Jesus, you are without excuse.
Liberty snatched by Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Communism/Socialism
The notorious frauds, named prophets, have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their fabricated gods unapproachable. Those who accept the faith of prophets, become the slaves of prophets as the prophets have become brokers of Jehovah and Allah! Prophets alone can meet their gods. Thus the followers of the prophets are slaves of their prophets. In lieu of providing incentives of booty and sex, the prophets get killed those who do not accept their faiths. Thus the whole world comes under the control of the prophets. However, these monopolies of prophets have put the human race at the brink of annihilation like dinosaurs.
This is because if raping women of alien faith is free from blame (Koran 23:6) for Muslims, then how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded to ravish the women of non-Christians before the eyes of the men of the victim women (Bible, Isaiah 13:16)? If those worshipping other Gods save Allah be killed is justified, (Koran 2:191) how can Muslims refute Christians, who have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king? (Bible, Luke 19:27) If snatching the belongings of other person is offence, why the democrats and P.O.s of judiciary, who snatched citizens’ fundamental right to property, (Article 31 - now stands omitted since 20-06-1979) are not dacoits? If property belongs to society, why such society is not usurper? Where is the moral in that society that is owner of the belongings of the haves? Why should we tolerate that Indian Constitution that grants unfettered fundamental right to minorities to slay and rob the people of alien faiths and rape their women? [Article 29(1)]. Governments are duty bound to protect the properties of their citizens. Where is the moral in Article 39(c) of the Indian Constitution that snatches properties of the citizens?
Humanity invented governments to protect the lands, ladies, lives, liberties and labours of the subjects? For the very purposes, every government of the day has deputed judiciary and police. Every government punishes the guilty. Notorious criminal prophets invented religions and dogmas which allow them to subjugate even their own followers. This is because Allah alone can be worshipped, Muhammad is broker of Allah (Namaaz and Koran 2:191 and 21:98) or Jealous Jehovah alone can be worshipped or religion is opium. Thus, these dogmas subjugate one and usurp the belongings of the haves (‘KORAN’, Chapter 8 (The Spoils of War) Verse 1 and 41) and rape alien women of their choice (Bible, Isaiah 13:15and16) (See Koran, 4:24; 23:6 and; 33:50 and 70:30) and remain scot-free.
However, in contrast, there is Vedic Sanskriti. It grants liberty of worship of god of one’s choice. (Gita 7:21). Supports one's right to property. (Manusmriti 8:308).
Moral values redefined
In Judaism, Christianity & Islam their followers have to relinquish their liberty, wisdom and manhood. Depose faith in Jehovah (Bible, Isaiah 13:15 and 16) ravish any alien women of your choice, plunder house of any alien, capture motherland of any alien and dash to pieces infant of any alien and depose faith in Allah rape (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30) any alien women of your choice, plunder any alien, (Koran 8:01) raid any non-Muslim land, slay any male and remain scot-free (Koran 8:39). No sooner, one accepts Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Socialism, the criminal activities of murder, plunder and rape of women ceased to be considered crimes instead these crimes turn into the source of sustenance and heaven after death for these criminal Muslims, Christians and Communists.
We, Vedic Panthies, are very clear that a society or religion without moral cannot survive. We have long cherished opinion that if wealth is gone - nothing is gone. If health is gone - half is gone. However, if character and moral is gone, every thing is gone. As told earlier, Church succeeded in ruining Vedic culture that culminated in to loss of our moral values after 1835 A.D. Earlier, in spite of repeated robbery and genocides by Muslims Bharat was still golden bird.
Jews are directly responsible for bankruptcy of morals. Jews supported Moses and hosted Muhammad. Still this day Jews are tools and vassals of GW Bush, the President of USA, the world police. Jews are reaping what their ancestors sown.
Jews have still time to salvage humanity. They must relinquish Jehovah.
Aryavrt Government has been founded to revive moral values of human race. Support Aryavrt Government and join Vedic Panth if you wish to survive with honour and dignity. Live and let live others. You have no choice.
Human race is on the verge of extinction like dinosaurs
Muslims and Jews must thank Vedic culture for their survival. With all his might, the so-called supreme Allah could not supersede Muslims over Christians' population. Even in Science, technology, arms and deception, Muslims are far behind than Christians. 27 Islamic countries could not defeat small Israel. How would they protect themselves from Christians? Now Muslims are scared for the US occupation upon Iraq and Afghanistan. How would they protect their Islamic countries on the face of the commands of Jesus to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king? Bible, Luke 19:27. When Serbs usurped Muslim women, made them pregnant, they were crying and cursing Christians. How would they protect their women on the face of the command of Bible to ravish Muslim women before the eyes of Muslims? (Bible, Isaiah 13:16) The worst threat is to the women of Aryans and those dictator proletariats, who are neither Muslims nor Christians. It goes to reflect another important stupidity of Muslim and Christian women, who are breeding their own enemies as well as enemies of human race.
To protect from exploitation humanity invented their Sardars (Folk leaders). During this era, man was owner of his land, produce and had liberty of worship. When kings came, they snatched lands from the citizens. Liberty of worship and right to property was still there. When Prophets came, they snatched lands, ladies, labours, liberties and lives of aliens. Nay! The prophets snatched liberty of worship from one and all. The notorious frauds named prophets have invented a new way of making the whole humanity their slaves irrespective of faith. These prophets have converted even their own followers, into their slaves for they have made their brainchildren gods unapproachable. There is scramble for booty around the whole world. Vedic Morals are stumbling-blocks. Moses was the first person who moralized Booty, rape of women (Bible Isaiah 13:15-16) and subjugation of aliens through his religion Judaism and his domestic servant Jehovah on the pretext of worshipping alien gods. (Bible Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5). Jesus, a pirate, improved the booty further. He moralized eating flesh of the son of man and drinking his blood (Bible John 6:53) and slaughter of one who does not accept Jesus his ruler. (Bible, Luke, 19:27). Muhammad, an other pirate, made Allah the owner of booty, (Koran 8:01) killer of non-Muslims, (Koran 8:17) rapist of women (Koran 4:24; 23:6; 33:50 and 70:30) and owner of the world. (Koran 2:255). Still Jesus and Muhammad provided limited right of booty to their followers. Property is power. Remaining in the hands of citizens, property prevents their subjugation and servitude. Therefore, Carl Marx invested property into the immoral, corrupt and usurper society. Democracy is blend of all above to eradicate Vedic culture and enslave one.
Know Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi
Human races are moving corpses and living in paradise of fools. I feel guilty when I see that the sacrifices of Ram Prasad Bismil, Bhagat Singh, Subhash, Chandra Shekhar Azad could not materialize. When the financial racketeer Pratibha and cow and man-eater thief of Aamer Fort treasury Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi had to rule upon us, what was bad with Victoria or Elizabeth? What for our ancestors shed their bloods since 1857? Liberty, guaranteed in US and Indian Constitution, is being denied openly.
Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi is planted by Christianity to slay those, who do not accept Jesus their king. (Bible, Luke 19:27). Antonia Maino has support of the Article 29(1) of the Indian Constitution. Antonia Maino has immunity under Section 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi is thief of Aamer Fort treasury.
Antonia Maino is thief of Aamer Fort treasury robbed by Indira and Sanjay Gandhi during emergency. The Aamer Fort booty has taken three lives of Sanjay, Indira and Rajiv Gandhis. George W Bush knows and is black-mailing Antonia Maino. The black-mailing has culminated in Atomic treaty. Now, India cannot have atomic weapons, while China as well as Pakistan would keep on having atomic weapons and right of atomic tests. Can Antonia Maino, who is said to have sacrificed her posts for nation, now, return the booty to Bharat?
The Aamer Fort Treasury belongs to the people of Bharat. This is because it was robbed by the army chief of Mogul king Akbar named Man Singh from the kings of Bharat after defeating them. It was concealed in Fort Vaults before the robbery of Sanjay and Indira. Even Britons could not touch the Treasury. Aryavrt Government seeks support of media and people of Bharat to repatriate the booty. Without arrest of Antonia Maino, it would not be possible. People are suggested to support Aryavrt Government, if they wish to survive with dignity. Media must bring the truth before people in her own interest.
The Aamer Fort booty has taken three lives of Sanjay, Indira and Rajiv Gandhis. Even Antonia Maino won't survive. Even Antonia Maino won't survive. Once Antonia Maino and her family members are removed, the treasury would become property of the bank, where it is deposited. It would be a great loss for the nation. The treasury is worth of trillions of trillion Dollars.
Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi is Catholic Christian
Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi is Catholic Christian. Even her son, daughter and son in law are Catholic Christians. Those people of India, who have voted both Antonia Maino and Rahul to send them into Parliament, are enemies of humanity. They have put their own lives, their own culture, their own mother land, their own infants, their own women and their own properties in jeopardy. Of course Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi and Rahul would thank their voters for making them MPs by raping their women in front of their own eyes on the divine command of Jehovah the father of ghost and bastard Jesus. (Bible, Isaiah 13:16). Antonia Maino and Rahul have been commanded by Jesus to slay those who do not accept Jesus their king. (Bible, Luke 19:27). Antonia Maino is residing in Bharat to baptize, bring fire and division among the families of the entire globe. (Bible-Luke/ Chapter 12 / Verse 49-53).
Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi is Jesuit
Jesuit Sonia has promised as under,
I (Antonia Maino alias Sonia Gandhi) furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.
Leaders, reformers, saints, Media, Islamic and Missionary politicos and clerics are purposely deceiving humanity. The truth is not hidden, nor is it hard to find. Media is scared, clueless, and willfully ignorant at the cost of human eradication. Good Muslims and Christians would continue to wage Jihad and Mission until we stop them by eliminating their means and motivation. Means is petro dollars and Missionary funds and motivation is Koran and Bible. (Koran 8:39) and (Bible, Luke 19:27). If we do not retaliate, they would keep on killing Human races.
The dreaded democracy of Bharat could not produce a single President/PM for this country and nation is constrained to import cow and man-eater super PM Antonia Maino, her refugee PM puppet Manmohan and Financial racketeer Pratibha! Both Pratibha and Antonia Maino have been commanded by Allah and Jesus to slay us. Why should Aryans tolerate such Democracy?
Has humanity no shame for being ruled by dreaded criminals supported by the Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible? Media has no right to conceal the true face of Antonia Maino and Pratibha and their dreaded guides Koran and Bible aided and abetted by the dreaded Indian Constitution.
Christians and Muslims are the first victims of Christianity and Islam. They commit crime for their Prophets, Pope, fathers, Imams, leaders and missionaries without having any inkling as to what are they doing! They invade other countries. They kidnap women, rape them, kill innocent civilians. Muslim historians proudly tell us as to how many women were sold in Baghdad market and how many women were raped by Muhammad, after robbing and killing their near and dear. However, no sooner Serbs raped Muslim women and returned pregnant Muslims women to Muslims and when Israel killed civilians in Lebanon, Muslims cried for violation of human rights.
How U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar behaved and is behaving?
Thievery of U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar
U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar got interpolated revenue records of the land of martyr Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil through Collector Hariom of Gorakhpur and sold the land of martyr Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil in Rs. 33 crores. The dispute for share in the booty is still lingering between TV Rajeshwar Governor and Mulla Aayam Ex. CM UP. When the Governor TV Rajeshwar did not spare even the man due to whom he is Governor and Mulayam was CM UP, how would he spare the citizens of Gorakhpur?
Accordingly, in the similar fashion usurpation of my land Old Khasra No. 886 area 1.68 acres, situated in Village Turkamanpur, Tappa Qasba, Pargana Haveli, Tahsil Sadar, District Gorakhpur, U.P. is in continuation by U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar with the connivance of the Chief Justice Hemant Laxman Gokhale and Collector Ranjit Singh Pankaj.
That after the attached report/order dated 28-07-1989 by the Joint Registrar confirming interpolation (Annexure-1) and Hon'ble Shri R.S. Dhavan J. dated 9-8-1989 (Annexure-2) and 10-08-1989 (Annexure-3) of the Allahabad High Court, no one opposed those orders. Therefore the orders operate as res-judicata vide Sec. 11 of the CPC. The land belongs to me. In violation of the above orders the Administrator Nagar Nigam Onkar Nath and Jal Nigam Executive Engineer P.P. Mishra illegally raised constructions upon my above said land. Water tank and Tube-well are now complete and are in operation.
That judiciary has turned into the den of pettifoggers, cheats and grafters. However, one has no forum to complain against a judge. When a judge can issue warrants against the apex court Chief Justice and President of India and remain scot free, where is justice in democracy? The Chief Minister Ms. Mayavati is not taking action against her criminal officers.
That I had met with HE Shri Vishnu Kant Shastri on 5-3-04. Even he did not help me.
That when my above writ petition was fraudulently dismissed by BL Yadav J on 8.8.88, I approached the then CJ Amitabh Chatterjee on 29-08-88. He was so perturbed that he got himself transferred to CAT and never attended Allahabad high court thereafter. However even that character and moral is not in Hemant Laxman Gokhale the CJ.
That I am victim of judicial crime against me since the inception of suit viz. 10-2-88. I had stay on the land since 12-2-88 and has stay even this day since 4-3-2004. However district judge, Ld. Shri Jagat Prakash, under whose court a contempt no. 62/2004 is pending, no action was taken against erring officers.
Gorakhpur case exposes U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar Pratibha and Antonia
In Gorakhpur District and city, on 26th January, 2007 Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari was arrested for opposing minority Muslim eve teasers by dreaded criminal U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar. May it be noted that minority Muslims' secular culture is rape of non Muslim women (Koran 23:6). Muslims have unfettered fundamental right to conserve their Islamic culture of rape of non Muslim women, eradication of non-Islamic faiths by fighting, murder and genocide (Koran 8:39). TV Rajeshwar has taken oath aforesaid to get his own women raped by minority Muslims.
To conserve their unfettered fundamental right of the dreaded predator and pirate Indian Constitution, vide Article 29(1), Muslims dragged and stabbed Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari from the U.P. Governor T.V. RAJESHWAR's Jeep, who was in police custody and in physical presence of the Police of U.P. GOVERNOR T.V. RAJESHWAR's. Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari succumbed to his injury. To defend the Indian Constitution, U.P. GOVERNOR T.V. RAJESHWAR's Police took in forcible possession, the corpse of Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari after post mortem of Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari. U.P. GOVERNOR T.V. RAJESHWAR's Police sprinkled petrol on the corpse of Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari and was burning the corpse. All the acts were committed in the colour of office. These were not crimes! As such no Muslim or police was arrested.
M.P. Yogi Aditya Nath and other Hindus opposed the Constitutional acts of U.P. GOVERNOR T.V. RAJESHWAR, who was defending the Indian Constitution. U.P. GOVERNOR T.V. RAJESHWAR's Police escaped from the scene. Body of Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari was returned to the family of Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari for performing last rights of Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari. This was a crime of interfering in the official duties of U.P. Governor T.V. Rajeshwar. We citizens of India cannot lodge FIR against the dreaded criminal GOVERNOR T.V. RAJESHWAR for want of sanction u/s 197. The independent Indian Judiciary cannot take cognizance of the crime committed by GOVERNOR T.V. RAJESHWAR and his subordinate SSP, DIG and Collector.
Since, in the leadership of M.P. Yogi Aditya Nath, Hindus prevented U.P. GOVERNOR T.V. RAJESHWAR in defending the Indian Constitution, curfew was slapped for 19 days in Gorakhpur and other adjoining cities like Padrauna etc. for some time.
No Muslim, who committed offence, is arrested for the murder of Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari till to date. No action was taken against the police of U.P. GOVERNOR T.V. RAJESHWAR, in whose presence; Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari was dragged out of jeep and stabbed. No action was taken against the police, who took forcible possession of the corpse of Martyr Raj Kumar Agrahari after post mortem. Even the apex court and the National Human Rights Commission, which took case of Zahira suo motu, did not take Martyr Agrahari's case even on my request.
However, to defend the Indian Constitution and help Muslims conserve their culture more than five thousand Hindus were persecuted in the entire eastern U.P. by U.P. GOVERNOR T.V. RAJESHWAR. NSA and Goonda Act have been slapped against Hindus alone under constitutional obligation imposed upon U.P. GOVERNOR T.V. RAJESHWAR.
Since India is under the rule of two dreaded agents of criminal Islam named President Pratibha and criminal Christianity named super PM Antonia Maino, who have been commanded by Allah to slay Hindus, because Hindus do not worship Allah alone (Koran, 2:191) and by Jesus, because Hindus do not accept Jesus their king. (Bible, Luke 19:27), Hindus of India are not safe in present regime.
I feel pity for the Hindu officers, who have no shame that they are serving notorious criminals and are ever ready to commit suicide for their sustenance. I suggest them not to fall prey to democracy. They must resign from their posts if they have least moral. They may join Aryavrt and serve the humanity. Note! Aryavrt is fighting war against immoral usurper cultures. Our Bharat had several warriors, social reformers, saints and even kings. None of them fought against the root cause of human miseries viz. Christianity, Islam, Socialism, and Democracy. These cultures are invented to rob and enslave one and all. These cultures must go else human race won't survive.
When Hindus are enemies of Hindus, who would protect the Hindus? Aryavrt alone can protect Hindus. Hindus! Help Aryavrt eradicate Islam and Christianity else get ready for eradication of Vedic culture and elimination of Bharat from world map.
So long as the Indian Constitution, Koran and Bible survives, human race cannot survive.
Look! The Muslims, who stabbed Agrahari and the 4 police men in front of whom Agrahri was dragged from the Jeep of TV Rajeshwar and stabbed could not be arrested yet. However, DM Goel air dashed along with SSP Bhagat to torture those, who were opposing tyrant U.P. Government of Mulla Aayam and TV Rajeshwar. Therefore, Pratibha and Antonia must resign on moral ground.
Aryavrt Government has been founded by H.H. 1008 Shri Parashuram Swamy to revive moral values of human race and salvage human race and pray United Nations Organization to support our cause.
The present democratic government may kindly be declared tyrant and illegal.
Those Hindu officers, who do not wish to relinquish their posts, may still help Aryavrt from the back door, else they won't survive. Aryavrt Government alone can protect humanity.
Note! Aryavrt is fighting war against immoral usurper and lethal cultures. Our Bharat had several warriors, social reformers, saints and even kings. None of them fought against the root cause of human miseries viz. Christianity, Islam, Socialism, and Democracy. These cultures are invented to rob and enslave one and all. These cultures must go else human race won't survive.
Shiv Ashrey Tiwari and others ..........Petitioners
Ist . Addl. District Judge, Gorakhpur and others....Respdts.
Hon. Ravi S. Dhavan,J.
In compliance of your Lordship's order, I checked annexure No. RA-5 and RA-6 on the record of writ Petition No. 9672/88 Sheo Asrey Tewari & anothers Vs. I Addl. District Judge & another in respect of plot no. 927 of village Turkamanpur Tappa Kasba Pargana Haveli Sadar Gorkhpur of the year 1323 fasli and 1295 fasli and found that conversation of the land from bigha to acres is correct.
In Khasra of village Turkmanpur(Collector's record) of 1322 fasli, there are two sets of plots, against Plot no. 927, one set consists of sub -plot no,881, 882, 883 and 888. Another set consists of sub plot no. 875-876-877 and 878. In column no. 3 total area is written to be. 7.32 acre. But in Fard Mutabiqat (Comparative table) of 1322 fasli(Lekhpsl's record) of village Turkmanpur plot no. 927 consists of sub-plots 881, 882,883,884,885, 875, 876, 877, 878 and 886. Thus, there addition of plot nos. 884 ,885 after plot no. 888 and 886 after plot no. 878 in Lekhpal's record and both the records do not tally.
Against the original entry of plot no. 878, figure '8'was added on left side to make it read as '887'. Thereafter figure '8' on the left side of original figure was cut. This gives impression that it can be read as 878 and 887 both. At page 99, there are cutting but no official has signed on such cutting.
As directed by your Lordship, Urdu, Hindi and English transliteration of the relevant records has been done, which is attached herewith for your Lordship's kind perusal.
Submitted for kind perusal and order.
Joint Registrar (C)
Joint Registrar (C)
Sd. Illegible 3.9.90
AKS/- DuRay 03/9/90 SEAL
Hon: Ravi S. Dhavan
The petitioner No. 2 in person, Mr. G.L. Tripathi Standing Counsel on behalf of state of U.P. Mr. S. Mandyan, Advocate for Respondent No. 4, holding the brief of Mr. B.D. Mandhyan, Advocate, Mr. K.B. Mathur, Advocate otherwise standing counsel, U.P. for Respondent No. 5.
The petitioner No. 2 in person, Mr. G.L. Tripathi Standing Counsel on behalf of state of U.P. Mr. S. Mandyan, Advocate for Respondent No. 4, holding the brief of Mr. B.D. Mandhyan, Advocate, Mr. K.B. Mathur, Advocate otherwise standing counsel, U.P. for Respondent No. 5.
The petitioner No. 2 has filed an affidavit with eleven annexures, which with the exception of one refer to the land records, otherwise in the possession of the district administration i.e. the State. A copy of this affidavit has already been delivered to counsel for the parties.
All the Respondents have jointly and unanimously prayed and requested the court that the matter be adjourned for today as they feel that the matter needs to be discussed with the Collector and District Magistrate, Gorakhpur. The reason for short adjournment was explained by learned counsel aforesaid. Regard being had to the record as of date, including certified copies of land records filed today, a short adjournment over the week-end was desired to obtain instructions. It was further contended that in consultation with the Collector/ District Magistrate party Respondents would seek instructions to suggest a proposal if another tract of land contiguous to that in the possession of petitioner, as of date, can be made available, subject to such orders as may be passed by this court, so that the interest of all parties can be protected. The request for adjournment, to let the Collector and District Magistrate consider the matter is not unreasonable. The matter is thus adjourned to be listed on August 18, 1989, as August 15 and 17 are public holidays.
After the aforesaid order was passed and at the rising of the court, Mr. B.D. Mandhyan, Advocate entered appearance to insist that the matter be taken up as unlisted tomorrow. The Court requested learned counsel to be briefed by his colleagues in this case on the proceedings as are on record, during his absence, as the request for adjournment may ultimately see a solution and end litigation. Learned counsel insisted that the District Magistrate Gorakhpur has nothing to do with the matter and that he must have his say.
As the matter cannot proceed beyond court hours in any case, place as unlisted tomorrow so that Mr. B.D. Mandhyan, Advocate, may have his say on whatever he contends. Let the record be before the court.
Sd. Ravi S. Dhavan, J.
Ayodhya Prasad Tripathi, (Press Secretary)
Aryavrt Government
77 Khera Khurd,
Delhi - 110 082
Phone: (+91) 9868324025
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